Yiminaspis Explained

Yiminaspis is an extinct monospecific genus of primitive arthrodire placoderm fish from Emsian-aged marine strata in Yunnan, China. The type species Yiminaspis shenme was named and described in 2008, and is known from a flattened partial skull and portions of the thoracic armor.


The genus name translates as "Yi People's shield", deriving from the Chinese name (an ethnic group in China, Vietnam, and Thailand) and the Greek word aspis ("a type of round shield"). The specific name is from Chinese, as in "what is it?" reference to the peculiar anatomy of this prehistoric fish.[1]


Yiminaspis belongs to the family Wuttagoonaspidae, and is closely related to Wuttagoonaspis. It is one of the more basal members of the order Arthrodira, as shown in the cladogram below:

Notes and References

  1. Dupret. Vincent. A New Wuttagoonaspid (Placodermi, Arthrodira) from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan (South China): Origin, Dispersal, and Paleobiogeographic Significance. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Mar 12, 2008. 28. 12–20. 10.1671/0272-4634(2008)28[12:anwpaf]2.0.co;2.