Emperor Xingzong of Liao explained

Emperor Xingzong of Liao
Birth Date:3 April 1016
Burial Place:Yongxing Mausoleum (永興陵, in present-day Bairin Right Banner, Inner Mongolia)
Full Name:Family name: Yēlǜ (耶律)
Khitan given name: Zhīgǔ (只骨)
Sinicised given name: Zōngzhēn (宗真)
Spouse:Xiao Dali
Father:Emperor Shengzong
Mother:Xiao Noujin
Era Dates:Jingfu (景福): 1031–1032
Chongxi(重熙): 1032–1055
Succession:Emperor of the Liao dynasty
Reign:25 June 1031 – 28 August 1055
Predecessor:Emperor Shengzong
Successor:Emperor Daozong
Birth Name:Zhigu (Khitan name)
Yelü Zongzhen (sinicised name)
Posthumous Name:Emperor Shensheng Xiaozhang
Temple Name:Xingzong (興宗)

Emperor Xingzong of Liao (3 April 1016 – 28 August 1055), personal name Zhigu, sinicised name Yelü Zongzhen, was the seventh emperor of the Khitan-led Liao dynasty of China.


Yelü Zongzhen was the eldest son of Emperor Shengzong. He was born to a court lady named Xiao Noujin (蕭耨斤) but was raised by the Empress Xiao Pusage (蕭菩薩哥), the niece of Zongzhen's grandmother Xiao Yanyan. He was enfeoffed as a prince in 1021 at the age of six. When Emperor Shengzong died in 1031, Yelü Zongzhen succeeded his father as emperor. His mother Xiao Noujin became consort dowager and his adopted mother Xiao Pusage became Empress Dowager.

After receiving this title, Xiao Noujin became arrogant and gave herself the new title of Empress Dowager despite being a former concubine. She was longtime rivals with Xiao Pusage, and spied on Xiao Pusage several times when Zongzhen was a prince. Xiao Noujin tried persuading her son to get rid of Xiao Pusage, but he refused to comply since Xiao Pusage had no children and raised him as a child. When the Emperor was occupied with a hunting trip, Xiao Noujin sent assassins to murder Xiao Pusage.[1]

The Emperor's reign was controlled by his mother Xiao Noujin. She was very ambitious and didn't want her power at court to be diminished. Although she promised Emperor Jingzong to be content with her title of Consort Dowager, she issued a false edict stating that she was an Empress Dowager. She had plans for her younger son Zhongyuan to replace Zongzhen on the throne. Yelu Zhongyuan told his brother, and Xiao Noujin was sent away from the palace. After the Emperor's death, Xiao Noujin reportedly told her daughter-in-law Empress Xiao Dali not to mourn.


The Sinified form of his personal name is usually given as the reason (via the Chinese naming taboo) for the variant forms of the Chinese name of the Jurchens around this time. More likely, however, the variants—which are also attested in other languages of the era lacking such a taboo—simply reflect dialectal differences among the Jurchens themselves.

Emperor Xingzong's reign was the beginning of the end for the Liao dynasty. The government was corrupt and the army started to fall apart. He attacked the Western Xia dynasty many times, and waged war against the Northern Song dynasty. However, the frequent wars were not looked kindly upon by his people, and there were much anger among them for the high taxes. Although Emperor Xingzong was successful in bullying Song into raising the annual indemnities, he was unsuccessful in his invasion of Western Xia due to sandstorms. Emperor Xingzong was interested in Buddhism and spent lavishly for his own pleasure. He died in 1055 and was succeeded by his son Emperor Daozong.


Consort and issue(s):

Notes and References

  1. (兴宗闻之曰:“皇后侍先帝四十年,抚育眇躬,当为太后;今不果,反罪之,可乎?”钦哀曰:“此人若在,恐为後患。”帝曰:“皇后无子而老,虽在,无能为也。”钦哀不从,迁后於上京。车驾春蒐,钦哀虑帝怀鞠育恩,驰遣人加害。) Liao Shi, vol.71. "Qinai" was Xiao Noujin's posthumous name.
  2. initially the Empress (皇后) but later demoted to Noble Consort (貴妃) due to a sin; No issue.
  3. died early