Yarmaq was name for Khazar Khaganate currency. The term for silver coin was sheleg (it might have direct connection to the term sheqel). The currency was mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years as tribute money for Vyatichi and other Khazar subjects orv|щеляг|schelyag. Shelegs were probably minted in Kabir (Moxel, client state of Khazar Kaghanate) since approximately 5th c AD. The term for the gold coin might be oka, as they were minted in the same place and called oka (mdf|ока|oka|gold)[1]
The term meant mdf|ярмак|yarmak|money since at least early Middle Ages, no other meanings had been attested.
Ar- or yar- evolved from the verb "to cut longitudinally, to split", Turkish verb is also co-originating with the Old Turkic word ır- or yır- which means the same. The name is similar to Mongolian language word "yaarmag" meaning "market," especially outdoor ones that sell wide variety of goods.