Yaogan Explained

Country: People's Republic of China
Firstflight:26 April 2006
Native Name A:遥感卫星
Native Name R:Yáogǎn Wèixīng

Yaogan is the cover name used by the People's Republic of China to refer to its military reconnaissance satellites.[1] [2] Yaogan satellites are largely known to primarily support the People's Liberation Army's Strategic Support Force (PLASSF), formerly the Aerospace Reconnaissance Bureau of the Second Department of the General Staff.[3] [4] [5] The Yaogan program is the successor to the Fanhui Shi Weixing (FSW) recoverable reconnaissance satellite program but, unlike its predecessor, includes a variety of classes utilizing various means of remote sensing such as optical reconnaissance, synthetic-aperture radar (SAR), and electronic intelligence (ELINT) for maritime surveillance. Yaogan satellites have been launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC) in Shanxi province, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (JSLC) in Inner Mongolia, Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in Sichuan province and the Wenchang Space Launch Site (WSLS) in Hainan province.[6]

Although individual Yaogan satellites are often referred to by their number (e.g. Yaogan-18), Chinese military reconnaissance satellites are typically categorized by their military Jianbing designation. Jianbing translates to "point soldier", "vanguard", or "pioneer" and entered use in satellite designations with China's first series of reconnaissance satellites, FSW-0, as the Jianbing-1 series. The first Yaogan satellite, Yaogan 1, is one of three Jianbing-5 (JB-5) series satellites following the final FSW-3 satellites of the Jianbing-4 (JB-4) series. Because Jianbing designations are secret and only Yaogan numbers are officially used, the Jianbing designations for later classes still remains unknown to the public.


Synthetic-aperture radar

Chinese synthetic-aperture radar (SAR,) sensor development began in the late 1970s under the Electronic Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) resulting in the testing of the first airborne X-band mono-polarization SAR collection in 1981. By 1994, CAS had introduced its first operational, real-time airborne SAR system to monitor flooding and transmit collected data to ground stations.[7] Preliminary research and development of China's first-generation, space-based SAR system began sometime in the 1980s with development beginning in full in 1991. High-resolution, space-based SAR collection has been ambitiously pursued by the PLA for its potential contributions to all-weather targeting of naval forces in the Taiwan Strait.

Jianbing-5 series satellites (abbreviated "JB-5") are China's first space-based SAR satellites and the first satellites in the Yaogan program. The development and production of the Jianbing-5 series of satellites have been entirely funded by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) as the ability to penetrate the seemingly constant cloud cover present in the southern provinces of Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guandgong, and Hainan challenges traditional optical collection in those regions.[8] The PLA also believes that in a potential war SAR collection capabilities will be vital to information dominance by mapping terrain, identifying targets through cloud cover, rain, fog, and dust, and potentially monitoring enemy submarines in shallow waters or targets in subterranean facilities. In May 1995, the finalized designs were approved and development began in earnest with the approval of the State Science & Technology Committee (SSTC) and Commission for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND). The CAS Institute of Electronics built the SAR instruments onboard Jianbing-5 satellites, the craft itself designed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) which also develops the Long March 4B launch vehicle. Other developers involved in the project are the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST or 5th Space Academy) 501st and 504th Institutes, the China Electronics Technology Group's (CETC) Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (known also as the 14th Institute), the Southwest Institute of Electronic Equipment (SWIEE or 29th Institute), and the Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA). SAST is also the developer of the Feng Yun series of weather satellites.

Jianbing-5 satellites are built by SAST and launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC) and provide military analysts synthetic-radar imagery purportedly at a spatial resolution as sharp as 5 meters over the L-band (1–2 GHz).[9] JB-5 satellites have been confirmed to have an electronic motor-powered solar panel which can be expanded and contracted by the ground control station. Jianbing-5 class satellites have a reported mass of 2,700 kilograms, orbital inclination of approximately 97° in Sun-synchronous orbit, and with two operational satellites enjoys a twice daily revisit rate at a 45° viewing angle.[10] Between April 2006 and August 2010, China launched three Jianbing-5 SAR satellites, the last two of which remain in operation from TSLC. Yaogan 1, launched in April 2006, reportedly broke up around 4 February 2010 almost four years after its launch. Due to the small number of pieces and low orbital speeds, the breakup was likely due to an internal explosion, not a high-speed collision.[11]

Yaogan 29, launched in November 2015 into a similar orbit, appears to be the modernized successor to the Jianbing-5 series of SAR satellites.

The Jianbing-7 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-7", are Chinese military radar reconnaissance satellites built by SAST with an orbital period of 97 minutes and a side-looking radar system designed by the CAS's Institute of Electronics. As of July 2022, China has launched four Jianbing-7 radar satellites with the first launched in April 2009 and the latest in November 2014 with a mass of 1,200 kilograms (2,600 pounds) from TSLC.[12] The third satellite of the Jianbing-7 class, launched in October 2013, had its orbit lowered from April to July 2020 and consequently underwent an uncontrolled decay reentering the atmosphere in 2021.[13]

Although the Jianbing designation is still unknown for latest class of SAR reconnaissance satellites, China has launched three satellites of a modernized successor class to the Jianbing-5 and Jianbing-7 classes of SAR reconnaissance satellites. This class uses the same orbit as the Jianbing-5 class but likely has a different design according to published illustrations.[14] The second satellite of this class, Yaogan 33, failed to reach orbit in May 2019. Its likely replacement, Yaogan 33R, was launched a year and a half later but used different launch site (Jiuquan instead of Taiyuan) and into a higher orbit (682 km × 686 km).


The Jianbing-6 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-6", provides the Chinese military optical imaging capabilities to complement the Jianbing-5 class's SAR reconnaissance capabilities.[15] It has been reported that satellites of the Jianbing-6 class have a resolution of 0.8 meters. Jianbing-6 satellites were developed by CAST based on the CAST2000 satellites bus originally developed by the China SpaceSat Company Ltd. Jianbing-6 satellites image the Earth with a spatial resolution of approximately 1.5 meters and transmit them via X-band receiving telemetry, tracking, and command signals over the S-band. As of July 2022, China individually launched six Yaogan satellites of the Jianbing-6 class into low Earth orbit (LEO) with the first satellite launched in May 2006 and the latest in May 2016. The Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities signed a US$140 million deal with China Great Wall Industries Co. Ltd. to launch the Venezuelan Remote-Sensing Satellite 1 (VRSS-1) in May 2011 marking China's first export of a reconnaissance satellite. VRSS-1 was based on the design of Jianbing-6 satellites and was launched on 29 September 2012 from JSLC.

The Jianbing-9 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-9" provides the Chinese military with optical imaging capabilities, likely as a successor to the Jianbing-6 class, thought it does orbit at a much higher altitude at 1,200 km indicating that satellites of this class are lower-resolution mapping and area surveillance satellites.[16] [17] The optical payload of Yaogan satellites in the Jianbing-9 class was developed by the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics.[18] China has launched five individual Yaogan satellites of the Jianbing-9 class with the first launched in December 2009 and the latest in August 2015 from TSLC.

The Jianbing-10 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-10" provides the Chinese military with optical imaging capabilities.[19] Believed to also be based on the CAST2000 satellite bus, like those of the Jianbing-6 class, three Jianbing-10-class satellites built by CAST and carrying an optical imaging system from the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics have been individually launched with the first launched in December 2008 and the reported last of the class in September 2014 from TSLC.[20]

The Jianbing-11 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-11" provides the Chinese military with optical imaging capabilities.[21] As of May 2022, China has launched two individually launched Yaogan satellites of the Jianbing-11 class with the first launched in May 2012 and the latest in November 2015.

The Jianbing-12 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-12", are military optical reconnaissance satellites.[22]

Electronic intelligence

In response to Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui's visit to the United States in 1995, the PRC initiated the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis conducting high-profile missile tests, amphibious landing drills, and troop staging in Fujian Province, across the strait from the island of Taiwan.[23] The United States government responded to the PRC's escalation by deploying the largest American show of force since the Vietnam War including sending two American carrier battle groups which effectively forced the PRC to deescalate.[24] [25] [26] [27] Since then, the PLA has committed to design and field advanced anti-ship missile systems including the Dong Feng 21 and has deployed nearly sixty maritime surveillance satellites using electronic intelligence (ELINT) to locate, identify, and track adversarial vessels to support targeting.[28] [29]

The Jianbing-8 class of Yaogan satellites, with military designations beginning with "JB-8", consist of one primary satellite and two sub-satellites launched in triplets. These satellites reportedly perform an ocean or naval surveillance mission similar to those of the United States' Naval Ocean Surveillance System (NOSS or PARCAE) despite the Chinese state-media's insistence they were designed to "conduct electromagnetic environmental monitoring and related technology tests".[30] The triplet groups likely fly in a loose formation to locate radio emitters using the difference in time of arrival of radio signals at the different satellites. Jianbing-8 satellites are based on the CAST2000 satellites bus and have a mass of 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and an orbital period of 107.10 minutes in LEO.[31] [32] As of May 2022, there have been nine launches of Jianbing-8 triplets (twenty-seven total satellites) from JSLC with the first triplet launching in March 2010 and the latest in March 2021.

The CX-5 or Chuangxin-5 class of satellites, the only known Yaogan satellites to have been launched at Xichang SLC, are still largely shrouded in secrecy and their purpose is only speculated to be ELINT by nature of their triplet launches, similar to satellites of the Jianbing-8 class.


LaunchFunctionOrbitOrbital ApsisInclinationSCNCOSPARIDContractorLauncherLaunch site Status
Yaogan 1JB-5-126 April 2006SARSSO635 km × 637 km97.9°29092SASTLong March 4B-IITSLC
Yaogan 2JB-6-125 May 2007EOSSO639 km × 663 km97.9°31490CASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 3JB-5-211 November 2007SARSSO635 km × 637 km97.8°32289SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 4JB-6-21 December 2008EOSSO642 km × 660 km97.9°33446CASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 5JB-10-115 December 2008EOSSO494 km × 501 km97.3°33456CASTLong March 4B
Yaogan 6JB-7-122 April 2009SARSSO518 km × 519 km97.6°34839SASTLong March 2C
Yaogan 7JB-6-39 December 2009EOSSO630 km × 666 km97.8°36110CASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 8JB-9-115 December 2009EOSSO1200 km × 1212 km100.5°36121SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 9AJB-8-1A5 March 2010 ELINTLEO781.2 km × 1412.8 km63.4°36413CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 9BJB-8-1BLEO781.2 km × 1412.6 km63.4°36414
Yaogan 9CJB-8-1CLEO780.6 km × 1413.2 km63.4°36415
Yaogan 10JB-5-39 August 2010SARSSO629 km × 627 km97.8°36834SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 11JB-6-422 September 2010EOSSO670 km × 625 km98.0°37165CASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 12JB-10-29 November 2011EOSSO479 km × 495 km97.3°37875CASTLong March 4BTSLC
Yaogan 13JB-7-229 November 2011SARSSO502 km × 504 km97.4°37941SASTLong March 2CTSLC
Yaogan 14JB-11-110 May 2012EOSSO471 km × 474 km97.3°38257CASTLong March 4BTSLC
Yaogan 15JB-9-229 May 2012EOSSO1198 km × 1204 km100.2°38354SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 16AJB-8-2A25 November 2012ELINTLEO855.0 km × 1338.9 Km63.4°39011CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 16BJB-8-2BLEO855.1 km × 1338.9 km63.4°39012
Yaogan 16CJB-8-2CLEO855.1 km × 1338.9 km63.4°39013
Yaogan 17AJB-8-3A1 September 2013ELINTLEO867.2 km × 1326.8 km63.4°39239SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 17BJB-8-3BLEO867.3 km × 1326.9 km63.4°39240
Yaogan 17CJB-8-3CLEO866.6 km × 63.4 km63.4°39241
Yaogan 18JB-7-329 October 2013SARSSO509 km × 514 km97.5°39363SASTLong March 2CTSLC
Yaogan 19JB-9-320 November 2013EOSSO1119 km × 1204 km100.4°39410SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 20AJB-8-4A9 August 2014ELINTLEO893.5 km × 1300.5 km63.4°40109CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 20BJB-8-4BLEO893.5 km × 1300.5 km63.4°40110
Yaogan 20CJB-8-4CLEO893.4 km × 1300.6 km63.4°40111
Yaogan 21JB-10-38 September 2014EOSSO481 km × 492 km97.4°40143CASTLong March 4BTSLC
Yaogan 22JB-9-420 October 2014EOSSO1198 km × 1207 km100.3°40275SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 23JB-7-414 November 2014SARSSO511 km × 513 km97.3°40305SASTLong March 2CTSLC
Yaogan 24JB 6-520 November 2014EOSSO629 km × 654 km97.9°40310CASTLong March 2D
Yaogan 25AJB-8-5A10 December 2014ELINTLEO912.0 km × 1282.0 km63.4°40338CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 25BJB-8-5BLEO912.0 km × 1282.0 km63.4°40339
Yaogan 25CJB-8-5CLEO912.0 km × 1282.1 km63.4°40340
Yaogan 26JB-12-127 December 2014EOSSO482 km × 488 km97.4°40362CASTLong March 4BTSLC
Yaogan 27JB-9-527 August 2015EOSSO1201 km × 1214 km100.4°40878SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 28JB-11-28 November 2015EOSSO476 km × 490 km97.3°41026 CASTLong March 4BTSLC
Yaogan 29JB-?-126 November 2015SARSSO635 km × 636 km97.9°41038SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 30JB-6-615 May 2016EOSSO634 km × 664 km98.0°41473CASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 30-1ACX-529 September 2017ELINTLEO600.9 km × 603.7 km35.0°42945IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-1BCX-5LEO599.8 km × 604.8 km35.0°42946
Yaogan 30-1CCX-5LEO598.0 km × 606.4 km35.0°42947
Yaogan 30-2ACX-524 November 2017ELINTLEO600.3 km × 604.2 km35.0°43028IAMCASLong March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 30-2BCX-5LEO598.9 km × 605.6 km35.0°43029
Yaogan 30-2CCX-5LEO599.8 km × 604.9 km35.0°43030
Yaogan 30-3ACX-525 December 2017ELINTLEO599.4 km × 605.1 km35.0°43081IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-3BCX-5LEO598.2 km × 606.0 km35.0°43082
Yaogan 30-3CCX-5LEO598.6 km × 605.9 km35.0°43083
Yaogan 30-4ACX-525 January 2018ELINTLEO597.7 km × 606.9 km35.0°43170IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-4BCX-5LEO600.3 km × 604.3 km35.0°43171
Yaogan 30-4CCX-5LEO600.3 km × 604.3 km35.0°43172
Yaogan 31AJB-8 6A10 April 2018ELINTLEO980.4 km × 1213.5 km63.4°43275CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 31BJB-8 6BLEO980.4 km × 1213.5 km63.4°43276
Yaogan 31CJB-8 6CLEO980.4 km × 1213.5 km63.4°43277
Yaogan 32AUnknown9 October 2018EOSSO700.2 km × 702.3 km98.1°43642CASTLong March 2C/YZ-1SJSLC
Yaogan 32BUnknownSSO700.3 km × 702.1 km98.1°43643
Yaogan 33JB-?-222 May 2019SAR(Launch Failure)SASTLong March 4CTSLC
Yaogan 30-5ACX-525 July 2019ELINTLEO598.7 km × 606.0 km35.0°44449IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-5BCX-5LEO595.8 km × 608.7 km35.0°44450
Yaogan 30-5CCX-5LEO601.5 km × 603.1 km35.0°44451
Yaogan 30-6ACX-524 March 2020ELINTLEO598.7 km × 605.7 km35.0°45460IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-6BCX-5LEO600.0 km × 604.635.0°45461
Yaogan 30-6CCX-5LEO601.0 km × 603.5 km35.0°45462
Yaogan 30-7ACX-526 October 2020ELINTLEO602.0 km × 602.6 km35.0°46807IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-7BCX-5LEO600.2 km × 604.3 km35.0°46808
Yaogan 30-7CCX-5LEO597.9 km × 606.6 km35.0°46809
Yaogan 33RJB-?-327 December 2020SARSSO683 km × 686 km98.3°47302SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 31DJB-8 6D29 January 2021ELINTLEO1054.6 km × 1139.3 km63.4°47532CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 31EJB-8 6ELEO1054.4 km × 1139.6 km63.4°47533
Yaogan 31FJB-8 6FLEO1058.4 km × 1142.6 km63.4°47536
Yaogan 31GJB-8 6G24 February 2021ELINTLEO1053.9 km × 1140.1 km63.4°47691CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 31HJB-8 6HLEO1063.3 km63.4°47692
Yaogan 31JJB-8 6JLEO1053.7 km × 1140.2 km63.4°47695
Yaogan 31KJB-8 6K13 March 2021ELINTLEO1063.2 km × 1140.9 km63.4°47855CASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 31LJB-8 6LLEO1063.2 km × 1140.9 km63.4°47855
Yaogan 31MJB-8 6MLEO1055.5 km × 1138.4 km63.4°47857
Yaogan 34Unknown30 April 2021EOLEO1083 km × 1105 km63.4°48340SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 30-8ACX-56 May 2021ELINTLEO599.1 km × 605.5 km35.0°48423IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-8BCX-5LEO598.9 km × 605.7 km35.0°48424
Yaogan 30-8CCX-5LEO600.8 km × 603.8 km35.0°48425
Yaogan 30-9ACX-518 June 2021ELINTLEO598.9 km × 605.6 km35.0°48860IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-9BCX-5LEO599.0 km × 605.5 km35.0°48861
Yaogan 30-9CCX-5LEO598.6 km × 605.9 km35.0°48863
Yaogan 30-10ACX-519 July 2021ELINTLEO598.7 km × 606.0 km35.0°49026IAMCASLong March 2CXSLC
Yaogan 30-10BCX-5LEO591.8 km × 604.1 km35.0°49027
Yaogan 30-10CCX-5LEO601.7 km × 603.0 km35.0°49028
Yaogan 32-2AUnknown3 November 2021SIGINTSSO700.6 km × 702.8 km98.1°49383UnknownLong March 2C/YZ-1SJSLC
Yaogan 32-2BUnknownSSO700.8 km × 702.7 km98.1°49384
Yaogan 35AUnknown6 November 2021UnknownLEO501.2 km × 506.4 km35.0°49390CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 35BUnknownLEO499.8 km × 507.8 km35.0°49391
Yaogan 35CUnknownLEO459.3 km × 463.5 km35.0°49392
Yaogan 34-2Unknown17 March 2022EOLEO1083 km × 1105 km63.38°52084SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 35 02-AUnknown23 June 2022ELINTLEO499 km × 508 km35.0°52907CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 35 02-BUnknownLEO498 km × 509 km35.0°52908
Yaogan 35 02-CUnknownLEO496 km × 506 km35.0°52909
Yaogan 35 03-AUnknown29 July 2022ELINTLEO499 km × 508.6 km35.0°53316CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 35 03-BUnknownLEO496.6 km × 511.2 km35.0°53317
Yaogan 35 03-CUnknownLEO497.5 km × 510.4 km35.0°53318
Yaogan 35 04-AUnknown19 August 2022ELINTLEO491 km × 502 km35.0°53522CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 35 04-BUnknownLEO490 km × 502 km35.0°53523
Yaogan 35 04-CUnknownLEO488 km × 500 km35.0°53524
Yaogan 33-02Unknown2 September 2022SARSSO688 km × 680 km 98.18°53698SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 35 05-AUnknown6 September 2022 ELINTLEO502 km × 491 km35.0°53760CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 35 05-BUnknownLEO501 km × 488 km35.0°53761
Yaogan 35 05-CUnknownLEO501 km × 489 km35.0°53762
Yaogan 36AUnknown26 September 2022 UnknownLEO499 km × 486 km35.0°53943CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 36BUnknownLEO499 km × 488 km35.0°53946
Yaogan 36CUnknownLEO498 km × 485 km35.0°53947
Yaogan 36 02-AUnknown14 October 2022 ELINTLEO499 km × 487 km35.0°54042CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 36 02-BUnknownLEO498 km × 486 km35.0°54043
Yaogan 36 02-CUnknownLEO498 km × 485 km35.0°54044
Yaogan 34-3Unknown15 November 2022 UnknownLEO1,080.2 km × 1,103.6 km63.4°54249SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 36 03-AUnknown27 November 2022 ELINTLEO501.3 km 511.2 km35.0°54372CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 36 03-BUnknownLEO493.6 km × 505.5 km35.0°54373
Yaogan 36 03-CUnknownLEO500.9 km 509.7 km35.0°54374
Yaogan 36 04-AUnknown14 December 2022 ELINTLEO500.3 km × 511.2 km35.0°54746CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 36 04-BUnknownLEO495.8 km × 507.0 km35.0°54747
Yaogan 36 04-CUnknownLEO502.2 km × 510.3 km35.0°54748
Yaogan 37Unknown13 January 2023UnknownLEO518.6 km × 526.3 km43.2°55244SASTLong March 2DJSLC
Yaogan 34-4Unknown31 March 2023 UnknownLEO1088.4 km × 105.3 km63.4°56157SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 36 05-AUnknown26 July 2023 ELINTLEO508.7 km × 498.6 km35.0°57452CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 36 05-BUnknownLEO508.2 km × 498.0 km35.0°57454
Yaogan 36 05-CUnknownLEO507.2 km × 495.0 km35.0°57456
Yaogan 39-01AUnknown31 August 2023 ELINTLEO496.4km×510.3km35.0 °57727CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 39-01BUnknownLEO496.5km×508.8km35.0 °57728
Yaogan 39-01CUnknownLEO491.2km×512.4km35.0 °57731
Yaogan 33-03Unknown6 September 2023SARSSO703.2km×701.9km98.2°57797SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 40-01AUnknown10 September 2023UnknownLEO803.1km×818.1km86.0°57830CASTLong March 6ATSLC
Yaogan 40-01BUnknownLEO801.9km×821.2km86.0°57832
Yaogan 40-01CUnknownLEO774.9km×813.2km86.0°57833
Yaogan 39-02AUnknown17 September 2023ELINTLEO500km×491km35.0°57886CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 39-02BUnknownLEO497km×485km35.0°57887
Yaogan 39-02CUnknownLEO496km×483km35.0°57888
Yaogan 33-04Unknown26 September 2023SARSSO695.6km×692.3km98.1°57958SASTLong March 4CJSLC
Yaogan 39-03AUnknown5 October 2023ELINTLEO501km×491km35.0°57986CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 39-03BUnknownLEO502km×489km35.0°57987
Yaogan 39-03CUnknownLEO501km×490km35.0°57988
Yaogan 39-04AUnknown23 October 2023ELINTLEO502km×491km35.0°58141CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 39-04BUnknownLEO502km×489km35.0°58143
Yaogan 39-04CUnknownLEO501km×489km35.0°58145
Yaogan 39-05AUnknown10 December 2023ELINTLEO502km×491km35.0°58557CAST
Long March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 39-05BUnknownLEO500km×489km35.0°58558
Yaogan 39-05CUnknownLEO501km×489km35.0°58559
Yaogan 41Unknown15 December 2023EOGSO35839 km × 35732 km4.97°58582CASTLong March 5WSLS
Yaogan 42-01Unknown2 April 2024UnknownLEO502km×491km35.0°59395SASTLong March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 42-02Unknown20 April 2024UnknownLEO502km×490km35.0°59557SASTLong March 2DXSLC
Yaogan 43-01AUnknown16 August 2024UnknownLEO500km×493km35.0°60459CASTLong March 4BXSLC
Yaogan 43-01BUnknownLEO501km×492km35.01°60460
Yaogan 43-01CUnknownLEO500km×494km35.01°60461
Table data sourced from previously cited references, Web site: CalSky. calsky.com. CalSky. 2016-11-09. and Web site: Real Time Satellite Tracking. n2yo.com. N2YO. 2016-11-09. Web site: Yaogan 30-01, ..., 30-07 (CX 5). Gunter's Space Page. 2020-05-30. 2020-10-14.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Clark . Stephen . 29 January 2021 . China launches military spy satellite trio into orbit . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20221023185527/https://spaceflightnow.com/2021/01/29/china-launches-military-spy-satellite-trio-into-orbit/ . 23 October 2022 . Spaceflight Now.
  2. 1379969927378051075. planet4589. The Jianbing-7 03 radar satellite, cover name Yaogan 18, reentered at 0035 UTC Apr 7 over the South Atlantic. It was launched in Oct 2013, operated until Feb 2019, and had its orbit lowered from Apr-Jul 2020; it underwent uncontrolled decay since 2020 Jul 7.. Jonathan McDowell. 7 April 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20220703072008/https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1379969927378051075. 3 July 2022. live.
  3. Costello . John . McReynolds . Joe . October 2018 . China's Strategic Support Force: A Force for a New Era . live . China Strategic Perspectives . 13 . 20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220621120346/https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/stratperspective/china/china-perspectives_13.pdf . 21 June 2022 . National Defense University.
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