Yanukovych (surname) explained

Meaning:"son of John"
Variant:Bevan, Giannitelli, Giannopoulos, Hovannesian, Hovannesyan, Hovhannisian, Hovhannisyan, I'Anson, Ioannidis, Ioannou, Ivanenko, Ivanić, Ivanov, Ivanović, Ivanovich, Ivanovski, Janavičius, Jānsons, Janowicz, JansenI, Jansons/Jansone, Janssen, Jensen, Johansson, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jonavičius, Jonson, Jonsson, Johnsson, Jones, Jovanović, Mac Eoin, MacIain, Mac Seáin, McKeown, McKeon, McLachlan

Yanukovych (be|Януковіч) is a Belarusian[1] surname and a patronymic of Yan ("John"). Notable people with the surname include:

Notes and References

  1. Бiрыла, М. В. (1966). Беларуская антрапанiмiя. Уласныя iмёны, iмёны-мянушкi, iмёны па бацьку, прозвiшчы. Мінск: Навука i тэхнiка. с. 85–86.