Yanhamu Explained

Yanhamu, also Yenhamu, and Enhamu, was an Egyptian commissioner of the 1350-1335 BC Amarna letters correspondence.


Amarna Archive

Yanhamu is referenced in 16 of the 60 - letter "Rib-Hadda of Gubla"-(Byblos) sub-corpus, and also 12 additional letters.

Milkilu's EA 270, "Extortion"

Letter no. 4 of 5 to Pharaoh, from "Milkilu of Gazru"-(modern Gezer):

Milkilu's EA 271, "The Power of the 'Apiru"

Milkilu letter no. 5 of 5 to Pharaoh:

Referenced Amarna letters to Yanhamu

The largest sub-corpus of Amarna letters is from the Rib-Haddi corpus: namely "Rib-Hadda of Gubla"-(Byblos). 16 of Rib-Haddi's letters reference Yanhamu, (EA for 'el Amarna').Letters EA 82-132(16)
the Rib-Hadda/Byblos letters-(w/out-EA 98)

Other letters:

See also
