Yami Baito Explained

is a term used for recruitments of civilians for criminal activities in Japan, often promising high pay for an easy job. The recruitments take place in Social media and Employment websites. The Japanese police has warned that people recruited through these methods are forced to provide personal information and are often "disposed after use", and are rarely actually paid.


Recruitment messages for Yami Baito are usually found in social media platforms such as Twitter and Employment websites, promising claims such as high pay, and easy job.[1] [2] The Japanese police warns that these claims are false, and criminal organizations, or Yakuza[3] use people recruited via these methods as disposable pawns.[4] People who are being recruited are usually asked for personal information, such as Identity documents, which are later used for threats of harm when the recruited person refused to cooperate.[5]

People recruited via these methods are usually young or under the age of 18.[6] In 2023, 991 out of 2373 arrested for fraud were recruited from social media, and 763 out of 2373 were recruited by people they know.[7]

Types of illegal jobs in Yami Baito includes drug trafficking,[8] robbery (or driving for robbers),[9] Fraud, and SIM swap scam.[10]

Criminal cases and prevention

From May 2022 to January 2023, a series of robberies, later named as Luffy robberies occurred using people recruited via social media, with several injured victims and a 90 year old woman killed during one of the robberies.[11]

A series of over 15 robberies, occurred in the Kantō region with 40 recruited people arrested from August 2024, continuing as of November 2024.[12]

A joint investigation headquarters was formed between Chiba, Kanagawa, and Saitama prefectural police forces in October 18, 2024 to prevent the series of Yami Baito robberies in the region.[13]

In October 22, 2024, Shigeru Ishiba expressed willingness to include costs for anti Yami Baito recruitments in the 2025 budget.[14]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2023-03-16 . 闇バイト、インディード・エンゲージ・ジモティーなど大手サイトに求人広告 . 2024-11-13 . 読売新聞オンライン . ja.
  2. Web site: 2021-07-26 . 高校生も手を染める「日給10万円」闇バイトの実態 . 2024-11-13 . 東洋経済オンライン . ja.
  3. Web site: 日本放送協会 . 2024-11-12 . 闇バイト募集取りまとめか 暴力団幹部逮捕で事務所を捜索 福岡 NHK . 2024-11-14 . NHKニュース.
  4. Web site: 「闇バイト」は犯罪実行者の募集です|警察庁Webサイト . 2024-11-13 . 警察庁 . ja.
  5. Web site: SNSで募集、個人情報を送らせて脅迫→捨て駒に 「闇バイト」勧誘の手口、警察庁が公開 . 2024-11-13 . ITmedia NEWS . ja.
  6. Web site: 2024-11-05 . 闇バイト強盗、実行役は「使い捨て」…報酬得たものほとんどおらず . 2024-11-13 . 読売新聞オンライン . ja.
  7. Web site: 令和6年版警察白書 第一部 特集・トピック 匿名・流動型犯罪グループに対する警察の取組 . November 13, 2024 . ja.
  8. Web site: 2023-02-28 . 危険ドラッグ密輸容疑、リーダー格逮捕 「闇バイト」で荷受け役募る 毎日新聞 . 2024-11-13 . web.archive.org.
  9. Web site: 2023-06-13 . 「闇バイト」でポケモンカード1500枚窃盗か、35歳男を逮捕…報酬は受け取れず . 2024-11-13 . 読売新聞オンライン . ja.
  10. Web site: 2021-09-09 . 高額な報酬で誘う闇バイトにご注意!うっかり応募してしまうと……?【サイバー護身術】 . 2024-11-13 . インターネット接続 . ja.
  11. Web site: 2023-01-26 . 「真相、なんなんだろうと困惑」 狛江市の強盗殺人事件、遺族が心境:朝日新聞デジタル . 2024-11-13 . 朝日新聞デジタル . ja.
  12. Web site: 日本放送協会 . 2024-11-05 . 首都圏強盗事件 5日までに40人逮捕も「指示役」逮捕至らず NHK . 2024-11-13 . NHKニュース.
  13. Web site: 日本放送協会 . 1都3県の警察が合同捜査本部設置 “日本警察の総力挙げて”|NHK 首都圏のニュース . 2024-11-13 . NHK NEWS WEB.
  14. Web site: 日本放送協会 . 2024-10-22 . 石破首相 闇バイト対策を今年度の補正予算案に盛り込む考え NHK . 2024-11-13 . NHKニュース.