Yakutsk Oblast Explained

Common Name:Yakutsk Oblast
Today:Sakha Republic
Year Start:1805
Year End:1920
Conventional Long Name:Yakutsk Oblast
Stat Pop1:269,880[1]
S1:Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist RepublicYakut ASSR
Government Type:Oblast
Stat Year1:1897
P1:Irkutsk Governorate
Image Map2:Map of Yakutsk Oblast, 1913.gif
Image Map Caption:Yakutsk Oblast within the Russian Empire
Era:19th century
Stat Area2:3,489,689
Nation:Russian Empire (1805–1917), Russian Republic, and RSFSR (1918–1920)

Yakutsk Oblast is a historical oblast (province) within the Russian Empire and the RSFSR (until 1920). It corresponds with the modern day Sakha Republic. The administrative center was Yakutsk.


The region was located between 54° and 73° N latitude and 103° and 171° E longitude. It was bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean and to the west by the Yeniseysk Governorate.

In the southwest, Yakutsk Oblast bordered the Irkutsk Governorate; in the south, the Amur Oblast; in the southeast, the Primorskaya Oblast; and in the east, the Kamchatka Oblast. The area of Yakutsk Oblast, according to the calculations of Ivan Strelbitsky, was 3,489,689 square versts (about 368 million dessiatinas).

In terms of area, Yakutsk Oblast accounted for one-third of all Siberia and two-thirds of European Russia; it was the most extensive of all the oblasts and governorates of the Russian Empire. Despite several scientific expeditions, it remained sparsely explored.


After the founding of Yakutsk in 1632, the need arose to administratively assign the remote territories of Yakutia to the Russian state. In 1638, the Yakutsk uezd was formed.

In 1775, the Yakutsk uezd was transformed into the Yakutsk Province, and in 1784, it became the Yakutsk Region of the Irkutsk Governorate.

In 1805, the Yakutsk Oblast was separated from the Irkutsk Governorate.

According to the 'Institution for the Administration of the Siberian Provinces,' approved in 1822, the Yakutsk Oblast was divided into five uezds: Verkhoyansk, Vilyuisky, Olekminsky, Srednekolymsky, and Yakutsky.

On 31 October 1857, the Uda District was transferred from the Yakutsk Oblast to the Primorskaya Oblast.

On 20 April 1920, by decision of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee (Sibrevkom), the Yakutsk Oblast was annexed to the Irkutsk Governorate as a special region. On 21 August 1920, Sibrevkom restored the administrative independence of Yakutia as a province.[2] [3] On 27 April 1922, the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed as part of the RSFSR, which included the Yakutsk Oblast but excluded the region of Lower Tunguska (which became part of the Kirensky uezd of the Irkutsk Governorate), the Khatanga-Anabar uezd of the Yeniseysk Governorate, the Olekminsk-Suntar volost of the Kirensky uezd of the Irkutsk Governorate, and all islands in the Arctic Ocean located between meridians 84° and 140½° east longitude. Currently, most of this territory composes the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


The coat of arms of the Yakutsk Oblast, created based on a reworking of the city coat of arms of Yakutsk, was approved by Emperor Alexander II on 5 July 1878: 'In a silver shield, a black eagle holding a scarlet sable in its claws. The shield is decorated with the Ancient Royal Crown and surrounded by golden oak leaves connected by the Alexander Ribbon.'


In 1900, the population of the Yakutsk Oblast was 262,703 (134,134 men and 128,569 women). This included 21,045 Russians, along with a small number of representatives from other nationalities (Russian subjects), 224,110 Yakuts, 17,539 other traditional local nationalities, and 9 foreigners.

There were 96 women per 100 men in the Yakutsk Oblast. The disproportion was particularly pronounced among the military class: in the regular army and among Cossacks, there were 33 women per 100 men; among exiles, there were 40 women per 100 men.

There were 256,737 Orthodox Christians, 193 Catholics, 2 Armenian-Apostolic, 23 Protestants, 1,731 schismatics and sectarians (including 1,240 Old Believers), 510 Jews, 1,896 Muslims, and 1,610 adherents of traditional beliefs.

National composition

The composition of the population of the Yakutsk Oblast was predominantly Yakuts (91.5%), followed by Russians (7.5%), and representatives of other nationalities (1%).

The most numerous people in the oblast were the Yakuts. The Russians who lived on the Olenka, Yana, Aldan, Indigirka, and Kolyma rivers almost isolated themselves, partly forgot their language, and changed their way of life. Their appearance changed due to marriages with local residents, and their proficiency in the Russian language was quite low.

In 1900, the Yakutsk Oblast was freed from the placement of exiles, except for those convicted of crimes against religion and the state. Prior to the enactment of this law, up to 200 repeat offenders were sentenced annually.

The Skoptsy brought considerable benefit to the local population and the entire region, developing agricultural knowledge in it.

The Doukhobors settled 20 versts from the village of Amginskoye on the Magon (Magan) tract near Yakutsk and formed two villages.

Unlike the Yakuts, other local residents such as Tungus (Evenks), Evens, Yukaghirs, and Chuvans belong to Mongolic tribes. In 1889, a widespread smallpox outbreak exterminated all the Koryaks and a significant number of Chuvans and Yukaghirs.

Composition of Yakutsk Oblast in 1897:[4]

UezdYakutsRussiansTungusic-Manchurian peoplesYukaghirChukchiTatar
Entire oblast82.1%11.3%4.3%


Administrative divisions

At the beginning of the 20th century, the oblast included five uezds:

Uezd (Okrugs)CenterCoat of armsArea, Verst²Population (1897)
1VerkhoyanskVerkhoyansk (354 people)947,08514,259
2VilyuyskyVilyuysk (611 people)883,40267,942
3KolymaSredne-Kolymsk (538 people)604,7567,885
4OlyokminskyOlyokminsk (1,144 people)330,15936,227
5YakutskYakutsk (6,535 people)719,287143,567
The districts were divided into police stations, the districts into volosts and rural communities, and the foreign areas into uluses with naslegs and settlements. In total, there were twelve police stations in the region, eight Russian volosts and one foreign volost, with 169 populated areas (including 99 foreign and 12 inhabited by exiled eunuchs), 15 Yakut uluses with 251 naslegs (villages), and 36 clans of other foreigners.

Yakutsk and four districts were officially considered cities: Olekminsk, Viluysk, Verkhoyansk, and Srednekolymsk.

Administrative divisions on 1 March 1921

1. Verkhoyansk district (Verkhoyansk city):

2. Vilyuysky district (city of Vilyuysk):

3. Kamchatka district:

4. Kolyma district (city of Sredne-Kolymsk):

5. Olekminsky district (Olyokminsk city):

6. Okhotsk district:

7. Yakutsk county (city of Yakutsk):

Governors (civil governors, governors of the Yakutsk Oblast)

Full nameTitle and rankTerm
Konstantin Nikiforovich GrigorievState councilor
Nikolai Fyodorovich SkryabinState councilor, cavalier, manager (civil governor) of the Yakutsk Oblast
Julius Ivanovich StubendorfState councilor
Nikolai Fyodorovich SkryabinState councilor, cavalier, manager (civil governor) of the Yakutsk Oblast (repeatedly)
Apollon Davydovich LokhvitskyState councilor
State councilor
Viktor Pavlovich De WitteColonel, (approved with the title of major general 2 August 1874)
Georgy Fedorovich ChernyaevColonel, (promoted to major general on 27 January 1877)
Konstantin Nikolaevich SvetlitskyColonel, (promoted to major general 30 August 1887
Vladimir Zakharovich KolenkoState councilor
Vladimir Nikolaevich SkripitsynState councilor
State councilor
Ivan Ivanovich KraftState councilor
Rudolf Evaldovich WitteState councilor

Lieutenant Governors

Full naaemTitle and rankTerm
Vasily Lvovich PriklonskyPrivy Councilor
Pavel Vasilievich IlyinState councilor
Pavel Petrovich OstashkinCourt councilor (College councilor)
State councillor
State councilor
Alexander Konstantinovich MillerState councilor
Nikolai Nikolaevich ChaplinCollegiate advisor
State councilor
Alexander Alexandrovich VashchenkoState councilor
State councilor
Alexander Petrovich NaryshkinState councilor


External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Первая всеобщая перепись населения Российской Империи 1897 г.. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304215202/http://demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus_gub_97.php?reg=80. 2016-03-04. 2009-12-05.
  2. Book: Департамент по архивному делу Республики Саха . 2014 . Часть II . Якутск . 580 . Часть II .
  3. Book: 1961 . Академия наук СССР . Часть 2. Книга 1 . Якутск . 50 .
  4. Web site: 2013-12-03 . Демоскоп Weekly — Приложение. Справочник статистических показателей . https://web.archive.org/web/20131203011407/http://demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/emp_lan_97_uezd.php?reg=763 . 2013-12-03 . 2024-07-15 .