Xu Jing (Three Kingdoms) Explained

Xu Jing
Native Name:許靖
Office:Minister over the Masses (司徒)
Chancellor:Zhuge Liang
Office1:Grand Tutor (太傅)
Monarch1:Liu Bei
Office2:Chief Clerk to the General of the Left
Monarch2:Emperor Xian of Han
Office3:Administrator of Shu Commandery
Monarch3:Emperor Xian of Han
Office4:Administrator of Guanghan (廣漢太守)
Monarch4:Emperor Xian of Han
Office5:Administrator of Ba Commandery
Monarch5:Emperor Xian of Han
Birth Date:Unknown
Birth Place:Pingyu County, Henan
Death Date:222[1]
Death Place:Chengdu, Sichuan
Children:Xu Qin (许钦)[2]
Blank1:Courtesy name
Data1:Wenxiu (文休)

Xu Jing (late 140s[3] - September or October 222), courtesy name Wenxiu, was a Chinese politician of the state of Shu Han in the early Three Kingdoms period of China. After Liu Zhang announced his submission to Liu Bei, Xu Jing swore his allegiance to Liu Bei. Like his cousin Xu Shao, Xu Jing was famous for being a good character evaluator. However, the cousins could not get along with each other. Before falling out with each other, they would give comments on certain persons or topics on the first day of every month.[4]

After Liu Bei was declared himself emperor and established the Shu Han state on 15 May 221, he appointed Xu Jing as Minister over the Masses, an office ranking just below Imperial Chancellor (held by Zhuge Liang).[5] Xu Jing died in September or October 222, after holding office for about 16 months. The office of Minister of the Masses wasn't filled after Xu's death.

As Xu Jing's elder brother[6] once served under Chen Ji, Xu Jing was on good terms with Yuan Huan, Hua Xin and Wang Lang. After Cao Cao was made Duke of Wei in 213, Hua Xin, Wang Lang and Chen Qun (Chen Ji's son) served as important officials of Wei. Despite their different allegiances, the three frequently exchanged warm letters with Xu Jing, reminiscing about the past.[7]

Chen Zhi was a maternal grandson of an elder brother of Xu Jing. As Chen was orphaned at a young age, he was raised by Xu Jing.[8]

See also


Notes and References

  1. [Liu Bei]
  2. Xu Qin died before his father. (子钦,先靖夭没。) Sanguozhi vol.38
  3. Xu Jing's biography in Sanguozhi recorded that he lived to his 70s. (靖虽年逾七十,...) Sanguozhi vol.38. Thus, his birth year should be in the late 140s or early 150s. Xu Jing's and Xu Shao's biographies in Sanguozhi also recorded that Xu Jing was older than Xu Shao. Since Xu Shao was born in 150, Xu Jing's birth year should be in the late 140s.
  4. ([许邵]又與從兄靖不睦...。初,劭與靖俱有高名,好共覈論郷黨人物,每月輒更其品題,故汝南俗有「月旦評」焉。) Houhanshu vol. 68
  5. ([魏文帝二年]夏,四月,丙午,汉中王即皇帝位于武担之南,大赦,改元章武。以诸葛亮为丞相,许靖为司徒。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.69
  6. It is unknown if this elder brother was the same one as Chen Zhi's maternal grandfather.
  7. (始靖兄事颍川陈纪,与陈郡袁涣、平原华歆、东海王朗等亲善,歆、朗及纪子群,魏初为公辅大臣,咸与靖书,申陈旧好,情义款至....) Sanguozhi vol.38
  8. ([陳]祗字奉宗,汝南人,許靖兄之外孫也。少孤,長於靖家。) Sanguozhi, vol.39