Xiashu railway station explained

Xiashu railway station is a railway station of Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway located in Jiangsu, People's Republic of China.[1] [2] As of June 2016, there's no construction plans to start.

Currently it's a station of Beijing-Shanghai railway with no passenger services.


32.1724°N 119.1632°W

Notes and References

  1. http://js.xinhuanet.com/xin_wen_zhong_xin/2008-03/18/content_12723395.htm 沪宁城际铁路今年将正式动工
  2. http://www.iyaxin.com/news/content/2008-06/28/content_198248.htm 沪宁城际铁路7月1日开工