Xiangshan Global Studios Explained

Xiangshan Global Studios is a film and television studio in Xinqiao Town of Xiangshan County, Zhejiang, China.[1] The 784000m2 studio was established in 2003 and opened to the public in 2005. It was rated an AAAA-level tourist site by the China National Tourism Administration on November 7, 2012.[2]


In May 2003, to shoot the wuxia television series The Return of the Condor Heroes, Zhang Jizhong invested in the construction of the Condor Heroes Town.[3]

In 2009, the Town of Spring-autumn and Warring States Period was added to the area.[4]

In June 2012, the Town of Republic of China was carried out.[5]

In 2017, the Town of Tang dynasty was completed.[4]

Notable films and TV series

Films and TV series made at the studio include:


Title Chinese Title Notes
Sacrifice Chinese: 赵氏孤儿
The Last Supper Chinese: 王的盛宴
The Four Chinese: 四大名捕
Chinese: 钟馗伏魔:雪妖魔灵
The Warriors Gate Chinese: 勇士之门
Air Strike Chinese: 大轰炸
CJ7 Chinese: 长江7号
Panda Heroes Chinese: 熊猫大侠
The Lion Roars 2 Chinese: 河东狮吼II


Title Chinese Title Notes
Nirvana in Fire Chinese: 琅琊榜
Eternal Love Chinese: 三生三世十里桃花
The Legend of Mi Yue Chinese: 芈月传
The Return of the Condor Heroes Chinese: 神雕侠侣
Go Princess Go Chinese: 太子妃升职记
Chinese Paladin 3 Chinese: 仙剑奇侠传三
Sound of the Desert Chinese: 风中奇缘
Chinese: 轩辕剑之天之痕
Prince of Lan Ling Chinese: 兰陵王
Singing All Along Chinese: 秀丽江山之长歌行
Ming dynasty in 1566 Chinese: 大明王朝1566嘉靖与海瑞
The Legend of the Condor Heroes Chinese: 射雕英雄传
The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils Chinese: 天龙八部
Ghost Dragon of Cold Mountain Chinese: 寒山潜龙
Journey to the West Chinese: 西游记
The Young Warriors Chinese: 少年杨家将
The Bride with White Hair Chinese: 新白发魔女传
The Legend of Qin Chinese: 秦时明月

Notes and References

  1. News: http://n.cztv.com/news/12074536.html . zh:浙江象山影视城,原来这些影视剧都是在这里拍的 . cztv.com . 2016-05-31 . zh.
  2. News: http://news.163.com/12/1108/06/8FP2L6V000014AED.html?f=jsearch . zh:象山影视城成为4A景区 . 163.com . 2012-11-08 . zh.
  3. News: Qu Yinghua . http://ent.163.com/ent_2003/editor/030813/030813_185181.html . zh:张纪中拍《神雕》八千万修建神雕城 . 163.com . 2003-08-13 . zh.
  4. News: http://zjnews.china.com.cn/yuanchuan/2018-01-14/138915.html . zh:崛起中的象山影视城:摄影棚拥有量全国第一 拍摄剧组数量全国第二 . china.com.cn . 2018-01-15 . zh.
  5. News: http://sports.163.com/12/0608/09/83FF0I600005227R.html . zh:象山斥资1.8亿开建民国城 . 163.com . 2012-06-08 . zh.