Wuhan Metropolitan Area intercity railway explained

Wuhan Metropolitan Area intercity railway
Locale:Wuhan and surrounding area
Transit Type:Higher-speed rail
Began Operation:2013
El: overhead lines
Operator:China Railway Wuhan Group

Wuhan Metropolitan Area intercity railway or Wuhan Metropolitan Area intercity railway system is a network of higher-speed commuter railways in and around Wuhan, the capital of the Chinese province Hubei. The first line of the system opened at the end of 2013, two more in mid-2014, one in 2016.

System composition

The network will include the following lines:

Preliminary plans exist for the construction of more lines (to Tianmen and Qianjiang) as well.


In a report released during the Spring Festival travel season of 2015, the total ridership of the 3 lines of the Wuhan Metropolitan Area intercity railway was estimated at 25,000 a day; that was described as twice the daily amount outside of the peak travel season.[8]

Notes and References

  1. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2013-12/28/content_2556519.htm 武汉城市圈首条城际铁路客运专线武咸铁路开通
  2. See the detailed system map at http://bbs.cnhubei.com/thread-1538025-1-1.html
  3. http://news.huochepiao.com/2013-12/2013121818384782.htm 武(汉)黄(石)城际铁路或于明年元月中旬通车
  4. http://news.huochepiao.com/2013-12/2013121314374553.htm 武冈城际铁路黄冈站站房封顶
  5. http://news.huochepiao.com/2013-12/2013122415072514.htm 武汉至咸宁城际铁路本月28日将正式开通运营
  6. (Chinese) 图文:武石武冈城际铁路昨日通车 楚天都市报讯 2014-06-19
  7. http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2016-12/01/content_5141485.htm 武汉城市圈第4条城际铁路正式开通 空铁交通实现无缝对接
  8. http://news.china.com.cn/zhuanti/2015cy/2015-02/26/content_34893269.htm 武咸、武石、武冈3条城际铁路日均发送2.5万人次