World Youth Day 2019 Explained

World Youth Day 2019
Type:Youth festival
Theme:I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word. (Lk 1:38)
Organisers:Catholic Church
Participants:Pope Francis
Blank Label:Previous
Blank Data:2016 Krakow
Blank1 Label:Next
Blank1 Data:2023 Lisbon

World Youth Day 2019 (Spanish; Castilian: Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2019) was the 16th World Youth Day, an international event organized by the Catholic Church and focused on faith and youth. Taking place 22–27 January in Panama City, Panama, it was the first of its kind celebrated in Central America.[1]

Pope Francis announced plans for the event at the end of the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2016 in Brzegi near Kraków, Poland, on 31 July 2016.[2] [3] [4]


On 22 November 2016, Pope Francis announced the theme for World Youth Day 2019: I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Lk 1:38). The theme coincided with the goals of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on youth, faith and vocational discernment, held in 2018.[5]

Logo and Hymn

On 14 May 2017, the WYD 2019 logo was revealed during a Eucharistic meeting. The design was chosen from 103 proposals submitted to the Archdiocese of Panama in a contest that was won by Ambar Calvo, an architecture student. The Panama Canal appears as a symbol of the journey that pilgrims travel to Jesus guided by Mary. The pilgrim's cross also appears. The points mean two things: they are the crown of the Virgin, but also the pilgrims who are on their way to travel the continents.[6]

Like the logo, the creation and edition of the official anthem was submitted to a contest, where several proposals were presented to the Archdiocese of Panama, which was conquered by Abdiel González. On 3 July, during the XLVII Bread and Wine Dinner held at the ATLAPA Convention Center, it was presented to around 3,000 people, in the presence of Panamanian bishops and President Juan Carlos Varela. The Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, said that "this hymn expresses the mission to which we are called adisciples and missionaries in these times, following the example of the Virgin Mary".[7] The hymn of the event was named Be It Done to Me, according to Your Word, and was launched by Archbishop Mendieta of Panama on 3 July 2017, in the Panamanian capital.


Pope Francis announced plans for the upcoming event at World Youth Day in Kraków on 31 July 2016. The president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, accompanied the announcement.[8] Francis also said that he did not know if he would be on this journey as St. Peter's successor: "I do not know if I will be in Panama, but Peter will be."[9]


The main event center of this journey was Campo Santa Maria La Antigua. Panama City, provided for the pilgrims, in connection with the events of WYD, and the Park of Forgiveness Renew me, located in the Recreation Park Omar Torrijos, a space for the young people to have access to the vocational fair Follow Me.[10] Between 22 January and 25 January, the afternoon periods in particular were marked by concerts and presentations by various Catholic bands, called the "Youth Festival", which had 33 venues, 7 official venues, 5 satellite venues, as well as other venue points of dance and theater presentations, plastic arts exhibitions, paintings and photography, and a foods space. Among the more than 20 artists confirmed, headliners included Canadian Matt Maher, Australian priest Rob Galea, winners of the 2018 Grammy Alfareros, rock nuns Siervas, and the Brazilian band Missionário Shalom.[11] There was also the theme park called "Cristonautas".[12] The theme of migrants was often mentioned by the Pope during this journey, which was attended by many young Venezuelans at a time when the country was going through a serious political and social crisis.[13]

First day (22 January)


The events began this day, in the Park of Forgiveness, the vocational fair, and in Cristonautas Park.[14] The Opening Ceremony of the Day was held in the Campo Santa Maria La Antigua. In his homily, Archbishop Mendieta of Panama welcomed the pilgrims, saying: "Our joy is immense in the presence of all of you. Today we welcome you with open hearts and arms. Thank you for accepting the call to meet us in this small country where faith came hand in hand with the Virgin Mary under the title of Santa Maria La Antigua. A country that made every effort to have each of you have an encounter with Jesus Christ: the Way, Truth and Life." The archbishop recalled that Panama was the first diocese on the mainland of the Americas, where the Gospel was spread to the rest of the American continent, and spoke of gratitude to God for hosting this WYD: "Our people are ready to receive you, to share their traditions, multiethnic and pluricultural wealth, but in a very special way, share the joy of faith in a God who is acting among us in our personal and community history."[15]

Second Day (23 January)


The first day of pilgrims' catecheses with the bishops took place.[16] [14]

Pope's arrival to Panama

Pope Francis departed from Rome on 23 January, landing at Panama City Airport at 4:30 pm local time after a trip that included traveling 9,500 km over 10 countries during 13 hours' flying time.[17] [18] The Supreme Pontiff was received by the Panamanian President Varela, local bishops and about two thousand young people, who sang the well-known phrase in Spanish "This is the Pope's youth". No speeches or pronouncements were made, only the hymns of the Vatican and Panama. Pope Francis then traveled to the headquarters of the Apostolic Nunciature, where he stayed throughout the event. Thousands of people gathered along the avenues of the country's capital to greet the Pope.[19] [20]

Pardon Park

There was also a procession of the pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima, who had arrived from Portugal the day before, and shortly after the Holy Mass, presided over by the Archbishop Mendieta, there was the inauguration of the Park of Forgiveness, in which 200 confessionals were installed so that the young pilgrims could receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. "Here thousands of young people will come to hear from the Lord of love, of forgiveness, that a new life begins," said the archbishop, who also assured that "the great majority of young people will not leave World Day without going through these confessionals." The 200 confessionals were manufactured by 35 inmates of the La Joya penitentiary complex. After the inauguration, Dom Mendieta was the first to confess, saying that he is "a sinner redeemed by the mercy of God. To truly confess it helps me a lot, especially in this time that I will have to help in the reconciliation of many on Friday that I will be with the Holy Father confessing the young people of the detention center."[21] [22] [23]

Third day (24 January)

This day began with a welcome to Pope Francis in Palacio de las Garzas, received by the Panamanian president, to whom he gave an image of Santa Maria La Antigua in his first official event. In addition to the president, Francisco was received by the first lady Lorena Castillo, the cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán and the archbishop of Panama, José Luis Ulloa Mendieta. Later he met with members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with Central American bishops.[24] [25]


At the same time as the meeting of the authorities, the pilgrims of the journey met in their respective catecheses for the second day,[14] whose theme was "Behold the handmaid of the Lord."[16]

Opening ceremony

The official opening ceremony of WYD began this day.[26] In his address to thousands of young people in Campo Santa Maria la Antigua, the Pope said to the young people:[27]

Fourth Day (25 January)


Catecheses took place for the last day,[14] whose theme was "Let it be done to me according to your will."[16]

Las Garzas

The Pontiff was with 180 young people in the Center of Compliance of Minors, in Las Garzas.[24] [28] [29] The Pope was welcomed by Archbishop Mendieta and the national director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Emma Alba Tejeda. The young people sang "The prayer of the poor". Francis also heard a testimony of the intern Luis Oscar Martínez.[30] [24] [28]

The Pope emphasized the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15: 2) in the homily when the Pharisees and scribes attempted to condemn Christ for sitting at the table with those who were considered sinners.

After the Penitential Liturgy, some of the young prisoners were able to confess to the Holy Father and to some bishops. The Pope also greeted another 30 detainees who participated in the manufacture of the 250 confessionals used in WYD Panama. Pope Francis gave to the inmates an iron sculpture of Christ on the Cross outlined by olive branches.

Via Sacra

In the evening, about 400,000 people participated in the Via Sacra, which was presided over by the Pope and held in Campo Santa Maria la Antigua.[14] [24] [31] [32] The theme chosen for this moment was "reality of the young and the Martyr Church".[33]

Young people of Latin America prayed the 14 stations that portray the journey of Christ to Calvary, remembering the sufferings present today throughout the world. The young people of Brazil, for example, performed for the eighth station the passage of the Gospel of Mark 15:21 on Simon of Cyrene, with the additional message "May the cross of others be our cross. Let us be united and take with love the immense cross of the world", and that young people who feel defeated should not lose hope.[33]

In his reflection, the Pontiff said:

The Pope concluded his speech saying:

"We want to be a Church that supports and accompanies, who knows how to say 'I am here', in the lives and crosses of so many Christians who walk beside us."

Fifth day (January 26)


Pope Francis presided at the morning the Mass consecrating the altar of the Cathedral Basilica of Santa Maria la Antigua. The priests, consecrated men, and lay movements of Panama participated in the Mass. During the celebration, the Pope performed the rite of dedication of the altar of the cathedral, where relics of three Latin American saints were placed: Rose of Lima, Óscar Romero, Martin of Porres, and a Polish saint, John Paul II; this became the first cathedral of America whose altar was consecrated by a pontiff.[14] [24] [34]


In the afternoon the Holy Father had a private lunch in the Major Seminary of St. Joseph with a group of 10 young people who participated in WYD, 5 boys and 5 girls, of different nationalities representing the 5 continents.[24] [35]


After that, at night time, ending the day, the Pope presided over the vigil with about 600,000 young people in Campo São João Paulo II. The pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima was present throughout the event. The crowd was invited to listen to three testimonies: the first was that of Erika de Bucktron, mother of four children, and the youngest has Down syndrome, and it was recommended to her to perform an abortion of the latter. The second testimony was Alfredo Martínez Andrión, 20, who was a choirboy in his childhood, but the poverty of his family forced him to leave school to work. He fell into drugs and was arrested, but found help at the St. John Paul II Foundation. Finally came the testimony of 26-year-old Nirmeen Odeh of Palestine, who considered that although she was baptized she should stay away from Christianity. However, at World Youth Day 2016, she said she discovered the love of Jesus. Later, through books like The Confessions of St. Augustine, she strengthened her faith. After the testimonies, Francis gave a speech, assuring the youth: "Mary shows the power of God. With a few words, she knew how to say yes, trusting in the love and promises of God, the only force capable of making all things new."[36]

Sixth day (27 January)

Closing Mass

Pope Francis began his day with the closing Mass of WYD.[14] [24] At the beginning of the celebration, the Pope was addressed by Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, who thanked the opportunity given to the country to organize this edition of WYD:[37]

The Pontiff invited the young people to take up their "missionary call now, and not in the future, following the example of Mary who said, 'Let it be done to me according to your word.' " About 700,000 pilgrims were present at the Campo São João Paulo II – Metro Park. The passage from the Gospel that initiates the public life of Jesus was reflected in the homily's reference to the synagogue where Isaiah's prophecy had been fulfilled: "Jesus reveals the now of God, who comes to meet us, to call us also to take part in his now 'to proclaim the Good News'."[38] [39] [40] [41]

At the end of the Mass, the Pope prayed to Our Lady, entrusting to her the young people of the whole world, and said goodbye to the pilgrims, announcing the site of the next WYD in 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal:[42] [43] [44]

Present at this Mass were the presidents of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela; of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado; of Colombia, Iván Duque; of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales; of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén; and Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández.[45]

House of the Good Samaritan

After Mass, the Pope went to the Good Samaritan House,[14] [24] presenting the place with an image of the Good Shepherd.[46] [47]

Meeting with volunteers and farewell

In his last appearance in Panama, before the 19,500 volunteers of the Journey, the Pope made a speech with which he concluded his visit.[48] Three of these young people made a brief address to the Pope, expressing their experiences of volunteering and participating in WYD. Archbishop Mendieta spoke briefly, thanking the Pope for his example and assuring the Pontiff of their prayers: "Count on the prayer of this youth."[49] The Pope took leave of the authorities and departed for Rome.[50] [51]

Patron saints

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: JMJ2019: Jornadas Mundiais da Juventude no Panamá vão decorrer entre 22 e 27 de janeiro. en. 2019-11-09. 2017-02-02. dead.
  2. Web site: Panama to host next WYD in 2019, Pope announces. Catholic News Agency/EWTN News, Elise Harris. September 1, 2016. July 31, 2016.
  3. Web site: Next World Youth Day to be held in Panama. The Catholic Herald/Associated Press. September 1, 2016. July 31, 2016.
  4. Web site: Panamá abrigará próxima Jornada Mundial da Juventude em 2019. EFE. Da. 2016-07-31. Mundo. pt-br. 2019-11-09.
  5. Web site: Diocese de São José dos Pinhais - Papa Francisco escolhe tema para a JMJ do Panamá 2019. 2019-11-09.
  6. Web site: Todos los significados del logo de la JMJ Panamá 2019. 16 May 2017 . es. 2019-11-09.
  7. Web site: El Himno Oficial de la JMJ 2019 animará a la juventud de todo el mundo . 2017-07-22 . 2023-03-23 . . 2017-07-22.
  8. Web site: El Santo Padre anuncia que Panamá acogerá en 2019 la próxima Jornada Mundial de la Juventud - SDM ES. ŚDM 2016. KO. pl. 2019-11-09.
  9. Web site: La JMJ de Panamá 2019, primera visita de un Papa desde 1983. 2016-08-01. abc. es. 2019-11-09.
  10. Web site: Conheça o "Segue-me" e "Renova-me", espaços para reflexão oferecidos na JMJ Panamá. Jovens Conectados - Comissão Episcopal Pastoral para a Juventude - CNBB. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  11. Web site: JMJ 2019 divulga agenda de shows no Panamá. 2018-12-12. A12. 2019-02-04.
  12. Web site: CERIMÔNIA DE ABERTURA JMJ 2019 ACONTECE HOJE NO CAMPO SANTA MARIA LA ANTIGUA. 2019-01-22. Arquidiocese de Sorocaba. 2019-02-04.
  13. Web site: Papa despede-se do Panamá com missa gigantesca. Figueira. Ricardo. 2019-01-28. euronews. pt. 2019-11-09.
  14. Web site: Confira a programação da JMJ Panamá 2019 - 2019-11-09.
  15. Web site: Missa de abertura da JMJ 2019: "Tenham a coragem de ser santos". 2019-01-23. Notícias. 2019-11-09.
  16. Web site: Primeiro dia de catequeses da JMJ - Vatican News. 2019-01-23. pt. 2019-11-09.
  18. Web site: [#JMJ2019] Papa aos menores infratores: Deus não vê rótulos, mas filhos]. Católica. Parresia Comunicação. 2019-01-25. Convento da Penha. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  19. Web site: Papa chega ao Panamá para Jornada Mundial da Juventude. Terra. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  20. Web site: Papa Francisco chega ao Panamá. 2019-01-23. Notícias. 2019-11-09.
  21. Web site: Inauguram Parque do Perdão: Milhares de peregrinos se reconciliam com Deus durante JMJ. PANAMÁ. Panamá. 23 Jan 19 / 10:30 am-Com uma Missa presidida pelo Arcebispo do. 2019-11-09. Ulloa. Dom José Domingo. Perdão. foi inaugurado na terça-feira o Parque do. amor. no qual foram instalados 200 confessionários para que os jovens peregrinos da Jornada Mundial da Juventudepossam receber o Sacramento da Reconciliação "Aqui milhares de jovens virão para ouvir do Senhor do. Perdão. Do. Começa". Que Uma Nova Vida. procur. afirmou o Prelado em declarações à imprensa "O que estamos vivendo é uma manifestação espontânea da caminhada ordinária desses jovens que estão. Algo. O. Por.
  22. Web site: Parque do Perdão é inaugurado na JMJ Panamá 2019. 23 January 2019 . 2019-11-09.
  23. Web site: . 2019-02-19 . 2019-02-07 . . dead .
  24. Web site: Agenda do Papa Francisco durante a JMJ 2019. 2019-01-23. Comunidade Católica Shalom. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  25. Web site: Presidente de Panamá recibe al Papa Francisco en el Palacio de las Garzas. 2019-01-24. POSTA. es. 2019-11-09.
  26. Web site: Cerimônia de abertura JMJ 2019 acontece hoje no Campo Santa Maria la Antigua. Publicidade. por VT. 2019-01-22. Arquidiocese de Sorocaba. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  27. Web site: Discurso do Papa Francisco na cerimônia de acolhida e abertura da JMJ Panamá 2019. PANAMÁ. Antigua. 24 Jan 19 / 09:13 pm-O. Papa Francisco presidiu a cerimônia de acolhida e abertura da Jornada Mundial da JuventudePanamá 2019 Diante de milhares de jovens presentes no Campo Santa Maria la. 2019-11-09. Costera. localizado na região conhecida como Cinta. jovens. o Santo Padre pronunciou o seguinte discurso: Queridos. novo. boa tarde! Que bom é encontrar-nos de. Panamá. e fazê-lo nesta terra que nos acolhe com tantas cores e tanto calor! Reunidos no. e. a Jornada Mundial da Juventude é mais uma vez uma festa de alegria e esperança para toda a Igreja. Mundo. Para O.. Gr. Um.
  28. Web site: Francisco visita jovens privados de liberdade no Panamá - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro - ArqRio. - (12) 3942.5384 - @phocusinteract. Phocus Interact-. ArqRio - Arquidiocese de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. pt. 2019-11-09. 2019-10-27. dead.
  29. Web site: Papa Francisco: Cada um de nós é muito mais do que os rótulos que nos dão. 2019-01-26. Comunidade Católica Shalom. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  31. Web site: Papa: Via-Sacra de Jesus prolonga-se nos jovens absorvidos numa espiral de morte - Vatican News. 2019-01-25. pt. 2019-11-09.
  32. Web site: Discurso do Papa Francisco na Via Sacra da JMJ Panamá 2019. PANAMÁ. JuventudePanamá 2019. 25 Jan 19 / 09:25 pm-No marco da Jornada Mundial da. 2019-11-09. Antigua. o Papa Francisco presidiu a Via sacra no Campo Santa Maria la. Costera. na Cinta. seguir. onde pronunciou uma bela reflexão A.. Senhor. o texto completo. misericórdia. Pai de. Costeira. nesta Faixa. Mundo. Juntamente Com Tantos Jovens Vindos De Todo O..
  33. Web site: Via Sacra: "Maria, a grande guardiã da esperança". Jovens Conectados - Comissão Episcopal Pastoral para a Juventude - CNBB. pt-BR. 2019-11-09.
  34. Web site: Homilia do Papa na Missa de consagração do altar da Catedral Santa Maria la Antigua. PANAMÁ. Antigua. 26 Jan 19 / 12:20 pm-O. Papa Francisco presida a Missa de consagração do altar da Catedral Basílica de Santa Maria la. 2019-11-09. sacerdotes. no Panamá Participam da Missa. seguir. consagrados e movimentos laicais do Panamá A.. lugar. o texto completo da homilia do Santo Padre Em primeiro. que. gostaria de felicitar ao Senhor Arcebispo. Vez. Pela Primeira. Anos. Depois De Quase Sete. Esposa. Pode Se Encontrar Com Sua.
  35. Web site: Papa almoça com 10 jovens dos 5 continentes - Vatican News. 2019-01-26. pt. 2019-11-09.
  36. Web site: Os melhores momentos da vigília da JMJ Panamá 2019 [FOTOS]]. PANAMÁ. sábado. 27 Jan 19 / 10:37 am-O. Papa Francisco presidiu no. 2019-11-09. Janeiro. 26 De. Juventude. a Vigília da Jornada Mundial da. II. com a participação de 600 mil jovens e peregrinos que se reuniram no Campo São João Pablo. vida". no Panamá O. Santo Padre chegou ao local do evento de papamóvel acompanhado por cinco jovens dos cinco continentes e iniciou a vigília às 18h30com a apresentação artística "A árvore da. homem. que narrou através de danças o chamado à vida que Deus faz ao. e. a qual só pode ser mantida seguindo a Cristo #VigiliaJMJ No tengas miedo de abrazar la vida #Panama2019 pic twitter com/wFEPOdAcUU-JMJ Panamá 201927 de janeiro de 2019 "Esse chamado está em tensão pelo pecado. Indignos. Embora Nos Sintamos.
  37. Web site: JMJ: Jovens são o 'agora' de Deus, diz Papa em Missa de Encerramento. 2019-01-27. Notícias. 2019-11-09.
  38. Web site: Papa na Missa de encerramento da JMJ: Deus quer jovens missionários hoje, não amanhã. 2019-01-27. ACI Digital. 2019-02-18.
  39. Web site: Homilia do Papa Francisco na Missa de encerramento da JMJ Panamá 2019. 2019-01-27. ACI Digital. 2019-02-18.
  40. Web site: Portugal será sede da próxima Jornada Mundial da Juventude. 2019-01-27. Terra. 2019-02-18.
  41. Web site: JMJ: Jovens são o 'agora' de Deus, diz Papa em Missa de Encerramento. 2019-01-27. Notícias. 2019-11-09.
  42. Web site: Próxima Jornada Mundial da Juventude será em Portugal. 2019-01-27. EFE. 2019-02-18.
  43. Web site: Próxima Jornada Mundial da Juventude será em Portugal. 2019-01-27. BOL. 2019-02-18.
  44. Web site: Agora é oficial: Próxima JMJ será em Portugal!. Felipe Aquino. 2019-01-28. Cléofas. 2019-02-18.
  45. Web site: Próxima Jornada Mundial da Juventude será em Portugal. pt. 2019-11-09.
  46. Web site: JMJ: Papa presenteia Casa Bom Samaritano com escultura do Bom Pastor. Alexandre Varela. 2019-01-27. O Catequista. 2019-02-18.
  47. Web site: Texto integral do discurso do Papa na Casa-família "O Bom Samaritano". 2019-01-27. Vatican News. 2019-02-18.
  48. Web site: Discurso do Papa Francisco aos voluntários da JMJ Panamá 2019. 2019-01-27. ACI Digital. 2019-02-18.
  49. Web site: Após encontro com voluntários da JMJ, Papa despede-se do Panamá. 2019-01-27. Notícias. 2019-11-09.
  50. Web site: Papa despede-se do Panamá: é preciso multiplicar a esperança. 2019-01-28. Rede Século 21. 2019-02-18.
  51. Web site: Papa Francisco deixa o Panamá após intensa JMJ e retorna a Roma. 2019-01-28. ACI Digital. 2019-02-18.
  52. Web site: Publicación de Instagram de Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. . 2021-12-26 . registration. 15 May 2017. 16 May 2017. es. Instagram.