World Perspectives Explained
World Perspectives is a scholarly book series edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen and published by Harper & Row.
Number indicates order in series.
- Approaches to God by Jacques Maritain Accent on Form by Lancelot Law Whyte Scope of Total Architecture by Walter Gropius
- Recovery of Faith by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan World Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All by Konrad Adenauer
- Society and Knowledge by Vere Gordon Childe
- The Transformations of Man by Lewis Mumford
- Man and Materialism by Fred Hoyle
- The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich
- Matter, Mind and Man: The Biology of Human Nature by Edmund W. Sinnott
- Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist by D. T. Suzuki
- Man's Western Quest by Denis de Rougemont American Humanism by Howard Mumford Jones
- The Meeting of Love and Knowledge: Perennial Wisdom by Martin D'Arcy
- Rich Lands and Poor by Gunnar Myrdal Hinduism: Its Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit by Swami Nikhilananda
- Can People Learn to Learn? by Brock Chisholm
- Physics and Philosophy by Werner Heisenberg
- Art and Reality: ways of the creative process by Joyce Cary Sigmund Freud's Mission: An Analysis of His Personality and Influence by Erich Fromm
- Mirage of Health: Utopias, Progress & Biological Change by René J. Dubos
- Issues of Freedom: Paradoxes and Promises by Herbert J. Muller Humanism: The Greek ideal and its survival (Harper Colophon books) by Moses Hadas
- Life, Its Dimensions and Its Bounds by Robert M. MacIver Challenge of Psychical Research: A Primer of Parapsychology by Gardner Murphy
- Alfred North Whitehead; his reflections on man and nature by Ruth Nanda Anshen
- The Age of Nationalism: The First Era of Global History by Hans Kohn Voices of Man by Mario Andrew Pei New Paths in Biology by Adolf Portmann Myth and Reality by Mircea Eliade
- History as Art and as Science: Twin Vistas on the Past by H. Stuart Hughes Realism in Our Time by György Lukács
- The Meaning of the Twentieth Century: The Great Transition by Kenneth E. Boulding
- On Economic Knowledge by Adolph Lowe Caliban Reborn: Renewal in Twentieth-century Music by Wilfrid Howard Mellers
- Through the Vanishing Point: Space in Poetry and Painting by Marshall McLuhan
- The Revolution of Hope: Toward a Humanized Technology. by Erich Fromm
- Emergency Exit by Ignazio Silone
- Marxism and the Existentialists by Raymond Aron
- Physical Control of the Mind by José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado
- Physics and Beyond by Werner Heisenberg
- On Caring by Milton Mayeroff
- Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich
- Revolution Through Peace by Dom Helder Camara
- Man Unfolding by Jonas Salk
- Tools for Conviviality by Ivan Illich
- Across the Frontier by Werner Heisenberg
- Evil and World Order by William Irwin Thompson
- To Have or to Be? by Erich Fromm
- Energy and Equity by Ivan Illich
- Letters From the Field, 1925-1975 by Margaret Mead
- In the Centre of Immensities by Bernard Lovell
- Hope and History, an Exploration by Morton Smith
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