Workers of the world, unite! explained

The political slogan "Workers of the world, unite!" is one of the rallying cries from The Communist Manifesto (1848)[1] [2] [3] [4] by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!, literally,[5] but soon popularised in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!").

A variation of this phrase ("Workers of all lands, unite") is also inscribed on Marx's tombstone.[6] The essence of the slogan is that members of the working classes throughout the world should cooperate to defeat capitalism and achieve victory in the class conflict.[7]


Five years before The Communist Manifesto, this phrase appeared in the 1843 book The Workers' Union by Flora Tristan.[8]

The International Workingmen's Association, described by Engels as "the first international movement of the working class" was persuaded by Engels to change its motto from the League of the Just's "all men are brothers" to "working men of all countries, unite!".[9] It reflected Marx's and Engels' view of proletarian internationalism.

The phrase has overlapping meanings: first, that workers should unite in unions to better push for their demands such as workplace pay and conditions;[10] secondly, that workers should see beyond their various craft unions and unite against the capitalist system;[11] and thirdly, workers of different countries have more in common with each other than workers and employers of the same country.

The phrase was used by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in their publications and songs[12] [13] and was a mainstay on banners in May Day demonstrations. The IWW used it when opposing World War I in both the United States[13] and Australia.[14]

The slogan was the Soviet Union's state motto (Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!; Proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes'!) and it appeared in the State Emblem of the Soviet Union. It also appeared on 1919 Russian SFSR banknotes (in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Russian),[15] on Soviet ruble coins from 1921 to 1934[16] and was the slogan of Soviet newspaper Pravda.[17]

Some socialist and communist parties continue using it.[18]


In the first Swedish translation of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, the translator Pehr Götrek substituted the slogan with Folkets röst, Guds röst! (i.e. Vox populi, vox Dei, or "The Voice of the People, the Voice of God"). However, later translations have included the original slogan.[19]

The guiding motto of the 2nd Comintern congress in 1920, under Lenin's directive, was "Workers and oppressed peoples of all countries, unite!".[20] This denoted the anti-colonialist agenda of the Comintern, and was seen as an attempt to unite racially-subjugated black people and the global proletariat in anti-imperialist struggle.

In other languages

This slogan was used by several socialist states and communist parties as their official motto.

Motto of the Soviet Union

In each Soviet republic, the same motto was used in the local language.

LanguageMottoTransliterationUsed by
RussianRussian: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!Proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes'! (BGN/PCGN)
Proletarii vseh stran, soědinäjteś
(Scientific)Russian SFSR,
Soviet Union
UkrainianUkrainian: Пролетарі всіх країн, єднайтеся!Proletarii vsikh krayin, yednaytesya! (BGN/PCGN)
Proletari vsich kraïn, jednajtesä
(Scientific)Ukrainian SSR
ByelorussianBelarusian: Пралетарыі ўсіх краін, яднайцеся!Pralyetarye, wsikh krain, yadnaytsesya! (BGN/PCGN)
Pralětaryi wsich krain, jadnajcěsya
(Scientific)Byelorussian SSR
UzbekUzbek: Бутун дунё пролетарлари, бирлашингиз!Butun dunyo proletarlari, birlashingiz!/Butun dunyo proletarlari, birlaşingizUzbek SSR
KazakhKazakh: Барлық елдердің пролетарлары, бірігіңдер!Barlıq yelderdiñ proletarları, birigiñder!Kazakh SSR
GeorgianGeorgian: პროლეტარებო ყველა ქვეყნისა, შეერთდით!Proletarebo qvela kveqnisa, šeertdit!Georgian SSR
AzerbaijaniAzerbaijani: Бүтүн өлкәләрин пролетарлары, бирләшин!|italic=noBütün ölkələrin proletarları, birləşin!Azerbaijan SSR,
Dagestan ASSR
LithuanianLithuanian: Visų šalių proletarai, vienykitės!Lithuanian SSR
Romanian (Moldovan Cyrillic)Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan: Пролетарь дин тоате цэриле, уници-вэ!Proletari din toate țările, uniți-vă!Moldavian SSR
LatvianLatvian: Visu zemju proletārieši, savienojieties!Latvian SSR
KyrghzKirghiz; Kyrgyz: Бардык өлкөлордүн пролетарлары, бириккиле!Bardıq ölkölordün proletarları, birikkile!Kirghiz SSR
TajikTajik: Пролетарҳои ҳамаи мамлакатҳо, як шавед!Proletarhoi hamai mamlakatho, yak šaved!Tajik SSR
ArmenianArmenian: Պրոլետարներ բոլոր երկրների, միացե՛քProletarner bolor yerkrneri, miac’ek’!Armenian SSR
Nagorno-Karabakh AO
TurkmenTurkmen: Әхли юртларың пролетарлары, бирлешиң!Ähli ýurtlaryň proletarlary, birleşiň!/Ähli yurtlarıñ proletarları, birleşiñTurkmen SSR
EstonianEstonian: Kõigi maade proletaarlased, ühinege!Estonian SSR
AbkhazAbkhazian: Атәылаӄуа зегьы рпролетарцәа, шәҽеидышәкыл!Atwylaqwa zeğy rproletarcwa, šwč’eidyšwkyl!Abkhaz ASSR
AvarAvaric: Киналго улкабазул пролетарал, цолъе нуж!Kinalgo ulkabazul proletaral, col’e nuž!Dagestan ASSR
BashkirBashkir: Бөтә илдәрҙең пролетарийҙәре, берләшегеҙ!Böte ilderceń proletariycäre, berläşegec!Bashkir ASSR
BuryatБүхы оронуудай пролетаринар, нэгэдэгты!Bühy oronuudaj proletarinar, negedegty!Buryat ASSR
ChechenChechen: Массо а мехкийн пролетареш, цхьанакхета!Masso a mexkiyn proletareş, cx’anakxeta!Checheno-Ingush ASSR
Dagestan ASSR
ChuvashChuvash: Пӗтӗм тӗнчери пролетарисем, пӗрлешӗр!Pétém ténçeri proletarisem, pérleşér!Chuvash ASSR
Crimean TatarCrimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish: Бютюн мемлекетлерининъ пролетарлары, бирлешинъиз!Bütün memleketleriniñ proletarları, birleşiñiz!Crimean ASSR
ErzyaErzya: Чыла элласе пролетарий-влак, ушныза!Čyla ellase proletarij-vlak, ušnyza!Mordovian ASSR
FinnishFinnish: Kaikkien maiden proletaarit, liittykää yhteen!Karelo-Finnish SSR,
Karelian ASSR
IngushIngush: Масса а мехкашкара пролетареш вӀашагӀкхета!Massa a mexkaškara proletareš vwašağxeta!Checheno-Ingush ASSR
KabardianKabardian: Хэгъэгу пстэухэм япролетариехэр, зы шъухъу!Xeğegu psteuxem japroletariěxer, zy š’uhu!Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR
KalmykKalmyk; Oirat: Цуг-орн нутгудын пролетармуд, негдцхәтн!Cug-orn nutgudyn proletarmud, negdchâtn!Kalmyk ASSR
Karachay-BalkarKabardian: Бютеу дунияны пролетарлары, бирлешигиз!Büteu duniyanı proletarları, birleşigiz!Kabardino-Balkar ASSR
KarakalpakKara-Kalpak: Барлык еллердин пролетарлары, бирлесиниз!Barlık ellerdin proletarları, birlesiniz!Karakalpak ASSR
KomiKomi: Став мувывса пролетарийяс, oтувтчӧй!Stav muvyvsa proletarijjas, otuvtčöj!Komi ASSR
MariMari: Чыла элласе пролетарий-влак, ушныза!Çyla ellase proletarij-vlak, uşnyza!Mari ASSR
MokshaMoksha: Чыла элласе пролетарий-влак, ушныза!Čyla ellase proletarij-vlak, ušnyza!Mordovian ASSR
OssetianOssetian; Ossetic: Ӕппӕт бӕстӕты пролетартӕ баиу ут!Áppát bástáty proletartá baiu ut!North Ossetian ASSR
South Ossetian AO
SakhaYakut: Бары дойдулар пролетарийдара, холбоһуҥ!Barı doydular proletariydara, xolbohuň!Yakut ASSR
TatПролетарьой гьеме билеетгьо, ек бошти!Proletar'oy heme bileetho, ek boşti!Dagestan ASSR
TatarTatar: Барлык илләрнең пролетарийлары, берләшегез!Barlıq illärneñ proletariyları, berläşegez!Tatar ASSR
TuvanTuvinian: Бүгү делегейниң пролетарлары, каттыжыңар!Bügü delegeyniñ proletarları, kattıjıñar!Tuvan ASSR
UdmurtUdmurt: Вань странаосысь пролетарийёс, огазеяське!Vań stranaosyś proletarijjos, ogazejaśke!Udmurt ASSR

Motto of other countries

LanguageMottoTransliterationUsed by
AlbanianAlbanian: Proletarë të të gjitha vendeve, bashkohuni!Albania
BulgarianBulgarian: Пролетарии от всички страни съединявайте се!Proletárii ot vsíchki straní, sǎеdinyávaite se!Bulgaria
ChineseChinese: 全世界無産階級和被壓迫的民族聯合起來!Quánshìjiè wúchǎnjiējí hé bèi yāpò de mínzú liánhé qǐlai!Chinese Soviet Republic
CzechCzech: Proletáři všech zemí, spojte se!Czechoslovakia
Dariکارگران جهان متحد شوید!Kârgarân-e jahân mottahed šavid!Afghanistan
FrenchFrench: Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous !Benin,
GermanGerman: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!East Germany,
Volga German ASSR
HungarianHungarian: Világ proletárjai, egyesüljetek!Hungarian People's Republic,
Hungarian Soviet Republic
MalagasyMalagasy: Mpiasa eran'izao tontolo izao, mampiray!Madagascar
MongolianMongolian: Орон бүрийн пролетари нар нэгдэгтүн!Oron büriin proletari nar negdegtün!Mongolia
PolishPolish: Proletariusze wszystkich krajów, łączcie się!Polish People's Republic
RomanianRomanian; Moldavian; Moldovan: Proletari din toate țările, uniți-vă!Romania
SlovakSlovak: Proletári všetkých krajín, spojte sa!Czechoslovakia,
Slovak Soviet Republic
TuvanTuvinian: Бүгү телегейниң пролетарлары болгаш дарлаткан араттары каттыжыңар!Pygy delegejniꞑ вroledarlarь polgaş tarladkan araddarь kaddьƶьꞑar!Tuvan People's Republic

Motto of communist parties

The English phrase and its variants (the variant "All power to the workers" is used by some parties such as the Communist Party of Australia) are used by communist parties in the English-speaking world. The list below does not include the mottos of communist parties of the above countries or in languages listed above.

LanguageMottoTransliterationUsed byActive in
ArabicArabic: يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا!Ya ‘ummāla l-‘ālami wa yā shu‘ūbahu l-muṭṭahada, ittaḥidū!Jordanian Communist PartyJordan
BengaliBengali: দুনিয়ার মজদুর, এক হও!Duniẏar môjdur, ek hôo!Communist Party of BangladeshBangladesh
GreekGreek, Modern (1453-);: Προλετάριοι όλων των χωρών, ενωθείτε!Proletárioi ólon ton chorón, enothíte!Communist Party of GreeceGreece
IndonesianIndonesian: Para buruh seluruh dunia, bersatulah!Communist Party of IndonesiaIndonesia
MacedonianMacedonian: Пролетери од сите земји, обединете се!Proleteri od site zemji, obedinete se!League of Communists of MacedoniaYugoslavia
MalayMalay: Kaum buruh semua negeri, bersatulah!Malayan Communist PartyMalaysia
Serbo-CroatianПролетери свих земаља уједините се!Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!League of Communists of YugoslaviaYugoslavia
SloveneSlovenian: Proletarci vseh dežel, združite se!League of Communists of SloveniaYugoslavia
TagalogTagalog: Manggagawa ng lahat ng bansa, magkaisa!Communist Party of the PhilippinesPhilippines
TurkishTurkish: Bütün ülkelerin işçileri ve ezilen halklar, birleşin!Socialist Liberation PartyTurkey

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Gabrijela Kišiček . Igor Ž. Žagar . What Do We Know About the World?: Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives . 3 October 2013 . University of Windsor . 978-0-920233-70-2 . 471 . One of the most famous rallying cries of communism Workers of the world, unite! .
  2. Book: Simon Levis Sullam . Giuseppe Mazzini and the Origins of Fascism . 21 October 2015 . Palgrave Macmillan US . 978-1-137-51459-2 . 91 . only a few years later, would give the famous rallying cry Workers of t....
  3. Book: Edward R. Kantowicz. The Rage of Nations . registration. 1999 . Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing . 978-0-8028-4455-2 . 21 . titled The Communist Manifesto, which contained the famous rallying cry: "Workers of the w....
  4. Book: Ronald Niezen . A World Beyond Difference: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization . 15 April 2008 . John Wiley & Sons . 978-1-4051-3710-2 . 129 . The famous rallying cry from The Communist Manifesto, “workers of the world unite!” was meant only to hasten the [...] .
  5. Web site: Translator's note to the Communist Manifesto . . Marxist Internet Archive . 14 February 2015 .
  6. Book: Wheen, Francis . Francis Wheen . Karl Marx: A Life . New York . Norton . 2002 . Introduction .
  7. Book: Ayres, Robert U. . Robert Ayres (scientist) . The history and future of economics . 2023 . Springer . 978-3-031-26208-1 . Cham.
  8. Flora Tristan: Forgotten Feminist and Socialist . Marie M. Collins and Sylvie Weil-Sayre . Nineteenth-Century French Studies . 1 . 4 . 1973 . 229–234 . 23535978.
  9. Lucia Pradella in 'The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics.' Edited by Ben fine and Alfredo Saad-Filho, 2012, p.178.
  10. [wiktionary:workers of the world, unite|Wiktionary, entry for "Workers of the World"]
  11. Web site: Karl . Marx . Karl Marx . Friedrich . Engels . Friedrich Engels . 1848 . Manifesto of the Communist Party . Samuel . Moore . Zodiac; Baggins, Brian; Blunden, Andy .
  12. Joseph . Grim Feinberg . The Gifts of the IWW . Against the Current . 117 . July–August 2005 . Solidarity . dead . . 2018-03-26.
  13. [Melvyn Dubofsky]
  14. Nick Armstrong, "The Industrial Workers of the World," Socialist Alternative, June 2005.
  15. Web site: Anderson. Joel. RUSSIAN COINS AND CURRENCY. Interesting World Coins.
  16. Web site: Communist States: Russia and China. 18 April 2021.
  17. News: Heritage. Timothy. 4 May 2012. Russia's Pravda hits 100, still urging workers to unite. en. Reuters. 18 April 2021.
  18. Book: Thurston. Robert W.. Bonwetsch. Bernd. The People's War: Responses to World War II in the Soviet Union. 2000. University of Illinois Press. 9780252026003. illustrated. registration. 64. 19 March 2015.
  19. Book: Götrek . Pehr . Kommunismens röst : förklaring af det kommunistiska partiet, offentliggjord i februari 1848 . Pogo Press . 91-7386-018-2. 1848. . libris 7639421. reprint of libris 2683080.
  20. Pateman . Joe . V. I. Lenin on the 'Black Question' . Critique . 2 January 2020 . 48 . 1 . 77–93 . 10.1080/03017605.2019.1706786 . 213348492 . 9 November 2020 . 0301-7605.