List of withdrawn drugs explained

Drugs or medicines may be withdrawn from commercial markets because of risks to patients, but also because of commercial reasons (e.g. lack of demand and relatively high production costs). Where risks or harms is the reason for withdrawal, this will usually have been prompted by unexpected adverse effects that were not detected during Phase III clinical trials, i.e. they were only made apparent from postmarketing surveillance data collected from the wider community over longer periods of time.

This list is not limited to drugs that were ever approved by the FDA. Some of them (lumiracoxib, rimonabant, tolrestat, ximelagatran and ximelidine, for example) were approved to be marketed in Europe but had not yet been approved for marketing in the US, when side effects became clear and their developers pulled them from the market. Some drugs in this list (e.g. LSD) were never approved for marketing in the US or Europe.

Significant withdrawals

Drug nameWithdrawnCountryRemarks
Amphetamine Mix (Adderall XR)2005CanadaWithdrawn over reports of increased risk of stroke, reinstated after increased risk not found.[1]
Alatrofloxacin2006WorldwideSerious hepatotoxicity leading to liver transplant or death.
Alpidem (Ananxyl)1995WorldwideNot approved in the US, withdrawn in France in 1994[3] and the rest of the market in 1995 because of rare but serious hepatotoxicity.[4]
Alosetron (Lotronex)2000USSerious gastrointestinal adverse events; ischemic colitis; severe constipation. Reintroduced 2002 with restricted indication and new controls.[5]
Alphaxolone/Alphadolone (Althesin)1984France, Germany, UKAnaphylaxis, possibly due to carrier oil (Cremophor EL).
Amineptine (Survector)1999France, USHepatotoxicity, dermatological side effects, and abuse potential.[6]
Aminopyrine1999France, ThailandRisk of agranulocytosis and severe acne.
Amobarbital1980NorwayRisk of barbiturate toxicity.
Amoproxan1970FranceDermatologic and ophthalmic toxicity.
Anagestone acetate1969GermanyAnimal carcinogenicity.
Antrafenine1984FranceUnspecific experimental toxicity.
Aprotinin (Trasylol)2008USIncreased risk of death.
Ardeparin (Normiflo)2001USWithdrawn at request of NDA originator, "not for reason of safety or efficacy."[7] [8]
Astemizole (Hismanal)1999US, Malaysia, Multiple Nonspecified MarketsFatal arrhythmia
Benoxaprofen (Oraflex, Opren)1982Germany, Spain, UK, USLiver and kidney failure; gastrointestinal bleeding; ulcers.[9]
Benziodarone1964France, UKJaundice.
Beta-ethoxy-lacetanilanide1986GermanyRenal toxicity, animal carcinogenicity.
Bezitramide2004NetherlandsRisk of fatal overdose[10]
Bithionol1967USDermatologic toxicity.
Brotizolam1989UKAnimal carcinogenicity.
Bromfenac1998USSevere hepatitis and liver failure (requiring transplantation).
Bucetin1986GermanyKidney damage
Buformin1978GermanyMetabolic toxicity.
Bunamiodyl1963Canada, UK, USNephropathy.[11]
Butamben (Efocaine)(Butoforme)1964USDermatologic toxicity; psychiatric reactions.
Canrenone1986GermanyAnimal Carcinogenicity.
Cerivastatin (Baycol, Lipobay)2001USRisk of rhabdomyolysis
Chlormadinone (Chlormenadione)1970UK, USAnimal Carcinogenicity.
Chlormezanone (Trancopal)1996European Union, US, South Africa, JapanHepatotoxicity and Stevens–Johnson Syndrome
Chlorphentermine1969GermanyCardiovascular Toxicity.
Cianidanol1985France, Germany, Spain, SwedenHemolytic Anemia.
Cinepazide1988SpainAgranulocytosis.[12] [13]
Cisapride (Propulsid)2000USRisk of fatal cardiac arrhythmias
Clioquinol1973France, Germany, UK, USNeurotoxicity.
Clobutinol2007GermanyVentricular arrhythmia, QT-prolongation.[14]
Cloforex1969GermanyCardiovascular toxicity.
Co-proxamol (Distalgesic)2004UKRisk of overdose
Cyclobarbital1980NorwayRisk of overdose
Dantron1963Canada, UK, USMutagenic.[15] withdrawn from general use in UK but permitted in terminal patients
Dexfenfluramine1997European Union, UK, USCardiotoxic
Propoxyphene (Darvocet/Darvon)2010WorldwideIncreased risk of heart attacks and stroke.[16]
Difemerine1986GermanyMulti-Organ toxicities.
Dihydrostreptomycin1970USNeuropsychiatric reaction.
Dimazole (Diamthazole)1972France, USNeuropsychiatric reaction.
Dimethylamylamine (DMAA)1983USVoluntarily withdrawn from market by Lily.[17] Reintroduced as a dietary supplement in 2006; in 2013 the FDA started work to ban it due to cardiovascular problems[18]
Dinoprostone1990UKUterine hypotonus, fetal distress.
Dipyrone (Metamizole)1975UK, US, OthersAgranulocytosis, anaphylactic reactions.
Dithiazanine iodide1964France, USCardiovascular and metabolic reaction.
Dofetilide2004GermanyDrug interactions, prolonged QT.
Drotrecogin alfa (Xigris)2011WorldwideLack of efficacy as shown by PROWESS-SHOCK study[19] [20] [21]
Efalizumab (Raptiva)2009GermanyWithdrawn because of increased risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Encainide1991UK, USVentricular arrhythmias.
Ethyl carbamate1963Canada, UK, USCarcinogen.[22]
Fen-phen (popular combination of fenfluramine and phentermine)1997Cardiotoxicity
Fenclofenac1984UKCutaneous reactions; animal carcinogenicity.
Fenclozic acid1970UK, USHepatotoxicity.
Fenfluramine1997European Union, UK, US, India, South Africa, othersCardiac valvular disease, pulmonary hypertension, cardiac fibrosis;[23] re-approved in June 2020 for the treatment of seizures associated with Dravet syndrome, under FDA orphan drug rules.
Fenoterol1990New ZealandAsthma mortality.
Feprazone1984Germany, UKCutaneous reaction, multiorgan toxicity.
Flosequinan (Manoplax)1993UK, USIncreased mortality at higher doses; increased hospitalizations.
Flupirtine2018European UnionLiver toxicity.[24]
Gatifloxacin2006USIncreased risk of dysglycemia.
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg)2010USNo improvement in clinical benefit; risk for death. Returned to market in 2017.[25]
Glafenine1984France, GermanyAnaphylaxis.
Grepafloxacin (Raxar)1999Withdrawn Germany, UK, US othersCardiac repolarization; QT interval prolongation.
Hydromorphone (Palladone, extended release version)2005High risk of accidental overdose when extended release version (Palladone) administered with alcohol. Standard hydromorphone is sold in most of the world including the US
Ibufenac1968UKHepatotoxicity, jaundice.
Indoprofen1983Germany, Spain, UKAnimal carcinogenicity, gastrointestinal toxicity.
Ingenol mebutate gel2020Suspended in EuropeIncreased risk of skin cancers.[26] [27]
Iodinated casein strophantin1964USMetabolic reaction.
Iproniazid1964CanadaInteractions with food products containing tyrosine.[28]
Isaxonine phosphate1984FranceHepatotoxicity.
Isoxicam1983France, Germany, Spain, othersStevens–Johnson syndrome.
Kava Kava2002GermanyHepatotoxicity.
Ketorolac1993France, Germany, othersHemorrhage, Kidney Failure.
L-tryptophan1989Germany, UKEosinophilic myalgia syndrome. Still sold in the US
Levamisole (Ergamisol)1999USStill used as veterinary drug and as a human antihelminthic in many markets; listed on the WHO List of Essential Medicines. In humans, it was used to treat melanoma before it was withdrawn for agranulocytosis.[29] [30] [31]
Levomethadyl acetate2003USCardiac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.
Lorcaserin (Belviq)2020USIncreased risk of cancer.[32]
Lumiracoxib (Prexige)2007–2008WorldwideLiver damage
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)1950s–1960sMarketed as a psychiatric drug; withdrawn after it became widely used recreationally. Now illegal in most of the world.
Mebanazine1975UKHepatotoxicity, drug intereaction.
Methandrostenolone1982France, Germany, UK, US, othersOff-label abuse.
Methapyrilene1979Germany, UK, USAnimal carcinogenicity.
Methaqualone1984South Africa (1971), India (1984), United Nations (1971–1988)Withdrawn because of risk of addiction and overdose[33] [34]
Metipranolol1990UK, othersUveitis.
Metofoline1965USUnspecific experimental toxicity.
Mibefradil1998European Union, Malaysia, US, othersFatal arrhythmia, drug interactions.
Moxisylyte1993FranceNecrotic hepatitis.
Muzolimine1987France, Germany, European UnionPolyneuropathy.
Natalizumab (Tysabri)2005–2006USVoluntarily withdrawn from US market because of risk of Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Returned to market July 2006.
Nefazodone2004Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada[35] [36] [37] Branded version withdrawn by originator in several countries in 2007 for hepatotoxicity. Generic versions available. Still available in US market.
Nialamide1974UK, USHepatotoxicity, drug intereaction.
Nikethamide1988multiple marketsCNS Stimulation.
Nitrefazole1984GermanyHepatic and hematologic toxicity.
Nomifensine1981–1986France, Germany, Spain, UK, US, othersHemolytic Anemia, hepatotoxicity, serious hypersensitive reactions.
Oxeladin1976Canada, UK, US (1976)Carcinogen.[38]
Oxyphenbutazone1984–1985UK, US, Germany, France, CanadaBone marrow suppression, Stevens–Johnson syndrome.[39] [40]
Oxyphenisatin (Phenisatin)1970sAustralia, France, Germany, UK, USHepatotoxicity.
Ozogamicin2010USNo improvement in clinical benefit; risk for death; veno-occlusive disease.
Pemoline (Cylert)1997Canada, UKWithdrawn from US in 2005 due to hepatotoxicity.[41]
Pentobarbital1980NorwayRisk of fatal overdose.
Pentylenetetrazol1982USWithdrawn for inability to produce effective convulsive therapy, and for causing seizures.
Pergolide (Permax)2007USRisk for heart valve damage.
Perhexiline1985UK, SpainNeurologic and hepatic toxicity.
Phenacetin1975CanadaAn ingredient in "A.P.C." tablet; withdrawn because of risk of cancer and kidney disease[42] Germany Denmark, UK, US, others Reason: nephropathy.
Phenformin and Buformin1977France, Germany USSevere lactic acidosis
Phenolphthalein1997USPossible carcinogen.[43]
Phenoxypropazine1966UKHepatotoxicity, drug intereaction.
Phenylbutazone1985GermanyOff-label abuse, hematologic toxicity.
Phenylpropanolamine (Propagest, Dexatrim)2000Canada, USHemorrhagic stroke.[44] [45]
Pifoxime (=Pixifenide)1976FranceNeuropsychiatric reaction.
Pirprofen1990France, Germany, SpainLiver toxicity.
Prenylamine1988Canada, France, Germany, UK, US, othersCardiac arrythmia[46] and death.
Proglumide1989GermanyRespiratory reaction.
Pronethalol1965UKAnimal carcinogenicity.
Proxibarbal1998Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, TurkeyImmunoallergic, thrombocytopenia.
Ranitidine (Zantac)2020WorldwideFound to spontaneously break down into the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine.
Rapacuronium (Raplon)2001US, multiple marketsWithdrawn in many countries because of risk of fatal bronchospasm.
Remoxipride1993UK, othersAplastic anemia.
rhesus rotavirus vaccine-tetravalent (RotaShield)1999USWithdrawn due to risk of intussusception.[47]
Rimonabant (Acomplia)2008WorldwideRisk of severe depression and suicide.
Rofecoxib (Vioxx)2004WorldwideWithdrawn by Merck & Co. Risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
Rosiglitazone (Avandia)2010EuropeRisk of heart attacks and death. This drug continues to be available in the US
SecobarbitalFrance, Norway, others.Risk of overdose
Sertindole1998European UnionArrhythmia and sudden cardiac death[48]
Sibutramine (Reductil/Meridia)2010Australia,[49] Canada,[50] China,[51] the European Union (EU),[52] Hong Kong,[53] India,[54] Mexico, New Zealand,[55] the Philippines,[56] Thailand,[57] the United Kingdom,[58] and the United States[59] Increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Sorivudine1993JapanDrug interaction and deaths.[60]
Sparfloxacin2001USQT prolongation and phototoxicity.
Sulfacarbamide1988GermanyDermatologic, hematologic and hepatic reactions.
Sulfamethoxypyridazine1986UKDermatologic and hematologic reactions.
Suloctidil1985Germany, France, SpainHepatotoxicity.
Suprofen1986–1987UK, Spain, USKidney damage.
Tegaserod (Zelnorm)2007USRisk for heart attack, stroke, and unstable angina. Was available through a restricted access program until April 2008; returned to market in 2019.
Temafloxacin1992Germany, UK, US, othersLow blood sugar; hemolytic anemia; kidney, liver dysfunction; allergic reactions
Temafloxacin1992USAllergic reactions and cases of hemolytic anemia, leading to three patient deaths.
Temazepam (Restoril, Euhypnos, Normison, Remestan, Tenox, Norkotral)1999Sweden, NorwayDiversion, abuse, and a relatively high rate of overdose deaths in comparison to other drugs of its group. This drug continues to be available in most of the world including the US, but under strict controls.
Terfenadine (Seldane, Triludan)1997–1998France, South Africa, Oman, others, USProlonged QT interval; ventricular tachycardia
Terodiline (Micturin)1991Germany, UK, Spain, othersProlonged QT interval, ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia.
Tetrazepam2013European UnionSerious cutaneous reactions.[61]
Thalidomide1961GermanyWithdrawn because of risk of teratogenicity;[62] returned to market for use in leprosy and multiple myeloma under FDA orphan drug rules
Thenalidine1963Canada, UK, USNeutropenia[63]
Thiobutabarbitone1993GermanyKidney injury.
Thioridazine (Melleril)2005Germany, UKWithdrawn worldwide due to severe cardiac arrhythmias[64] [65] Continues to be available in Russia.
Ticrynafen (Tienilic acid)1980Germany, France, UK, US othersLiver toxicity and death.
Tolcapone (Tasmar)1998European Union, Canada, AustraliaHepatotoxicity
Tolrestat (Alredase)1996Argentina, Canada, Italy, othersSevere hepatotoxicity
Triazolam1991France, Netherlands, Finland, Argentina, UK othersPsychiatric adverse drug reactions, amnesia.[66]
Triparanol1962France, USCataracts, alopecia, ichthyosis.
Troglitazone (Rezulin)2000US, GermanyHepatotoxicity
Trovafloxacin (Trovan)1999–2001European Union, USWithdrawn because of risk of liver failure
Valdecoxib (Bextra)2004USRisk of heart attack and stroke.
Vincamine1987GermanyHematologic toxicity.
Xenazoic acid1965FranceHepatotoxicity.
Ximelagatran (Exanta)2006GermanyHepatotoxicity
Zimelidine1983WorldwideRisk of Guillain–Barré syndrome, hypersensitivity reaction, hepatotoxicity[67] [68] banned worldwide.[69]
Zomepirac1983UK, Germany, Spain, USAnaphylactic reactions and non-fatal allergic reactions, kidney failure

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Health Canada – Home Page. Government of Canada, Health Canada, Public Affairs, Consultation and Communications. Branch. 28 November 2016. dead. 28 June 2005.
  2. Fung. M.. Thornton, A. . Mybeck, K. . Wu, J. H.-h. . Hornbuckle, K. . Muniz, E. . Evaluation of the Characteristics of Safety Withdrawal of Prescription Drugs from Worldwide Pharmaceutical Markets-1960 to 1999. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. 1 January 2001. 35. 1. 293–317. 10.1177/009286150103500134. 73036562.
  3. Web site: WHO Drug Information Vol. 8, No. 2, 1994, page 64. 28 November 2016. dead. 3 March 2012.
  4. Berson . A . etal . 2001 . Toxicity of alpidem, a peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligand, but not zolpidem, in rat hepatocytes: role of mitochondrial permeability transition and metabolic activation . J Pharmacol Exp Ther . 299 . 2. 793–800 . 11602696 .
  5. News: Grady. Denise. 2002-06-08. U.S. Lets Drug Tied to Deaths Back on Market. en-US. The New York Times. 2021-07-20. 0362-4331.
  6. Web site: DrugBank. Amineptine. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  7. Web site: 2002-05-23. Determination That Ardeparin Sodium Injection Was Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness. 2021-07-20. Federal Register.
  8. Web site: FDA Response to Citizen Request re Ardeparin. 28 April 2018. live. 18 January 2017.
  9. Qureshi. ZP. Seoane-Vazquez, E . Rodriguez-Monguio, R . Stevenson, KB . Szeinbach, SL . Market withdrawal of new molecular entities approved in the United States from 1980 to 2009.. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. July 2011. 20. 7. 772–7. 21574210. 10.1002/pds.2155. 23821961.
  10. Web site: DrugBank. Bezitramide. 24 September 2013. dead. 27 September 2013.
  11. Web site: DrugBank. Bunamiodyl. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  12. WHO. Consolidated List of Products – Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or Not Approved by Governments, Twelfth Issue – Pharmaceuticals . United Nations – New York, 2005
  13. Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat Consolidated List of Products Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or not Approved by Governments Twelfth Issue: Pharmaceuticals United Nations – New York, 2005
  14. News: Schubert-Zsilavecz. Manfred. Arzneimittelrücknahmen Rückrufe im Rückblick. 25 September 2013. Pharmazeutische Zeitung (German). 2011. live. 27 September 2013.
  15. Web site: DrugBank. Dantron. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  16. Web site: Press Announcements – Xanodyne agrees to withdraw propoxyphene from the U.S. market. Food and Drug Administration. 28 November 2016. live. 13 November 2016.
  17. Col John Lammie et al. Report of the Department Of Defense: 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (Dmaa) Safety Review Panel June 3, 2013
  18. Web site: FDA. Stimulant Potentially Dangerous to Health, FDA Warns. Food and Drug Administration. 26 January 2014. live. 1 February 2014.
  19. Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated) in Adults with Septic Shock
  20. Web site: Xigris (drotrecogin alfa (activated)) to be withdrawn due to lack of efficacy . Press release . European Medicines Agency . London, UK . . 28 October 2011 . 25 October 2011 . 26 October 2011 . dead .
  21. Web site: Armstrong. Drew. 25 October 2011. Lilly Pulls Xigris Off Markets After Sepsis Drug Fails Study. dead. 2011-10-29. 2011-10-25. Bloomberg Businessweek.
  22. Web site: DrugBank. Ethyl carbamate. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  23. Web site: DrugBank. Fenfluramine. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  24. Web site: Withdrawal of pain medicine flupirtine endorsed. 13 July 2018.
  25. Web site: FDA. FDA approves Mylotarg for treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Food and Drug Administration. 17 February 2020.
  26. Web site: European medicines Agency. EMA suspends Picato as a precaution while review of skin cancer risk continues.
  27. Web site: Ingenol mebutate gel (Picato▼): Increased incidence of skin tumours seen in some clinical studies.
  28. Web site: DrugBank. Iproniazid. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  29. Agranulocytosis associated with cocaine use – four States, March 2008 – November 2009 . Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. . 58 . 49 . 1381–5 . December 2009 . 20019655 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . live . . 2017-06-25 .
  30. Nancy Y Zhu . Donald F. LeGatt . A Robert Turner . Agranulocytosis After Consumption of Cocaine Adulterated With Levamisole . . 150 . 4 . February 2009 . 287–289 . 19153405 . 10.7326/0003-4819-150-4-200902170-00102.
  31. Levamisole Found in Patients Using Cocaine . . 53 . 4 . April 2009 . Erik . Kinzie . 2009-08-18 . 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.10.017 . 546–7 . 19303517 . live . . 2015-12-24 . free .
  32. FDA. FDA requests the withdrawal of the weight-loss drug Belviq, Belviq XR (lorcaserin) from the market. FDA. 13 February 2020. 17 February 2020.
  33. Web site: Central Drugs Standard Control Organization . Drugs Banned In India . Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India . 24 September 2013 . dead . . 21 February 2015 .
  34. Web site: Drug Effects – Methaqualone. South African Police Service. 24 September 2013. live. 29 August 2003.
  35. News: Cosgrove-Mather. Bootie. Anti-Depressant Taken Off Market. 29 September 2013. CBS NEWS. December 5, 2007. live. 2 October 2013.
  36. Babai . S . Auclert . L . Le-Louët . H . Safety data and withdrawal of hepatotoxic drugs. . Therapie . November 2021 . 76 . 6 . 715–723 . 10.1016/j.therap.2018.02.004 . 29609830.
  37. Lexchin . Joel . Drug withdrawals from the Canadian market for safety reasons, 1963–2004 . Canadian Medical Association Journal . 29 October 2023 . 765–767 . en . 10.1503/cmaj.045021 . 15 March 2005. 172 . 6 . 15767610 . 552890 .
  38. Web site: DrugBank. Oxeladin. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  39. Web site: DrugBank. Oxyphenbutazone. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  40. Biron . P . Withdrawal of oxyphenbutazone: what about phenylbutazone? . CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal . 15 May 1986 . 134 . 10 . 1119–20 . 3697857 . 1491052.
  41. Web site: DrugBank. Pemoline. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  42. Web site: DrugBank. Phenacetin. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  43. Wysowski. Diane K.. Adverse Drug Event Surveillance and Drug Withdrawals in the United States, 1969–2002: The Importance of Reporting Suspected Reactions. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2005. 165. 12. 1363–9. 10.1001/archinte.165.12.1363. 15983284 . Swartz . L. free.
  44. Web site: Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products – Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (PPA). Office of the. Commissioner. Food and Drug Administration. 28 November 2016. live. 23 October 2016.
  45. Web site: DrugBank. Phenylpropanolamine. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  46. Web site: DrugBank. Prenylamine. 24 September 2013. dead. 27 September 2013.
  47. Web site: Withdrawal of Rotavirus Vaccine Recommendation.
  48. Web site: DrugBank. Sertindole. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.
  49. Web site: Sibutramine (brand name Reductil) Information – Australia . 2010 . 2010-10-08 . Abbott Laboratories . dead . . 2010-10-14 .
  50. Health Canada Endorsed Important Safety Information on MERIDIA (Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate)
  51. Web site: Notification of Termination of Production, Sale, and Usage of Sibutramine Preparations and Their Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient . in People's Republic of China . October 30, 2010 . 2011-05-21 . dead . . October 7, 2011 .
  52. Sibutramin-Vertrieb in der Europäischen Union ausgesetzt Abbott Laboratories in Germany. Press Release 2010-01-21. Retrieved 2010-01-27
  53. De-registration of pharmaceutical products containing sibutramine . in Hong Kong . November 2, 2010 . 2010-11-08 . live . . October 21, 2011 .
  54. Banned Medicines . Ministry of Health and Family Welfare . February 10, 2011 . 2011-03-15 . live . . July 23, 2012 .
  55. Withdrawal of Sibutramine (Reductil) in New Zealand . MedSafe in New Zealand . October 11, 2010 . 2012-11-06 . dead . . October 14, 2012 .
  56. News: FDA warns online sellers of banned slimming pills. February 20, 2014. January 12, 2014. live. February 21, 2014.
  57. Thai FDA reveals voluntary withdrawal of sibutramine from the Thai market . Food and Drug Administration of Thailand . October 20, 2010 . 2010-12-22 . dead . . May 11, 2011 .
  58. News: Top obesity drug sibutramine being suspended . 2010-01-22 . BBC News . 2010-01-22 . live . . 2010-01-25 .
  59. News: Rockoff. Jonathan D.. Dooren. Jennifer Corbett. Abbott Pulls Diet Drug Meridia Off US Shelves. 8 October 2010. The Wall Street Journal. October 8, 2010. live. 11 October 2010.
  60. H. Gurdon: Japan bans shingles drug after deaths BMJ 1994;309:627
  61. Web site: Paar. W.D. Ruhen der Zulassung Tetrazepam haltiger Arzneimittel in der EU (German). Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH. 25 September 2013. Müller-Jakic. dead. 27 September 2013.
  62. News: Luippold. Gerd. Renaissance des Contergan-Wirkstoffs. 25 September 2013. Pharmazeutische Zeitung (German). 2006. live. 27 September 2013.
  63. Web site: Drugbank. Thenalidine. 24 September 2013. dead. 27 September 2013.
  64. Outcome of patients after market withdrawal of thioridazine: A retrospective analysis in a nationwide cohort. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 21. 11. November 2012. 22941581. 10.1002/pds.3346. 1227–1231. Purhonen, M . Koponen, H . Tiihonen, J . Tanskanen, A . 19560432.
  65. Web site: SHARED CARE PROTOCOL Thioridazine. NHS Lothian Joint Formulary. March 2012. dead. 2015-05-18.
  66. Web site: DrugBank. Triazolam. 24 September 2013. dead. 27 September 2013.
  67. 1028185 . 1985 . Fagius . J. . Osterman . P. O. . Sidén . A. . Wiholm . B. E. . Guillain-Barré syndrome following zimeldine treatment . Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry . 48 . 1 . 65–69 . 10.1136/jnnp.48.1.65 . 3156214 .
  68. Pubchem record
  69. Web site: DrugBank. Zimelidine. 24 September 2013. live. 27 September 2013.