When We Were at War explained


"When we were at war" (; author's title "Song of the Hussar") is a poem by David Samoilov, included in his collection of poems, "Voices Beyond the Hills", in 1981–1985. It was set to music by, who read it in the Ogonyok magazine. The song gained popularity under the guise of an old Cossack song.[1] [2]


RussianTranslation (Approximate)
Песенка гусараКогда мы были на войне,Когда мы были на войне,Там каждый думал о своейЛюбимой или о жене.

И я бы тоже думать мог,И я бы тоже думать мог,Когда на трубочку глядел,На голубой её дымок.

Давид Самойлов

Hussar songWhen we were at war,When we were at war,There everyone thought about hisBeloved or his wife.

And I could think too,And I could think too,When I looked at my pipe,At its blue smoke.

David Samoilov

First two stanzas only

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2010. Когда мы были на войне» — Журнальный зал. 2020-08-07. magazines.gorky.media.
  2. Web site: "Казачий Круг" - Когда мы были на войне. 2020-08-07. 2009.kaz-krug.ru.