North Bauchi languages explained

North Bauchi
Also Known As:Warji; B.2 West Chadic
Region:Darazo and Ningi LGAs, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Fam3:West Chadic
Protoname:Proto-North Bauchi
Glottorefname:West Chadic B.2
Map:West Chadic Languages.jpg
Mapcaption:West Chadic per Newman (1977)

The North Bauchi languages (also called the B.2 West Chadic or Warji languages) are a branch of West Chadic languages that are spoken in Bauchi State, northern Nigeria.

An extensive survey of the North Bauchi (Warji) languages had been done by Skinner (1977).[1]

Culturally, North Bauchi language speakers are unique for their chestharp, a fusion of the arched harp with the chest bow.


The North Bauchi languages are:[2]

Names and locations

Below is a comprehensive list of North Bauchi language names, populations, and locations from Blench (2019).[3]

Language Cluster Dialects Alternate spellings Own name for language Endonym(s) Other names (based on location) Other names for language Exonym(s) Speakers Location(s)
Tsagu Sago, Tsaganci 3,000 (1977 Skinner) Bauchi State, Ningi and Darazo LGAs
Diriya, Dirya Sago, Tsagu Diryanci Buwane, Diryawa 3,750 (LA 1971) Bauchi State, Ningi and Darazo LGAs
Two dialects Kauyawa, Keriya Vinahә Wihә Lipkawa (see also Mburku) 2,200 (LA 1971); 3,000 (1977 Skinner) Bauchi State, Darazo LGA. At Kariya Wuro, 30 S.E. of Ningi.
Paha, Afa FuCaka sg. FuCiki, pl. Foni Paʼanci Faʼawa, Afawa 8,500 (LA 1971); 20,000 (Skinner, 1977) Bauchi State, Ningi and Darazo LGAs
Siri Siryanci 2,000 (LA 1971); 3,000 (1977 Skinner) Bauchi State, Darazo and Ningi LGAs
Gala (?) Sәrzakwai, Sirzakwai Sar Sarawa 28,000 (LA 1971); 50,000 (Skinner, 1977) Bauchi State, Darazo LGA, Ganjuwa district, and Ningi LGA, Warji district; Jigawa State, Birnin Kudu LGA
Barko, Barke Vә Mvәran Mburkanci Burkunawa, Lipkawa (see also Kariya) 210 (1949–50); 4,000 (1977 Skinner) Bauchi State, Darazo LGA
Muya Vәne Mi Miyawa 5,200 (LA 1971) Bauchi State, Darazo LGA, Ganjuwa district. Miya town and associated hamlets
Wudufu (possible dialect) Jimbin Vina Zumbun 1,500 (LA 1971) Bauchi State, Darazo LGA


Proto-North Bauchi
Also Known As:Proto-Warji
Target:North Bauchi languages

Proto-North Bauchi (Proto-Warji) quasi-reconstructions by Roger Blench (2012):[4]

Scientific name English name Proto-North Bauchi
Faidherbia albida whitethorn
  1. atasay
Acacia sieberiana
  1. malaliya
Khaya senegalensis
  1. kwamay
Zizyphus sp.
  1. akwaya
Ficus sp.
  1. tirini
Bombax buonopozense
  1. zəŋgwa
Scientific name English name Proto-North Bauchi
Tragelaphus scriptus
  1. badakəla
Gazella rufifrons
  1. tambəra
Alcelaphus buselaphus
  1. zəmakwara
Ourebia ourebi
  1. ndagway
Redunca redunca
  1. gəlafi
Scientific name English name Proto-North Bauchi
Vigna subterranea
  1. azuwey
Sorghum bicolor
  1. ʒuna
Pennisetum typhoideum millet (gero)
  1. gyəla
Pennisetum typhoideum millet (maiwa)
  1. marday
Abelmoschus esculentus
  1. tagway
Solanum spp.
  1. akintə
English name Proto-North Bauchi
  1. ɬərkəyi
  1. yəruwa
  1. aʧikyə
  1. tumakway
English name Proto-North Bauchi
  1. təɬana
  1. suƙwana
  1. ʃivəna

Notes and References

  1. Skinner, Neil A. 1977. North Bauchi Chadic languages. Afroasiatic Linguistics, 4/1:1-49.
  2. Blench, Roger. 2006. The Afro-Asiatic Languages: Classification and Reference List (ms)
  3. Book: Blench, Roger. An Atlas of Nigerian Languages. Kay Williamson Educational Foundation. 2019. 4th. Cambridge.
  4. Blench, Roger. 2012. Linguistic and cultural background to the North Bauchi region and the Wiihə people.