Wallace County, New South Wales Explained

Near-Sw:Tambo (Vic)

Wallace County is one of the 141 cadastral divisions of New South Wales. The Snowy River is the boundary to the south and south-east, with the Murrumbidgee River being the northern boundary. It includes the area around Jindabyne.

Wallace County was named in honour of Sir John Alexander Dunlop Agnew Wallace (1775-1857), the Sixth Baronet.

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Wallace County, New South Wales".

Except where otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is © Copyright 2009-2025, A B Cryer, All Rights Reserved. Cookie policy.

Parish LGA Coordinates
Abington -36.4817°N 148.6011°W
Adaminaby -36.0983°N 148.8178°W
Adaminiby -36.0981°N 148.8094°W
Addicumbene -36.0483°N 148.6011°W
Arable -36.3983°N 148.9678°W
Backalum -36.0483°N 148.9344°W
Beloka -36.4817°N 148.7511°W
Beurina -36.7317°N 148.2511°W
Blakefield -36.5817°N 148.5011°W
Bloomfield -36.5817°N 148.3344°W
Bobundara -36.4817°N 148.9178°W
Bolaira -35.9983°N 148.7678°W
Bradley -36.3483°N 148.9344°W
Buckenderra -36.1817°N 148.8011°W
Bulgundara -36.4483°N 148.7844°W
Bullenbalong -36.2317°N 148.6844°W
Cabramurra -35.9983°N 148.5844°W
Caddigat -35.9983°N 148.8678°W
Chippendale -35.9317°N 148.7511°W
Clapton -36.665°N 148.3011°W
Clyde -36.4483°N 148.5844°W
Coolamatong -36.3983°N 148.8011°W
Coonhoonbula -36.5817°N 148.9011°W
Cootralantra -36.315°N 148.9178°W
Crackenback -36.4317°N 148.4678°W
Eucumbene -36.1317°N 148.6011°W
Gabramatta -35.8317°N 148.7511°W
Gooandra -35.7817°N 148.5344°W
Gordon -36.415°N 148.8678°W
Grose -36.6983°N 148.4678°W
Gungarlin -36.165°N 148.4678°W
Guthega -36.3483°N 148.4011°W
Gygederick -36.2317°N 148.8178°W
Ingebirah -36.6053°N 148.44°W
Ingeegoodbee -36.8317°N 148.3344°W
Jimenbuen -36.6983°N 148.8844°W
Jinderboine -36.415°N 148.7011°W
Kalkite -36.2317°N 148.5844°W
Kiandra -35.8817°N 148.5011°W
-36.4983°N 148.2844°W
Kosciuszko -36.4983°N 148.2844°W
Lake -36.215°N 148.9011°W
Marrinumbla -36.5483°N 148.8178°W
Matong -36.715°N 148.8011°W
Middlingbank -36.1983°N 148.6678°W
Mitchell -36.3483°N 148.4678°W
Mowamba -36.4817°N 148.5344°W
Mowamba -36.5317°N 148.4511°W
Moyangul -36.7317°N 148.3178°W
Munyang -36.2739°N 148.4606°W
Murroo -36.1317°N 148.9344°W
Myack -36.315°N 148.7844°W
Myalla -36.4483°N 149.0178°W
Napier -36.7817°N 148.8011°W
Nimmo -36.1817°N 148.5844°W
Numbla -36.6317°N 148.7678°W
Nungar -35.915°N 148.6344°W
Popong -36.665°N 148.6678°W
Seymour -36.0717°N 148.7136°W
Tantangara -35.815°N 148.6178°W
The Peak -36.4317°N 149.1011°W
Thredbo -31.515°N 148.3844°W
Tongaroo -36.7317°N 148.9178°W
Townsend -36.3317°N 148.6844°W
Wallgrove -35.9983°N 148.7011°W
Wambrook -36.1817°N 148.9344°W
Wilson -36.5817°N 148.6844°W
Wullwye -36.465°N 148.9344°W