Vyšehrad Proclamation Explained

The Vyšehrad Proclamation was introduced by the Czech Civic Democratic Party (ODS) on 17 August 2017. It consisted of 12 conditions for the party to be part of a government coalition after the 2017 legislative election.[1]

ODS leader Petr Fiala stated that the declaration didn't mean the party would be in opposition after the election, but that it was a condition for being part of the government.[2] He also stated that the proclamation provided space for negotiation.[3]


The following are the 12 conditions of the proclamation:[4]


The ODS received 11% of votes and became the second strongest party in Czechia. Then-deputy party leader Alexandra Udženija promised that the ODS would not abandon the Vyšehrad Proclamation.[5] Fiala stated that the ODS would not participate in the government led by ANO 2011. He also began negotiations with other opposition parties about possible cooperation.[6]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: ODS představila Vyšehradskou deklaraci, 12 podmínek pro vstup do vlády. EuroZprávy.cz. 23 October 2017. cs.
  2. Web site: Do vlády jen s tím, kdo odmítne povinné přijetí eura a EET, řekl Fiala. iDNES.cz. 23 October 2017. 17 August 2017.
  3. Web site: ODS v příští vládě? Vyšehradská deklarace dává prostor pro jednání, říká Fiala. EuroZprávy.cz. 23 October 2017. cs.
  4. Web site: ODS si stanovila 12 nepřekročitelných podmínek pro vstup do vlády. Aktuálně.cz. 23 October 2017. cs. 23 August 2017.
  5. Web site: Volby živě: ANO zvítězilo, uspěli Piráti a ODS, ve Sněmovně devět stran. denikreferendum.cz. 21 October 2017 . 23 October 2017. cs.
  6. Web site: Fiala chce sjednotit opozici, pozval si už Farského i Kalouska. Echo24.cz. 23 October 2017. cs. 23 October 2017.