Volt Slovakia Explained

Volt Slovakia
Native Name:Volt Slovensko
Leader1 Title:Co-chairs
Spokesperson:Andrea Danihelová
Foundation:May 2023
Registered:12 February 2024
Colors: Purple
European:Volt Europa
Seats1 Title:National Council
Seats2 Title:European Parliament

Volt Slovakia (Slovak: Volt Slovensko, Volt) is a political party in Slovakia and the Slovak branch of Volt Europa, a Eurofederalist and progressive pan-European political party and movement, which advocates for greater European cooperation across Europe.


The party's declared goal is to regain trust in politics and break with the old structures of politics in Slovakia. To this purpose, the party wants to focus on cross-border cooperation and Europe to solve problems such as climate change or economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.[1] [2]

The party is committed to a tolerant, open society and LGBTQ rights.[3] [4]

The party supports sanctions against Russia and arms deliveries to Ukraine in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war.[5]


Volt Slovakia was founded in May 2023 by Rick Zedník and Lucia Kleštincová and began the process of official registration as a party. To do so, the movement needs 10,000 signatures of support, which it must submit to the Ministry of the Interior.[6] In December 2023, the movement announced that it had collected the necessary signatures.[7] The founding party conference took place in Bratislava on 3 February 2024.[8] Lucia Kleštincová and Rick Zedník were elected as Co-Presidents and additionally Zuzana Púčiková as Interim Co-President for the campaign for the European elections.[9] The party was officially registered by the Ministry of the Interior on 12 February 2024.[10] The party is preparing to participate in the European elections 2024, in which it is running with a list of 10 candidates.[11] [12] The top candidate is Lucia Kleštincová, who was elected in November 2023.[13]


2024 European elections

The top candidate for the European elections in 2024 is Lucia Kleštincová, who was elected in November 2023. At its founding party conference on 3 February 2024, the party's complete list of 10 candidates was elected. It is based on gender parity with alternating representation.[14] [15] The party's programme is the one adopted by Volt Europa in November 2023, which is shared by all national Volt parties.

Election results

European Parliament

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: s.r.o . 24hod sk-24 hodín s r o- WebSys . Na Slovensku vzniká nová paneurópska strana, chce zmeniť starý model politiky (foto) . 2023-10-31 . 24hod.sk.
  2. Web site: a.s . Petit Press . O hlasy slovenského voličstva v eurovoľbách sa bude uchádzať európska strana . 2023-11-01 . svet.sme.sk . sk.
  3. Web site: a.s . Petit Press . 2023-07-21 . A path to LGBTI equality? Ireland offers Slovakia a model . 2023-11-01 . spectator.sme.sk . en.
  4. Web site: Kleštincová . Lucia . Lakatoš . Mikuláš . Zedník . Rick . 2023-07-21 . Cesta k rovnoprávnosti LGBTI? Írsko môže byť Slovensku vzorom . 2023-11-01 . euractiv.sk . sk-SK.
  5. Web site: a.s . SITA Slovenská tlačová agentúra . 2023-10-30 . Volt Slovensko kritizuje Fica za jeho poľutovaniahodné kroky na upokojenie Ruska, prístup k sankciám označili za zbabelý . 2023-11-01 . SITA.sk . sk.
  6. Web site: s.r.o . Global24 . 2023-09-15 . Na Slovensku chce aktuálne vzniknúť OSEM nových politických strán . 2023-10-31 . Dnes24.sk . sk.
  7. Web site: Volt Slovensko on LinkedIn: ⚡2023 was a big year for Volt Slovensko. We launched in May and quickly… . 2024-02-01 . www.linkedin.com . en.
  8. Web site: a.s . SITA Slovenská tlačová agentúra . 2024-01-31 . V sobotu sa uskutoční zakladajúce Valné zhromaždenie strany Volt Slovensko, členská základňa si bude voliť svojich predsedov . 2024-02-01 . SITA.sk . sk.
  9. Web site: Volt Slovakia elects its co-chairwoman, co-chairman . 2024-02-09 . Volt Template . en.
  10. Web site: Detail - Register politických strán a politických hnutí Slovenskej republiky . 2024-02-14 . ives.minv.sk.
  11. Web site: Zmušková . Barbara . Slovik . Karol . 2023-08-23 . Volt could get a second MEP after Slovak snap election . 2023-11-01 . www.euractiv.com . en-GB.
  12. Web site: 2024-02-14 . Novovzniknutá strana Volt Slovensko zabojuje v Eurovoľbách. Na kandidátke ponúkajú desať osobností . 2024-02-14 . tvnoviny.sk.
  13. Web site: parameter.sk . Van egy párt, Volt a neve, júniusban indulna a szlovákiai választásokon . 2024-02-01 . parameter.sk . hu.
  14. Web site: Founding General Assembly of Volt Slovakia in Bratislava . 2024-02-09 . Volt Template . en.
  15. Web site: European Parliament candidate list 2024 . 2024-02-09 . Volt Template . en.