Vladimir Putin's language explained

Vladimir Putin's use of language, characterized by a straightforward style abundant in colloquialisms, greatly contribute to the president's popularity in Russia. The most notable feature of it are "Putinisms", quotes and excerpts from Putin's speeches, many of which are catchphrases and aphorisms well known in Russia, but which often baffled interpreters.[1] [2]

General characteristics

Michele A. Berdy in an article in The Moscow Times described Putin's speech as follows: "Not a bad speaker. No misplaced stresses or other deviations from the strict Russian grammatical norms. No rambling or unclear thoughts. Good diction, punchy delivery, well-constructed speeches." In his speeches he often used folk sayings and criminal slang. She wrote that journalists used to wait eagerly for Putin's press conferences for his new "Putinisms". She noted that by 2018 the informality of Putin's speech had disappeared.[2]

In his analysis of Putin's language, Michael Gorham remarks on moderate "oratorial prowess" of Putin compared to, e.g., that of Anatoly Sobchak or Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Gorham classified the public images delivered by Putin's speeches into that of "technocrat", "businessman", "silovik", "simple man", and "patriot". He concludes that Putin's charisma lies in his ability to combine these verbal images and manipulate with them to evoke sympathy from various strata of the population of Russia.


Putin has produced a number of popular aphorisms and catch-phrases, known as putinisms.[3] Many of them were first made during his annual Q&A conferences, where Putin answered questions from journalists and other people in the studio, as well as from Russians throughout the country, who either phoned in or spoke from studios and outdoor sites across Russia. Putin is known for his often tough and sharp language.[3]

Notable putinisms include:[4]

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Michael S. Gorham, "Putin’s Language", Ab Imperio, 2005, no.4, pp.381-4o0,
  2. Michele A. Berdy, Language (R)Evolution", The Moscow Times, May 11, 2018
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian/russia/newsid_3535000/3535811.stm Путинизмы – "продуманный личный эпатаж"?
  4. http://ria.ru/politics/20080507/106744531.html 20 высказываний Путина, ставших афоризмами
  5. Jim Heintz, Vladimir Putin: From mean streets to perpetual power
  6. Web site: Премьер-министр Владимир Путин: Их нужно выковырять со дна канализации. Александр. Латышев. 31 March 2010. iz.ru. 26 July 2022.
  7. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article715218.ece "Putin takes swipe at hungry America's 'Comrade Wolf'"
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/may/11/russia.usaPutin lashes out at 'wolflike' America
  9. М.В. Кутьева, "Волк как этнокультурный архетипический символ в русском и испанском вербальном мышлении", In: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ В ВЫСШЕЙ ШКОЛЕ, issue 1 (24), 2013, p. 24.
  10. Замостьянов А. А., Отечественная массовая культура XX века, p. 233
  11. https://rus.bookmate.com/authors/MlA6In4B?c=1917&pid=bmj Марк Азов
  12. Quote: "Меня товарищ Волк лично назначил к съедению. Посадил на бугор и говорит: - Сиди и жди, пока я тебя съем. А река разлилась - половодье. Вода уже по брюхо. Все звери бегут, спа-а-асаются, а я сижу - выполняю указание, жду. Товарищ Волк знает, кого кушать."
  13. Web site: Почему Путин – краб, Ленин – гриб, Медведев – шмель? . Newsland.ru . 7 May 2012.
  14. Web site: Россия и Латвия подписали договор о рубежах . 27 March 2007 . Utro.ru . 7 May 2012.
  15. Web site: Блогозрение: Волшебная ручка Путина . Dw3d.de . 7 May 2012.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/25/edward-snowden-moscow-vladimir-putin Putin: NSA whistleblower Snowden is in Moscow airport | World news
  17. http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=1611339 "Путин о Сноудене: Россия не та страна, которая выдает борцов за права человека"
  18. http://www.kommersant.ru/pda/kommersant.html?id=2478907 "Под хохот мощных канонад"
  19. Web site: "Не дождетесь": вопрос о здоровье развеселил Путина.
  20. Note: "How is your health" is a common Russian "small talk" greeting akin to "How are you doing?"
  21. Web site: Acting President and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was interviewed by the RTR television channel. en.kremlin.ru. 23 January 2000 . 26 July 2022.
  22. News: "Беззащитный бомбардировщик": блоггеры смеются над словами Путина, которых он не говорил. 1 December 2015. Newsru.com. 26 July 2022.
  23. https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-state-of-the-nation-annotated-2019/29780972.html The Annotated Putin: 'State Of The Nation' Dissected
  24. https://www.svoboda.org/a/29780660.html Путин: "сателлиты" США "подхрюкивают" Вашингтону
  25. Web site: Подхрюкивание челлендж. Благодаря Путину в России появился "глагол года". 360tv.ru. 21 February 2019 . 26 July 2022.