Vivid knowledge refers to a specific kind of knowledge representation.
The idea of a vivid knowledge base is to get an interpretation mostly straightforward out of it - it implies the interpretation. Thus, any query to such a knowledge base can be reduced to a database-like query.
A propositional knowledge base KB is vivid iff KB is a complete and consistent set of literals (over some vocabulary).[1]
Such a knowledge base has the property that it as exactly one interpretation, i.e. the interpretation is unique. A check for entailment of a sentence can simply be broken down into its literals and those can be answered by a simple database-like check of KB.
A first-order knowledge base KB is vivid iff for some finite set of positive function-free ground literals KB+,
KB = KB+ ∪ Negations ∪ DomainClosure ∪ UniqueNames,
Negations ≔,
DomainClosure ≔,
UniqueNames ≔ .
All interpretations of a vivid first-order knowledge base are isomorphic.[3]