Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Explained

Subject Name:Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
(previously Jyhad)
Italic Title:yes
Image Caption:Vampire: The Eternal Struggles library and crypt card back designs
Designer:Richard Garfield
Publisher:White Wolf Publishing
Setup Time:~ 5 minutes
Playing Time:~ 1–2 hours
Random Chance:Some

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (published as Jyhad in the first or "Limited" edition and often abbreviated as V:TES) is a multiplayer collectible card game published by Wizards of the Coast (1994-1996), then White Wolf Publishing (1996-2010) and after several years of hiatus, by Black Chantry Productions (2018-present). It is set in the World of Darkness[1] and is based on the roleplaying game.[2]

Publication history

The game was designed in 1994 by Richard Garfield and initially published by Wizards of the Coast and was the third CCG ever created, after and Spellfire.[3] As Garfield's first follow-up to his popular Magic: The Gathering collectible card game, he was eager to prove that the genre was "a form of game as potentially diverse as board games".[4] Richard Garfield noted that the experiences he had made with the Magic: The Gathering collectible card game had helped him to improve his design of the game. In an interview with Robert Goudie, Garfield particularly notes that dedicated multi-player (3+) rules, a lack of "land cards", and a more rapid card drawing mechanism (cards normally being replaced instantly after being played).

The release first release consisted of 438 cards sold in 76-card starter decks and 19-card booster packs. In 1995 the game was renamed from Jyhad to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle to increase its appeal and distance itself from the Islamic term jihad.[5]

White Wolf published The Eternal Struggle: A Strategy Guide to the Jyhad in 1995, and Wizards published a player's guide Darkness Unveiled in August 1996.[6] [7] After the 1996 Sabbat expansion, Wizards of the Coast abandoned the game, and in 2000 White Wolf took over development.

White Wolf announced that Vampire: The Eternal Struggle would cease production on September 10, 2010.[8]

Several fan-designed sets have appeared over the years, under the player community organization brand of Elder Kindred Network .[9]

On April 24, 2018, Black Chantry Productions, a fan-run organization, announced the company had obtained the license to produce Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and return the game to print.[10] They produced new sets of physical cards, along with expansions that were made available for free as PDFs. In 2020 they released the 5th Edition of the game, and used crowdfunding platform for some products.[11] [12]


The game is set in the World of Darkness, drawing mainly from the role-playing game. After the events of Gehenna ended the official World of Darkness storyline, V:TES is considered a sort of alternative reality of the setting, as it continues though White Wolf publishes no further official products for the roleplaying game.

In V:TES, each player takes on the role of a Methuselah, an ancient and manipulative vampire,[13] who is not itself present in the struggle, but acts from afar. Each Methuselah will try to eliminate all others by nullifying their influence and power. To that end, the Methuselahs will control and manipulate a number of minions (mostly younger vampires) to attack and destroy the other Methuselahs' resources.



The game can be played by any number of two or more players but is ideally played by a group of four or five players. Group play with more than six players is rare, as an individual's turn can easily take two to three minutes, causing a slow game. Two-player games (and to some extent three-player games) also suffer from lack of opportunity for the kind of inter-player alliances and treachery that are a large part of the game.

As in most other collectible card games, each player designs his or her own deck before play begins. Each deck is built with two components:

Each player starts the game with 30 "pool", which represents the player's influence. If a player's pool is reduced to 0, the player is "ousted" and eliminated from the game. The object for each player is to oust their "prey" (the player seated on their left) while defending themselves from their "predator" (the player seated on their right). Each time a player is ousted, their predator gains a victory point and 6 pool, with a bonus victory point for being the last surviving player in the game; when all but one of the players have been eliminated, the player with the most victory points wins.

On a player's turn, they direct their minions to perform a number of actions and attacks, which other players' minions may intercept or interrupt. A player must spend their own pool in order to bring vampires out from their crypt or sometimes to play cards from their hand (as indicated on the card). Therefore, players continually have to make decisions based on how much they want to invest into assets in play and how much to retain to stay alive, especially against other players capable of sudden dangerous "bleeds" (direct attacks on the player's pool).

Gameplay offers many options for alliance or betrayal. Due to the fact that being ousted nets the predator 6 pool, and thus makes him stronger and more dangerous to the next prey, it is not uncommon for players to suddenly start helping a player in a weak situation, or gang up on a player who seems to be getting too strong. This makes forming and shifting alliances part and parcel of the game. Short-term deals and trade-offs (with very fluid terms) are typical, and bluffing is also often used.

Game time varies greatly depending on the number of players and the style of decks played. Games can take anywhere from half an hour to three or more hours (for a 5-player game). In tournament play and in some informal games, a time limit may be imposed, after which all remaining players receive half a victory point in addition to any they may have already received. The standard time limit for a tournament game is 2 hours.

Playing styles

There are many ways to win in V:TES, though they all depend on eventually wearing down your prey's pool. Some of the most common styles, as described in the official player's guide[14] are:

All the above deck types have various weaknesses, the most glaring being that a deck should theoretically be able to do everything well enough to take advantage of evolving game situations, and to counter other styles it may come up against. However, if it uses this "Toolbox" approach too strongly, it may spread itself too thin and end up being incapable of following through.[14]

Distinct nature

V:TES is a game of negotiation, skill, and deck-building. What sets V:TES apart from most other collectible card games is the strong group play element. In general a player will concentrate on the player to his immediate left, his prey, and a player who succeeds in ousting his prey receives a strong boost by gaining 6 additional pool. This boost of resources might possibly enable him to eventually "sweep the table" (gaining momentum with every kill) and oust every other player. Thus there is a tendency for players to help weaker ones to frustrate the stronger players' dominance. This ensures that most players stay in the game longer, instead of the playing field being reduced quickly to those with the best cards and the greatest skill.

These conditions create a game where players are almost always interacting with the other players for both short- and long-term goals instead of simply waiting for their turns. Deals and alliances, both for a moment or for the whole game, can play a big role. A type of card called "political action" cards are designed with this in mind. When a player plays one, a referendum is called in which each player can cast votes, either by using votes granted from cards in play (typically from vampires with a "title" such as a Prince or Bishop) or by playing cards from hand, and the results of the referendum can affect all the players - though which players benefit and which players get hurt are all up to how the votes are cast.

Sets and expansions

White Wolf releases V:TES cards in base sets, expansion sets, and mini-expansion sets. The main difference between these are the size of the set and the number of reprints.

All expansion sets from the Dark Sovereigns expansion onward are identified by an expansion symbol printed in the upper right corner of cards. In newsgroups and on web pages, character codes are used to identify each set, usually an abbreviation of the expansion's name.

Expansion NameTypeSymbolCodeRelease DateTotal cards[15] New cards[16] Booster distribution
JyhadBase(none)JyhadAugust 16, 199443743711C, 4V, 3U, 1R
Vampire: The Eternal StruggleBase(none)V:TESSeptember 15, 1995436611C, 4V, 3U, 1R
Dark SovereignsExpansionGothic windowDSDecember 15, 1995(173)1738C, 4V, 3U
Ancient Hearts[17] ExpansionEye of HorusAHMay 29, 1996(179)1796C, 4V, 2U/R
Sabbat[18] ExpansionCalligraphy SSabbatOctober 28, 1996(410)34016C, 5V, 5U, 2R
Sabbat WarBaseInverted spiked ankhSWOctober 31, 2000437 (300)775C, 3V, 2U, 1R or
4C, 3V, 3U, 1R[19]
Final NightsExpansionBroken ankhFNJune 11, 2001386 (162)1707C, 3V, 1R
Bloodlines[20] ExpansionAnkh on red blood spatterBLDecember 3, 2001(196)1967C, 3V, 1R
Camarilla Edition[21] BaseAnkhCEAugust 19, 2002547 (385)1155C, 3V, 2U, 1R
AnarchsExpansionCombined CE/SW AnkhsAnarchsMay 19, 2003260 (132)1287C, 3V, 1R
Black HandExpansionHandprintBHNovember 17, 2003286 (136)1457C, 3V, 1R
GehennaExpansionStylised ClockGehennaMay 17, 2004(150)1507C, 3V, 1R
Tenth AnniversarySpecialFoil "10"TenthDecember 13, 200419010--
Kindred Most WantedExpansionGunKMWFebruary 21, 2005314 (150)1627C, 3V, 1R
Legacies of BloodExpansionSplit ankh (black)LoBNovember 14, 2005461 (300)2367C, 3V, 1R
Nights of ReckoningMini expansionPlus with circleNoRApril 10, 2006(60+17)[22] 606C, 3V, 1R, 1X
Third EditionBaseTri-snake biohazardThirdSeptember 4, 2006537 (390)1605C, 3V, 2U, 1R
Sword of CaineMini expansionBundle of swordsSoCMarch 19, 2007(60)607C, 3V, 1R
Lords of the NightExpansionCrownLotNSeptember 26, 2007295 (150)1757C, 3V, 1R
Blood Shadowed CourtSpecialSilver AnkhBSCApril 16, 20081000--
Twilight RebellionMini expansionTri-snake on Red StarTRMay 28, 2008(60)607C, 3V, 1R
Keepers of TraditionBaseCastle towerKoTNovember 19, 2008457 (398)1765C, 3V, 2U, 1R
Ebony KingdomMini expansionSplit ankh (white)EKMay 27, 2009(62)604C, 3V, 1R, 3C
Heirs to the BloodExpansionThree blood dropsHttBFebruary 3, 2010[23] TBA (168)1687C, 3V, 1R
Danse MacabreMini expansion (PDF)Fanged SkullDMOctober 5, 2013[24] 3434--
The UnalignedMini expansion (PDF)Broken ColumnTAOctober 4, 2014[25] 7272--
Storyline RewardsMini expansion (PDF)(none)SRFebruary 21, 2015[26] 1313--
Anarchs UnboundMini expansion (PDF)Burning ankhAUJanuary 17, 2016[27] 4242--
Lost KindredMini expansionBleeding eyeLKJune 10, 2018[28] 4141--
Sabbath PreconstructedExpansionSmall AnkhSPFebruary 16, 2019 1258Set of four decks.
Fifth EditionBase setSmall AnkhV5November 30, 2020[29] 49549Box set of five decks, with rulebook, pool counters, and Edge token.
Kickstarter Mini expansion--KSUSep 2021----Four card bundles: Anarchs Unbound, Danse Macabre, The Unaligned 1 and The Unaligned 2.


In a review in issue #10 of Pyramid magazine, Scott Haring stated that while created the collectible card game market, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle established it as a "legitimate game category". He also stated that the game had "pretty good" art, but that the numerous icons would take time to learn.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle was a very popular card game in the 1990s,[30] outselling most other collectible card games on the market at the time, although behind in sales.[30] A common criticism reported from players was its slow play speed. An article in the first issue of InQuest stated that the game is "complicated and takes a while to play" but can be "fiendishly rewarding".

Steve Faragher of Arcane magazine gave the game a score of 7/10, calling it the most "intriguingly political" card game he had played, and praising its storytelling atmosphere. He appreciated the higher play speed that came with the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle re-launch's revised rules, although fellow Arcane staff member Jon Moore still found the game slow to play.[31]

Martin Klimes reviewed the Ancient Hearts expansion for Arcane magazine, rating it an 8 out of 10 overall.[32] Klimes comments that "There is now pretty much always a good attack you can choose, and almost always a choice of defenses against it. Ancient Hearts will add significant interest to your games, which is all you can ask of any expansion."[32]

Jennifer Clarke Wilkes reviewed the Sabbat expansion in the December 1996 issue of The Duelist, stating that as an expansion set it is "remarkably helpful" but that it "falls a little short of its goal" as a standalone set.


In 2004, Inquest Gamer Magazine picked Vampire: The Eternal Struggle as the all-time best multiplayer collectible card games.[33]

In 2006, Inquest Gamer Fan Awards called the Third Edition expansion the "Best CCG Expansion".[34]


V:TES Online

From December 2005 to the end of 2007 an online implementation of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle named "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Online" was available. It was developed and maintained by CCG Workshop. Players could create decks and compete online for a monthly fee. White Wolf Publishing had allowed CCG Workshop to release the Camarilla, Anarchs, Final Nights, Legacies of Blood, Black Hand and Kindred Most Wanted sets for online play.


Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Trading Card Games For Dummies. registration. Kaufeld. John. Smith. Jeremy. John Wiley & Sons. 2006. 0-470-04407-1.
  2. Product news. InQuest. 4–8. 1995.
  3. Book: Savage, R. Hyrum . Vampire: The Eternal Struggle . . R. Hyrum Savage . Lowder . James . James Lowder . . 2007 . 345–347 . 978-1-932442-96-0.
  4. Garfield Reminisces on the Jyhad (interview with Richard Garfield, by Robert Goudie, July 2001. Retrieved January 10, 2008.)
  5. Ancient Influence - Peter Adkison Comments on the Early Days of Jyhad/V:TES (interview with Wizards of the Coast Founder and former CEO Peter Adkison, by Robert Goudie, February 2004. Retrieved March 26, 2010.)
  6. News & Notes. 1. InQuest. 11–12. May 1995.
  7. Butcher. Andy. June 1996. Games Reviews. Arcane. 7. 67.
  8. White Wolf press statement
  9. Web site: Anderson . Joshua . 2018-12-05 . Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Lives On After Death . 2024-09-11 . Twin Cities Geek - MN Geek Culture Magazine . en-US.
  10. Web site: 2018-04-24 . Vampire: The Eternal Struggle returns to print . 2024-09-11 . Black Chantry Productions . en-GB.
  11. Web site: Writer . Alex Meehan Former Senior Staff . 2020-06-10 . Rebooted Vampire: The Masquerade card game Eternal Struggle delayed to autumn . 2024-09-11 . Dicebreaker . en.
  12. Web site: Ashcroft . Barry . 2020-07-28 . Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals - Card Game Coming To Kickstarter August 4th . 2024-09-11 . TheGamer . en.
  13. Pyramid Pick: Jyhad. Haring. Scott. 10. Pyramid. November-December 1994.
  14. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Player's Guide - Goudie, Robert; Peal, Ben & Swainbank, Ben; White Wolf Publishing, 2005
  15. The total cards include the cards from booster and starter, the number in brackets only include those from the booster packs.
  16. The new cards include cards from booster and starter packs.
  17. On deck: Ancient Hearts. Hannes. Jeff. 17. Inquest. 42. September 1996.
  18. The Sabbat hits the street. Clarke Wilkes. Jennifer. The Duelist. 14. Wizards of the Coast. 69–73. December 1996.
  19. First printing had 5C, 3V, 2U, 1R; which was subsequently changed for second and subsequent print runs into 4C, 3V, 3U, 1R.
  20. These vamps don't suck. Ricardi. Bill. 80. InQuest Gamer. 26. Wizard Entertainment. December 2001.
  21. Year of the damned . 79. InQuest Gamer. 24. Wizard Entertainment. November 2001.
  22. Each Nights of Reckoning booster had one rules card. There are 5 different rules printed on 17 different rules cards. These cards, although printed with a different layout and mostly abbreviated card text, are legal in both constructed and limited tournaments.
  23. Web site: White Wolf's announcement on the publication delay. October 15, 2009.
  24. Web site: Danse Macabre. October 5, 2013. December 10, 2016.
  25. Web site: The Unaligned. September 27, 2014. December 10, 2016.
  26. Web site: Storyline Rewards. February 20, 2015. December 10, 2016.
  27. Web site: Anarchs Unbound. January 17, 2016. December 10, 2016.
  28. Web site: Lost Kindred. May 5, 2018. May 5, 2018.
  29. Web site: Fifth Edition. January 14, 2020.
  30. Sumner . Mark C. . February 1996 . To dice or not to dice: Everyway and Dragon Dice come up with completely different answers. . . 74 .
  31. Faragher. Steve. December 1995. Games Reviews. Arcane. 1. 64–65.
  32. Klimes. Martin. August 1996. Games Reviews. Arcane. 9. 70–71.
  33. Web site: Inquest Gamer picks Vampire: The Eternal Struggle as all-time best multiplayer CCG. . May 13, 2007 . (from the White Wolf Publishing website)
  34. White Wolf wins Inquest Gamer Fan Awards
  35. Web site: Jyhad Article RPGGeek.