Val Père Jacques, also known as Val or VPJ, is a private French-language school in Bkenneya,
Lebanon which teaches all scholar levels, it follows both Lebanese and french baccalaureate programs, offering specializations in Mathematics (sciences générales - SG), Biology (sciences de la vie et de la terre - SV), and Economics and Social Sciences (sciences économiques et sociales - SES)
All subjects are taught in french, except for History, Geography, and Moral and Civic education, with Arabic and English language classes.
The school was founded in 1919 by Khalil al-Haddad (religious name Père Jacques), a Capuchin priest, as "École Saint François des Sœurs Franciscaines de la Croix". It was located at the time in Jal El Dib. In 1980 a new campus was built in Bkenneya. Since then, it has been known as "Val Père Jacques"