Våganavisa Explained

Våganavisa (The Vågan Gazette) is a local Norwegian newspaper published in the town of Svolvær in Vågan Municipality in Nordland county.[1]

The paper was launched on November 1, 2006 and it appears once a week. It is owned and edited by Mari Rokkan.[2] Edd Meby served as the editor until 2016.[3] In 2009, Våganavisa was named Local Newspaper of the Year by the National Association of Local Newspapers.


According to the Norwegian Audit Bureau of Circulations and National Association of Local Newspapers, Våganavisa has had the following annual circulation:

External links

Notes and References

  1. https://snl.no/V%C3%A5ganavisa Store norske leksikon: Våganavisa.
  2. http://journalisten.no/2017/03/vaganavisa-skriver-om-flyktninger-og-abonnentene-sier-opp-avisa Jensen, Martin Huseby. 2017. Våganavisa mister abonnenter fordi de skriver om flyktninger. Journalisten (June 3).
  3. https://www.medier24.no/artikler/edd-meby-gir-seg-etter-ti-ar-i-vaganavisa-blir-redaktor-og-daglig-leder-i-lokalavisa-ryfylke/362769 Michalsen, Gard L. 2016. Edd Meby gir seg etter ti år i Våganavisa - blir redaktør og daglig leder i lokalavisa Ryfylke. M24 (July 6).
  4. http://medienorge.uib.no/?cat=statistikk&page=avis&queryID=190 Medienorge: Opplagstall norske aviser.