The United States Geological Survey National Volcanic Threat Assessment is a report containing a ranked list of active volcanoes in the United States posing hazardous risks to the American population. The report was published by the United States Geological Survey in 2005 and revised in 2018.[1]
The 2018 ranked list of hazardous volcanoes in the United States below is based on a 24-factor scoring matrix used to calculate overall threat scores and aviation threat scores.
Mackenzie, Muschalik & Broesche (2021) provided comments on the 2018 report in three separately authored sections.[2] Broesche believes that Yellowstone should be ranked higher due to the size of the volcano and the popularity of Yellowstone National Park, and Muschalik considers Mount Rainier to be just as dangerous as Kilauea due to its proximity to large population centers in Washington. Mackenzie considers Yellowstone to be just as hazardous as Kilauea.