Unite por la Libertad y la Dignidad explained

Unite for Freedom and Dignity
Native Name:Unite por la Libertad y la Dignidad
President:José Alejandro Bonacci
Headquarters:Buenos Aires, Argentina
Founder:José Alejandro Bonacci
Legalised:June 13, 2017
Predecessor:People's Countryside Party
Position:Right-wing to far-right[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
National:Patriotic Federal Front (2018)
Frente Despertar (2019)
La Libertad Avanza (2021–2023)
Liber.Ar Front (since 2023)

Unite for Freedom and Dignity, or UNITE, is an Argentine right-wing political party.[8] It was founded in 2015 as a district party in the Province of Santa Fe, and in 2017 as a national party.



In 2018 José Alejandro Bonacci, president of the party, decided to form the ultranationalist Patriot Front together with the Popular Country Party, Neighborhood Flag and the People in Action party. They defined themselves as a nationalist alternative to the progressive left and the liberal right. With disturbances in the party, the alliance would be dissolved, without being able to participate in any election.[9] [10]


In 2019 UNITE formed the liberal alliance Frente Despertar, together with the Constitutional Nationalist Party-UNIR, the Union of the Democratic Center and the Libertarian Party. After a sudden abandonment of the UNIR Party, to form part of Together for Change, the party would be the body through which the front candidates ran. They failed to register the alliance, because not all the parties maintained the requirements.[11] [12] [13]


In 2021 UNITE became part of the La Libertad Avanza alliance.[14] In the City of Buenos Aires it presented as a candidate for deputy the syncretic model Cinthia Fernández.[15] The candidate did not pass the "PASO" elections.


Social action

International Relations and Defense



Defender of life

Electoral results

Presidential elections


  1. Web site: 2021-09-28 . Sobre el crecimiento de la derecha en las PASO - Revista Oleada . 2023-05-27 . es.
  2. Observatorio de Sexualidad y Política (SPW)Políticas Antigenero en América Latina en el contexto pandemico. https://sxpolitics.org
  3. Web site: 2021-09-10 . Las fuerzas de derecha coparon la oferta para las PASO en la provincia Diarios Bonaerenses . 2023-05-21 . dib.com.ar . es-AR.
  4. Web site: La derecha gana espacio en el cuarto obscuro bonaerense . 2023-05-21 . AIM Digital . es-AR.
  5. Web site: Mendez . Ignacio . 2022-05-17 . Socio de Alejandro Biondini y defensor del fascismo: el nuevo aliado de Javier Milei en Santa Fe . 2023-05-22 . El Intransigente . es.
  6. Web site: 2018-07-09 . La extrema derecha ahora va a las urnas . 2023-05-22 . Pausa . es.
  7. Web site: 2019-10-14 . Argentina: ¿quiénes son los seis candidatos a la presidencia? . 2023-06-25 . Francia 24.
  8. Web site: Belen . 2019-10-14 . José Luis Espert: "Nuestra propuesta será arancelar las universidades públicas" . 2023-05-27 . SOL 91.5 . es-AR.
  9. Web site: Mendez . Ignacio . 2022-05-17 . Socio de Alejandro Biondini y defensor del fascismo: el nuevo aliado de Javier Milei en Santa Fe . 2023-05-27 . El Intransigente . es.
  10. Web site: Pausa . 2018-07-09 . La extrema derecha ahora va a las urnas . 2023-05-27 . Pausa . es.
  11. Web site: Nueva . La . Todas las precandidaturas nacionales y provinciales confirmadas hasta el momento . 2023-05-27 . La Nueva . es.
  12. Web site: 2019-06-22 . Asseff: "No traicioné a nadie, me fui porque Espert es funcional a los Fernández" . 2023-05-27 . Perfil . es.
  13. Web site: Clarín.com . 2019-06-25 . José Luis Espert consiguió el sello que usó Amalia Granata y lo presentó en la Justicia para sostener su candidatura . 2023-05-27 . Clarín . es.
  14. Web site: Cámara Nacional Electoral . 2023-05-27 . www.electoral.gob.ar.
  15. Web site: Cinthia Fernández: cómo se armó la lista que encabeza Noticias . 2023-05-27 . noticias.perfil.com.
  16. Web site: Bases de Acción Política . 2023-05-27 . Unite . es-es.