Union of Socialist Forces explained

Union of Socialist Forces
Native Name:Sosyalist Güç Birliği
  1. A60402
Foundation:21 August 2022
Dissolution:28 May 2023
Colors: Red
Seats6 Title:Metropolitan Municipal Assemblies

The Union of Socialist Forces (Turkish: Sosyalist Güç Birliği) was an electoral alliance in Turkey, formed by Left Party (SOL), Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Communist Movement of Turkey (TKH) and Revolution Movement (DH) to contest the Turkish general elections in 2023.[1] The alliance was made public on the 21 August 2022.[2] The alliance was announced alongside a supporting declaration, signed by 226 Turkish public figures, including intellectuals, authors, trade unionists, artists, lawyers and journalists.[3]

It had been stated by members of constituent parties that the Union of Socialist Forces was not merely an electoral alliance. The founding mission of the alliance was to create an independent, non-establishment line for the socialist left in Turkey outside of intra-system politics.[4] But according to statements released after the election, the alliance has ended.[5] [6]


In their declaration document, the alliance offered five points as their ideological ground. These points were focused on forced nationalisation and anti-capitalism, societal equality and public ownership, anti-NATO and anti-American international policies, secularism and anti-clericalism, especially against Islamic sects in Turkey, and anti-discrimination in the Turkish society.[3] The USF denoted that the Nation Alliance has "a right-wing, pro-business character" and "will not be able to solve the (real) problems of the country".[3] The Alliance expressed that it was in favor of all peoples living in Turkey living their identities and cultures freely, and that the Kurdish people can express themselves as a people and live their culture and identities freely, but that they must continue their struggle to change Turkey together.[7]


PartyAbbr.LeaderIdeologySeats in parliament
Left Party
SOL Parti
SOLÖnder İşleyenRevolutionary socialism
Left-wing populism
Communist Party of Turkey
Türkiye Komünist Partisi
TKPKemal OkuyanCommunism
Hard Euroscepticism
Communist Movement of Turkey
Türkiye Komünist Hareketi
TKHAysel TekerekCommunism
Hard Euroscepticism

Devrim Hareketi
DHErçin FıratCommunism

Supporting parties

PartyAbbr.LeaderIdeologySeats in parliament
Socialist Republican Party
Sosyalist Cumhuriyet Partisi
SCPYılmaz ErsezerNational Democratic Revolution
Left-wing Kemalism
Scientific socialism
Hard Euroscepticism
Socialist Workers' Party of Turkey
Türkiye Sosyalist İşçi Partisi
TSİPTurgut KoçakCommunism
Revolutionary Workers' Party
Devrimci İşçi Partisi
DİPÖmer Sungur SavranTrotskyism
Revolutionary socialism
Hard Euroscepticism


Exclusively supports the Communist Movement of Turkey.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Sosyalist Güç Birliği kuruldu: 'Bu halk düşmanı rejime son vereceğiz'. 2022-08-24. www.cumhuriyet.com.tr. tr.
  2. Web site: Duvar. Gazete. 2022-08-20. Devrim Hareketi, Sol Parti, TKP ve TKH 'güç birliğini' ilan etti. 2022-08-24. gazeteduvar.com.tr. tr-TR.
  3. Web site: Gazetesi. Evrensel. Sosyalist Güç Birliği kuruluşunu ilan etti. 2022-08-24. Evrensel.net. tr-TR.
  4. Web site: Gazetesi. Bir Gün. Sosyalist Güç Birliği üzerine. birgun.net. tr-TR.
  5. Web site: Alper Taş: Seçimler sol-sosyalist hareketlerin havasını bozuyor. artigercek. 18 November 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20230617221843/https://artigercek.com/makale/alper-tas-secimler-sol-sosyalist-hareketlerin-havasini-bozuyor-254467. 17 June 2023. tr. 18 June 2023.
  6. Web site: TKP Genel Sekreteri yeni dönem siyasetini açıkladı: Kimileri 'Komünistlerle Kemalistlerin ittifakı' diyor. Cumhurivet. 18 November 2023. tr. 9 October 2023.
  7. Web site: Sosyalist Güç Birliği kuruldu: Kürt sorununa yaklaşımı nasıl, HDP neden yer almadı?. 4 December 2022. Rûdaw.
  8. Web site: Sosyalist Cumhuriyet Partisi. 21 March 2023. Sosyalist Cumhuriyet Partisi: 'Sistem İçi Çözüm İddiaları ve Emperyalist Merkezlerin Dayattığı Alternatifler Halkın Sorunlarını Çözmek Bir Yana Katlanarak Büyümesine Sebep Olacaktır.'.
  9. Web site: Koçak. Turgut. 19 March 2023. TSİP Genel Başkanı Turgut Koçak: 'Türkiye Sosyalist İşçi Partisi olarak seçimlere Sosyalist Güç Birliği (SGB) ile birlikte giriyoruz'.
  10. Web site: 24 April 2023. 14 Mayıs seçimlerinin niteliği ve Devrimci İşçi Partisi’nin tutumu: Nefes almak için sınıf mücadelesi!.