Santa Cruz Youth Union Explained

Crucenist Youth Union
Native Name:Union Juventil Cruceñista
  1. 0B610B
President:Ernesto Vaca Vilasboas
Foundation:7 October 1957
National:Comité Pro Santa Cruz
Slogan:"Siempre libres cruceños seamos" ("Always free Santa Cruzians we'll be")
Flag:Flag of Santa Cruz Youth Union.svg

The Santa Cruz Youth Union (Unión Juvenil Cruceñista) (UJC) is a far-right[1] movement based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Founded in 1957 as an arm of the Pro Santa Cruz Committee (Comite Pro Santa Cruz), the UJC has recently become the subject of controversy and accusation concerning its activities in support of the Santa Cruz autonomy movement in opposition to the government of Evo Morales and his MAS political party.[2]


The organization was founded in 1957 by Carlos Valverde Barbery, leader of the Bolivian Socialist Falange, a falangist party. According to its founder, "the Union of Crucenist Youth was created to be the "armed arm" of the Pro-Santa Cruz Committee, taking charge not only of the street struggle but also of popular indoctrination and military support to the committee. » In 1971, it took part in Hugo Banzer's coup d'état. Carlos Valverde Barbery was appointed Minister of Health.[3]

Claiming a membership of more than two thousand, the UJC has violently enforced general civic strikes called for by the Pro Santa Cruz Committee,[4] intimidated and assaulted leftist political opponents,[5] and provided security for the 4 May Santa Cruz Autonomy referendum,[6] participating in violent clashes the day of the vote.[7] Two members of the UJC were arrested and accused of plotting to assassinate Morales on 20 June 2008, when encountered by police in possession of a rifle, scope, and ammunition in Santa Cruz prior to the president's flight arrival.[8] Some sources claimed that they were captured at the airport, but others located the suspects in a popular market.[9] Nevertheless, the prosecutor dismissed the case and they were both released shortly afterwards.[9]

Ideology and characteristics

Being a Falangist is still a condition for joining the Union of Crucenist Youth. Known for its violent activism, the organization is considered a paramilitary group by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). Its activists are generally from the bourgeoisie.[3]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Bowen, James D.. The Resilience of the Latin American Right. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. 2014. 9781421413907. Juan Pablo. Luna. Cristóbal. Rovira Kaltwasser. 104. The Right and Nonparty Forms of Representation and Participation: Bolivia and Ecuador Compared.
  2. UDW, Ben Dangl. The Dark Side of Bolivia’s Half Moon January 2007
  3. Web site: Bolivia: A tale of two countries. July 2020.
  4. BIF Bulletin No 8
  5. Amnesty Intl. Bolivia: Fear for safety 6 March 2007
  6. AIN Illegal Autonomy Referendum Deepens Division in Bolivia 17 April 2008
  7. UPD Santa Cruz Divided 8 May 2008
  9. El gobierno boliviano dice que planeaban matar a Evo.