Uncial 059 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), ε 09 (Soden), is a Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament, dated paleographically to the 4th or 5th century.
The codex contains a part of the Gospel of Mark (15:29-38), on 1 parchment leaf . The text is written in one column per page, 19 lines per page.[1]
The leaf designated by 059 came from the same manuscript as 0215 (Mark 15:20-21,26-27).[1]
valign=top | recto ΠΑ[ραπ]ΟΡΕΥ[ομεν]οι ΕΒΛΑΣΦΗΜΟΥΝ ΑΥΤΟΝ ΚΕΙ ΝΟΥΝΤΕΣΤΑΣΚΕΦΑΛΑΣΑΥΤΩ ΚΑΙΛΕΓΟΝΤΑΣ ΟΥΑ ΟΚΑΤΑΛΥ ΩΥΤΟΝ[ν]ΑΟΝΚΑΙΟΚΟΔΟΜΩ ΕΝΤΡΙΣΙΝΗΜΕΡΑΙΣΣΩΣΟΝΣΕ ΑΥΤΟΝ ΚΑΤΑΒΑΣΑΠΟΤΟΥ ΣΡΥΟΙΟΙΩΣΚΑΙΟΙΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΙΣΕΜ ΠΑΙΖΟΝΤΕΣΠΡΟΣΑΛΛΗΛΟΥΣ ΜΕΤΑΤΩΝΓΡΑΜ[μ]ΑΤΕΩΝΕ ΛΕΓΟΝ ΑΛ[λους εσωσεν]ΕΑΥ Τ[ον ου]ΔΥΝ[αται σωσαι ο] ΧΣ[erased κατ]Α[βατ]Ω [... ι]ΝΑΙΔΩΜΕ [και πιστευ]ΣΩ[μεν]ΚΑΙΟΙΣΥΝ [εσταυρωμενοι]ΑΥΤΩΩΝΕΙΔΙΖΟΝ [αυτον γ]ΕΝΟΜΕΝΗΣΩΡΑΣ [erased] | align=top | verso ΕΦ[ολην]ΤΗΝ[εως ωρας] ΕΝΑΤΗΣ ΚΑΙΤΗΕΝΑΤΗΩΡΑ ΕΒΟΗΣΕΝΟ ΙΣΦΩΝΗΜΕΓΑΛΗΗΛΕΙΗΛΕΙ ΛΑΜΑΣΑΒΑ[χθα] ΝΕΙ ΟΕΣΤΙΝΜΕΘΕ[ρμηνευο] ΜΕΝΟΝ Ο ΘΣΟΘΣΜΟΥΕΣΤΙΕΓΚΑΤΕΛΙΠΕΣ[μ]ΕΚΑΙΤΙΝΕΣ ΤΩΝΠΑΡΕΣΤΗ[κοτων ακου] ΣΑΝΤΕΣΕΛΕΓΟΝ[ιδου ηλιαν] ΦΩΝΕΙ .............. ΚΑΙ [γε] ΜΙ [σας ............. erased ] [....................................] [....................................] ΤΑΙΗΛΕΙ [ας καθελειν] οδεισα . [...................] ΕΞΕΙΠΝΕΝΥΣΕΝ .. [.......] ΤΑΣΜΑΤΟΥΝΑ[2] |
The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the Alexandrian text-type. Aland placed it in Category III.[1]
Currently it is dated by the INTF to the 4th or 5th century.[1] [3]
The manuscript was examined by Karl Wessely, Guglielmo Cavallo,[4] and Pasquale Orsini.[5] Gregory added it to the list of New Testament manuscripts.[6]
The codex is located at the Austrian National Library, in Vienna. Leaf 059 has number of catalogue Pap. G. 39779, and leaf 0215 – Pap. G. 36112.[1]