Birth Place: | Leipzig, East Germany |
Country: | Germany |
Weight Class: | –65 kg |
Worlds Rank: | 1 |
Worlds Year: | 1991 |
Worlds Year2: | 1995 |
Worlds Weight2: | Men's 65 kg |
Regionals Type: | EU |
Regionals Rank: | 2 |
Regionals Year: | 1990 |
Regionals Weight: | Men's 65 kg |
Olympics Rank: | 1 |
Olympics Year: | 1996 |
Olympics Weight: | Men's 65 kg |
Updated: | 4 June 2023 |
Udo Quellmalz (born 8 March 1967 in Leipzig), known as Quelle, is a German judoka. He competed in judo at the Summer Olympics, winning a bronze medal in 1992 and a gold medal in 1996.[1] He also won the World Judo Championships in 1991 and 1995.[2] Quellmalz was appointed head coach of the Flemish Judo Federation in 2022. He has previously directed the British judo team and served as a coach for the Austrian and Qatari teams.