UDIK explained

Headquarters:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Services:Human rights, activism
Leader Title:Coordinator
Leader Name:Edvin Kanka Ćudić
Affiliations:RECOM Reconciliation Network (2013–)

UDIK, the Association for Social Research and Communications (Bosnian: Udruženje za društvena istraživanja i komunikacije/ Удружење за друштвена истраживања и комуникације), is the Bosnian non-governmental organization with offices in Sarajevo and Brčko.[1] [2] [3] [4] It was founded in 2013 by Edvin Kanka Ćudić. Organization aimed to gather facts, documents, and data on genocide, war crimes, and human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former Yugoslavia.[5]

Human rights activities

UDIK was founded in 2013 by Edvin Kanka Ćudić. It aimed to gather facts, documents, and data on genocide, war crimes, and human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and former Yugoslavia.[6] UDIK works across national boundaries to assist post-conflict societies within the region reestablish the rule of law and deal with past human rights abuses. UDIK also implements a victim-oriented transitional justice programme with three principal components:[7]

UDIK was made up of independent members, intellectuals and professionals from different academic disciplines.

Other activities

Since its inception, UDIK supports the women's and LGBT rights.[8] Ćudić in several interviews said that the LGBT community, with the Romani people, is the most vulnerable community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When the Bosnia and Herzegovina's first LGBT Pride Parade was announced in 2019, UDIK immediately supported the parade.[9]


Publications about war crimes

Every year UDIK publishes documents about war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UDIK has published extensively on subjects such as war crimes, massacres and human rights violations from 1992 to 1995 in Foča, Višegrad, Sarajevo's Grbavica, Trusina, Sarajevo's Kazani, Sanski Most, Bugojno, Grabovica, Sijekovac, Vlasenica, Zaklopača, Biljani, Čajniče etc.[10] [11] On the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, UDIK published a book with the names of the buried victims of genocide from 2003 to 2019.[12]

UDIK's publications about war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina are available at the Library of Congress in United States.[13]

Central register of memorials

In December 2015, UDIK team began to research and compile a register of memorials for victims of the Yugoslav wars (1991-2001) including Albanians, Bosniaks, Croats, Montenegrins, Serbs and Others who were killed or disappeared during the armed conflicts in Yugoslavia (1991–2001) with the aim of creating the Central register of memorials on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) that would serve to curb attempts at historical revisionism and manipulative use of the numbers of victims.[14]

The register is based on analysis of documents from municipalities, cities, museums, tourist organizations, Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Orthodox Church, ministries of veterans including newspaper reports from the period, internet, publications, associations of veterans and families of the dead, etc.[15] [16]

In 2016, UDIK published the first results of the Central register of memorials for Bosnia and Herzegovina, listing more than 2.100 memorials to the victims of Bosnian War. Next year, UDIK also published register about more than 1.200 memorials built in Croatia dedicated to the victims of Homeland War.[17] [18] In 2018 UDIK published register about more than 300 memorials build in Serbia (without Kosovo) and Montenegro dedicated to the victims of Serbia and Montenegro in Yugoslav wars. The registry also included memorials dedicated to the victims of NATO bombing of Serbia and Montenegro.[19]

The Central register of memorials of the Yugoslav wars is still the only register of memorials to victims of the Yugoslav wars on the territory of the countries of the former Yugoslavia.[20]

Controversial memorials

Since 2017, UDIK has been conducting studies on controversial memorials that were built after 1991 in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, and which glorify fascism and hatred among the people of the former Yugoslavia. There are currently publications on controversial monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia (without Kosovo). Analysis included monuments dedicated to Draža Mihailović, Alojzije Stepinac and Josip Broz Tito.[21] [22]


See also: Living monument.

Since 2013, UDIK has organized a large number of commemorations for the victims of past war in the former Yugoslavia (1991-2001). UDIK calls this commemorations the Living monument. The ceremonies were organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Tuzla, Brčko, Zenica, Višegrad, Foča), Croatia (Zagreb, Vukovar) and Serbia (Belgrade, Prijepolje).[23] [24] [25] Thanks to this initiative, for the first time, many commemorations were organized. These commemorations were related to crimes against civilian victims of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats.

Kazani (Sarajevo)

See also: Kazani pit killings. Since 2014, UDIK has advocated the construction of a monument to the victims killed at Sarajevo's Kazani. UDIK started this campaign as the first non-governmental organization which commemorated victims of this war crime. Commemorations were organised in front of the Sarajevo's Cathedral.[26] [27] Since 2017, UDIK has been demanding that the City of Sarajevo build a monument to the victims of this crime in the Kazani and in the center of Sarajevo. This is justified by the fact that Kazani is far from the Sarajevo, and that citizens need monument in the city for dealing with the past. In 2020, this UDIK's initiative was accepted by other Bosnian and international organizations. A year later, same initiative was also accepted by intellectuals and representatives of the victims of this war crime.[28] [29] However, the initiative was rejected by the mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić. That is why the City Council started the construction of the monument in location of Kazani, without consultations for the initiators and victims. In September 2021 City Council of Sarajevo made a monument proposal.[30] On that proposal UDIK requested that name of perpetrator of the war crimes be written on the monument, and that the number of the mentioned victims on the monument is not final. The mayor refusef that request.[31]

Kazani monument was opened in November 2021 by the Benjamina Karić. None of the victims' representatives was present at the opening of the monument.

St. Joseph Cemetery (Sarajevo)

See also: Kazani pit killings. From April 2022, UDIK is advocating for the installation of a memorial plaque at the St. Joseph Cemetery in Sarajevo. The memorial plaque should be at the place of re-exhumation of Serbian victims killed in Kazani, Gaj and Grm Maline. Initially, UDIK referred the initiative to the institution that deals with the maintenance of cemeteries, but in October 2023, the initiative came to the Assembly of the City of Sarajevo.[32] [33] [34] Although the City Council adopted the initiative, mayor Benjamina Karić canceled it in a public debate.[35]

Storm and Ahmići (Zagreb)

UDIK with Center for Women War Victims (ROSA) from Zagreb, in 2014 started the campaign "The crimes in the Operation Storm are the responsibility of all of us" in order to commemorate Serbs victims of the crimes in Operation Storm in Croatia.[36] [37] [38] In May 2015, the Federal Ministry of Interior of the Bosnia and Herzegovina banned the commemoration in Sarajevo. In May 2016, the same commemoration was banned by the MUP of the Republic of Croatia, but in the end it was held in Zagreb with increased police security.[39]

In early 2021, UDIK initiated a coalition with the ROSA Center to commemorate the massacre in Ahmići. The first activity was held on the anniversary of the war crime of the same year in the capital of Croatia.[40] The following year, the network was expanded with several more Croatian NGOs. On 4 April 2023, seven organizations submitted a request to the City of Zagreb to name the square after the victims of the Ahmići massacre.[41] [42]

Zanatski Center (Brčko)

See also: Goran Jelisić. In May 2023, UDIK launched an initiative to mark the place of the murder of Hajrudin Muzurović and Husein Kršo in Brčko. In May 1992 civilians were executed by Goran Jelisić in the city center. The execution was photographed. UDIK submitted the request for the memorial plaque to the Assembly of the Brčko District. However, the request was ignored by the authorities.[43] [44]

In March 2024, UDIK again sent an initiative for a memorial plaque to the mayor of Brčko, the president of the Assembly and the Assembly of the Brčko District. Initiative was again ignored.[45] On May 7, 2024, UDIK with the members of Muzurović and Kršo families laid flowers at the place of the murder. It was the first commemoration held in street of Zanatski center in Brčko which Goran Jelisić used as an execution ground.[46] [47]


Publications published by UDIK:

In Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian

Translations into English

Allegations of bias

The criticism generally falls into the category of alleged bias, often in response to UDIK's activities. Bias allegations include the organization's insistence on war crimes on Serbs or Croats which were committed by the Bosnian Army. Bosniak right-wing media in Bosnia and Herzegovina think that certain crimes against Serbs or Croats which were committed by the Bosnian Army were legitimate military targets against the aggressor while UDIK believes that Bosniaks must take responsibility for the killings of civilians in those crimes.[50] [51] [52]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Performans ispred katedrale u znak sjećanja na Kazane, Odati počast svim žrtvama - Klix . klix.ba . 2015-10-25 . 2016-10-15.
  2. Web site: U BiH nakon rata podignuto 2500 spomenika - Al Jazeera Balkan. balkans.aljazeera.net . 2016-06-20 . 2016-10-15.
  3. News: Spomenici miru nisu u interesu bh. vlasti - Radio Slobodna Evropa. Radio Slobodna Evropa. www.slobodnaevropa.org . 2016-08-27. 2016-10-15. Milojević. Milorad.
  4. Web site: UDIK marks 23rd anniversary of killing of civilians in Trusina near Konjic -Fena. www.fena.ba. 2016-04-15. 2016-10-19.
  5. News: Da li je Srbija slobodna zemlja za ratne zločince. Radio Slobodna Evropa. radioslobodnaevropa.org. 2017-06-18 . 2017-06-30. Karabeg. Omer.
  6. News: Da li je Srbija slobodna zemlja za ratne zločince. Radio Slobodna Evropa. radioslobodnaevropa.org. 2017-06-18 . 2017-06-30. Karabeg. Omer.
  7. Web site: About us. udik.org. 2015-10-25 . 2017-07-03.
  8. Web site: Sarajevo: Ulična akcija "One su se borile za prava, a ne za karanfil" . klix.ba. 2015-03-07 . 2019-08-13.
  9. Web site: "Parada ponosa je potrebna. I za mene je degutantno vidjeti u Arabiji dva miliona žena u vrećama. SDA je Sarajevo napravilo konzervativnim" . source.ba. 2019-04-03 . 2019-08-13.
  10. Web site: Predstavljena knjiga o ratnom zločinu u Trusini. dnevni-list.ba. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  11. Web site: Promovirana publikacije: Ratni zločini na Grbavici-presude. vijesti.ba. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  12. Web site: UDIK objavio dvije publikacije povodom 25. godišnjice genocida. vijesti.ba. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  13. Web site: LC Online Catalog - Library of Congress. catalog.loc.gov. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  14. Web site: UDIK: U BiH izgrađeno je više od 2.100 spomenika koji su posvećeni borcima i civilima - novi.ba. novi.ba. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  15. Web site: U BiH nakon rata podignuto 2500 spomenika – Al-Jazeera Balkans. balkans.aljazeera.net. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  16. Web site: U Sarajevu predstavljanje Centralne evidencije spoemenika u BiH - vijesti.ba. vijesti.ba. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  17. Web site: Ćudić:U RS ima 50 posto manje spomen obilježja nego u FBiH. 15 June 2016. fokus.ba. 4 May 2017.
  18. Web site: Spomenici uglavnom ukazuju na patnju i stradanje samo jednog naroda. klix.ba. 4 May 2017.
  19. Web site: U Srbiji 301 spomenik posvećen ratovima devedesetih i NATO bombardovanju. 12 April 2019. danas.rs. 16 August 2019.
  20. Web site: U BiH nakon rata podignuto 2500 spomenika – Al-Jazeera Balkans. balkans.aljazeera.net. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  21. Web site: Odnos prema antifašizmu i ratovima devedesetih. 3 September 2022. oslobodjenje.ba. 26 September 2022.
  22. Web site: Spomenici uglavnom ukazuju na patnju i stradanje samo jednog naroda. klix.ba. 4 May 2017.
  23. Web site: UDIK odao počast žrtvama stradalim na Kazanima: Važno je sjećati se. informativa.ba. 2015-10-25 . 2017-07-03.
  24. Web site: Sjećanje na dan kada je ubijena tuzlanska mladost. nap.ba. 2015-05-25 . 2017-07-03.
  25. Web site: UDIK u Brčkom obilježio Dan bijelih traka. brcko.tv. 2016-05-30 . 2017-07-03.
  26. Web site: Članovi UDIK-a okupljeni u Sarajevu: Sjećanje na zločine počinjene na brdu Kazan. avaz.ba. 2014-10-25 . 2021-07-28.
  27. Web site: Sarajevska najpoznatija javnatajna, Civilno društvo, page 56. fes.ba. 2021-06-14 . 2021-07-28.
  28. Web site: Slobodankino pismo gradonačelnici Sarajeva: Zar nije ljudski?. 6yka.com. 2021-06-14 . 2021-07-28.
  29. Web site: Otvoreno pismo gradonačelnici Sarajeva: Spomen-obilježje žrtvama Kazana treba biti u centru grada. bhrt.ba. 2021-06-14 . 2021-07-28.
  30. Web site: Gradsko vijeće Sarajeva usvojilo prijedlog o podizanju spomen-obilježja Kazani. klix.ba. 2021-06-14 . 2021-07-28.
  31. Web site: UDIK: Kazani predstavljaju borbu Sarajeva za prošlost i budućnost, ono na tom putu bira stranu dobra ili zla. Oslobođenje . 2020-12-08 . 2020-12-22.
  32. Web site: Obilježiti mjesto ukopa NN Cacinih žrtava: "To je jedini ispravan način suočavanja s prošlošću". oslobodjenje.ba. 25 April 2022. 30 May 2024.
  33. Web site: Može li Sarajevo bolje? - "Jednak odnos prema svim žrtvama, bez obzira na njihovo etničko porijeklo, uslov je trajnog pomirenja". oslobodjenje.ba. 29 September 2022. 30 May 2024.
  34. Web site: Od civilnog društva se traži da prikupi dokumentaciju za spomen-ploču Cacinim žrtvama. oslobodjenje.ba. 15 October 2022. 30 May 2024.
  35. Web site: Gradonačelnica Karić je odlučila: Bez spomen-obilježja na Koševu za Cacine žrtve. oslobodjenje.ba. 27 December 2023. 30 May 2024.
  36. Web site: Protest u Zagrebu: Zločini u Oluji su odgovornost svih nas. balkans.aljazeera.net. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  37. Web site: Sećanje na nevino stradale i proterane tokom akcije "Oluja". subotica.com. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  38. Web site: Državno organizirano poricanje zločina u Oluji i odgovornost svih nas. h-alter.org. 2016-08-22 . 2016-10-15.
  39. Web site: Tri osobe povrijeđene na protestu protiv veličanja Oluje u Zagrebu. rtrs.tv. 22 August 2016. 4 May 2017.
  40. Web site: U Zagrebu obilježeno 29 godina od zločina HVO-a u Ahmićima. n1info.ba. 14 April 2022. 31 March 2022.
  41. Web site: Poricanje zločina mora prestati: Žrtve iz Ahmića dobijaju ulicu u Zagrebu?. oslobodjenje.ba. 30 March 2023. 31 March 2022.
  42. Web site: Ime trga u Zagrebu po žrtvama Ahmića. oslobodjenje.ba. 4 April 2023. 6 April 2023.
  43. Web site: Hoće li u Brčkom biti postavljena spomen-ploča ubijenim civilima? - "Vjerujemo u multietničnost". oslobodjenje.ba. 2 June 2023. 22 September 2023.
  44. Web site: (FOTO) Sestra svirepo ubijenog Brčaka: Ljudi jedu ćevape tamo gdje je prolivena krv mog brata. oslobodjenje.ba. 21 September 2023. 22 September 2023.
  45. Web site: Vlasti u Brčko distriktu ignorišu inicijativu za spomenik ubijenim civilima . detektor.ba. 6 May 2024. 30 May 2024 .
  46. Web site: Vlasti u Brčko distriktu ignorišu inicijativu za spomenik ubijenim civilima . detektor.ba. 6 May 2024. 30 May 2024 .
  47. Web site: Brcko - Polozeno cvijece nesrpskim civilima u Zanatskom centru - Hit Televizija Brcko . HIT televizija Brčko. 7 May 2024. 30 May 2024 .
  48. Web site: Ratni zločini u Brčkom ('92-'95)-presude . udik.org. 2017-08-05 . 2022-09-26.
  49. Web site: Ratni zločini na Kazanima. udik.org. 2017-08-05 . 2022-09-26.
  50. Web site: Kazani su povod bošnjačke pobjede. saff.ba. 22 August 2016. 4 May 2017.
  51. Web site: Dva Srbina iz Kravice kao 8732 žrtve iz Srebrenice. novihorizonti.ba. 22 August 2016. 4 May 2017.
  52. Web site: Zašto se UDIK nije sjetio žrtava Ahmića i Trusine na današnji dan?. opsadasarajeva.blogspot.ba. 22 August 2016. 4 May 2017.