Tuva Halse Explained

Tuva Halse
Birth Date:August 9, 1999
Birth Place:Molde
Education:Conservatory of Music in Trondheim
Style:Jazz, Improvised music

Tuva Halse (born 1999 in Molde, Norway)[1] is an instrumentalist, composer, and arranger known for her lyrical jazz improvisations on violin, her refined melodic compositions, and as a founding member of the Fjordgata Records label.


Tuva Karen Halse was born in Molde in 1999. She studies at the Bekkevoll Junior High School, then enters the Molde High School, where she attends the music programme. She turns to jazz violin when Arne Torvik, her piano teacher since the age of 13, introduces her to jazz, suggests her to use violin for this, and attracts her attention to the music of Mathias Eick.[2] Listening to Ola Kvernberg at Moldejazz in 2016 is also a decisive experience which initiates her interest in jazz music,[3] showing the diversity of ways a violin can be used.[4] [5] One of her first experience with a jazz orchestra is with the Lærlingan, a big band of Molde high school students led by Rolf Magnus Orø with which she plays for instance at Moldejazz in 2017.[6] Halse claims a musical lineage with Adam Bałdych, and cites him as the musician who ultimately motivated her to become the musician who she is.[5] Halse cites Chet Baker, Kenny Wheeler, Pat Metheny, Ola Kvernberg and Arne Torvik as other influences.[7] She defines herself as a melancholic musician[2] playing "mountain jazz",[5] and says that she "feels at home"[2] in the sound of the complex Nordic jazz[8] idiom.


Tuva Halse enters the, a jazz training of the Conservatory in Trondheim at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2019, where she meets many of the musicians she will work with in the next several years, and graduates in 2022.[9] At the Jazzlinja, Halse is part of the Magellan band, which tours in Norway in 2021 with the suite In Search Of.[3] [10] Her sound bears a strong classical music imprint,[2] and is described by Tor Hammerø as having a light, bright, and highly transparent tone.[11] Her improvisations are often described as lyrical and focus a lot of energy. Torkjell Hovland writes that she "creates spaces in the music" and "is concerned with the energy in pauses between the notes as much as the notes themselves".[12] Halse is a multifarious artist who now pursues a career as an improviser, composer, arranger, band leader, sometimes as a soloist; she has been invited or selected to participate in a large number of groups in the fields of jazz, folk, pop, and contemporary music. She simultaneously develops her own projects: the Bento Box Trio, the Tuva Halse Quintet, and the tuvahalseband, and contributes to many others on the Norwegian scene, for instance the Miriam Kibakaya Concept, Røsten, Melting Pot,[13] and OJKOS.[14]

Fjordgata Records

Tuva Halse is one of the founding members of Fjordgata Records, an independent music label born in 2021.


As a leader
As a co-leader
As a member
As a sidemusician


Talent prizes

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/10141120-Tuva-Halse Tuva Halse artist page at Discogs
  2. Lever drømmen: – Mange i Molde har betydd mye for meg: Interview by Rigmor Sjaastad Hagen, Romsdals budstikke, December 11, 2023, 20―21.
  3. https://jazzinorge.no/2021/03/22/ukas-jazzprofil-tuva-halse/ Ukas jazzprofil: Tuva Halse
  4. Tuva Halse får talentstipend i form av et godt betalt spilleoppdrag: Molde er en liten, men fantastisk kulturby (Tuva Halse receives a talent scholarship in the form of a well-paid gig: Molde is a small, but fantastic cultural city), Vera Henriksen, Romsdals Budstikke, July 9, 2019, p. 16―17.
  5. Interview by Karoline Ruderaas Jerve, Jazznytt 268, Fall 2023, 74.
  6. https://fireflate.no/2017/07/23/laerlingan-og-gamlingan-lokaltalenter-i-saerklasse/ Lærlingan og Gamlingan: lokaltalenter i særklasse
  7. https://www.rbnett.no/kultur/i/JxXb5X/supertalentet-tuva-22-gir-molde-aeren Supertalent Tuva (22): Gir Molde æren
  8. Gagatsis, A. (2020) Typologies of the north: mediating ‘northerness’ in jazz in Scandinavia. Nordlit 46, 263―284. https://doi.org/10.7557/13.5454
  9. https://thoregilphoto.com/2022/06/02/2022-06-02-tuva-halse-ntnu-jazzlinja-eksamensfestival-dokkhuset/ Tuva Halse – NTNU Jazzlinja Eksamensfestival, Dokkhuset
  10. https://jazzinorge.no/2021/03/10/jazzlinja-pa-turne/ Jazzlinja på turné
  11. https://www.nettavisen.no/tuva-halse-quintet/two/jazzland-recordings/tuva-halse-quintet-two/r/5-95-1407897 Tuva Halse Quintet "Two"
  12. https://www.ballade.no/jazz/musikk-som-klare-haustfargar-musikk-som-tvinger-oss-ut-av-dollhetens-tyranni/ Musikk som klåre haustfargar, musikk som tvingar oss ut av det dølles tyranni
  13. https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/en/component/nfmcalendar/event/10567 Jazztopad Festival, Melting Pot Made in Wrocław 25.11.2023
  14. https://jazzinorge.no/2023/03/25/generasjonsskifte-i-ojkos/ Generasjonsskifte i OJKOS – ti nye medlemmar
  15. https://www.kulturskoleradet.no/_extension/media/6255/orig/attachment/2019%2520%25C3%2585rsmote%2520sakskart%252022.3.pdf Norsk kulturskoleråd, Møre og Romsdal, Årsmøte 2019
  16. https://www.sbm.no/samfunnsansvar/teft/2022-vinnere-teft-stipend/ Sparebanken Møre, Vinnere av TEFT-stipend 2022
  17. https://www.sparebank1.no/nb/smn/om-oss/samfunnsutbytte/talentstipend/vinner-av-talentstipend-2022.html Sparebanken SMN, innere av talentstipend 2022
  18. https://www.laagendalsposten.no/tuva-fikk-stipend-pa-100-000-kroner-en-stor-are-en-enorm-anerkjennelse/s/5-64-1436720 Tuva fikk stipend på 100.000 kroner: – En stor ære, en enorm anerkjennelse
  19. https://www.moldejazz.no/nyheter/jazzintro-2022/ Jazzintro 2022
  20. https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/en/component/nfmcalendar/event/10567 Jazztopad Festival, Melting Pot Made in Wrocław 25.11.2023
  21. https://jazzinorge.no/2023/03/25/generasjonsskifte-i-ojkos/ Generasjonsskifte i OJKOS – ti nye medlemmar
  22. https://nyheter.ntnu.no/tuva-halse-er-arets-ntnu-ambassador/ Tuva Halse er arets NTNU ambassador