Tutte theorem explained

In the mathematical discipline of graph theory the Tutte theorem, named after William Thomas Tutte, is a characterization of finite undirected graphs with perfect matchings. It is a special case of the Tutte–Berge formula.


The goal is to characterize all graphs that do not have a perfect matching. Start with the most obvious case of a graph without a perfect matching: a graph with an odd number of vertices. In such a graph, any matching leaves at least one unmatched vertex, so it cannot be perfect.

A slightly more general case is a disconnected graph in which one or more components have an odd number of vertices (even if the total number of vertices is even). Let us call such components odd components. In any matching, each vertex can only be matched to vertices in the same component. Therefore, any matching leaves at least one unmatched vertex in every odd component, so it cannot be perfect.

Next, consider a graph G with a vertex u such that, if we remove from G the vertex u and its adjacent edges, the remaining graph (denoted) has two or more odd components. As above, any matching leaves, in every odd component, at least one vertex that is unmatched to other vertices in the same component. Such a vertex can only be matched to u. But since there are two or more unmatched vertices, and only one of them can be matched to u, at least one other vertex remains unmatched, so the matching is not perfect.

Finally, consider a graph G with a set of vertices such that, if we remove from G the vertices in and all edges adjacent to them, the remaining graph (denoted) has more than