Tubipora is a genus of soft coral. It is the only genus within the monotypic family Tubiporidae.
Tubipora is a soft coral and has an aragonite skeleton, so they are crucial for building reefs around the world. Also, their red color in their aragonite skeleton is caused by iron salts or something called carotenoids. They also have 8 tentacles. [2]
The following species are recognized:[1]
2. Luthfi, O. M., Asadi, M. A., Agustiadi, T., & Soegianto, A. (2019). Monitoring on health condition of Tubipora musica (Stolonifera) using colony life-form. ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335505744_ Monitoring_on_health_condition_of_Tubipora_musica_Stolonifera_using_colony_life-form