Tsilla Hershco Explained
Dr. Tsilla Hershco is an Israeli historian and political scientist. She specializes in France-Israel relations, EU-Israel relations, U.S.-France relations, France and the Mideast conflict, Jews and Muslims in France as well as the History of the Jews in France, the Holocaust in France and the Jewish resistance in France. She earned her Ph.D. at Bar-Ilan University and works as senior research associate at the Begin–Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) at Bar-Ilan University. She ia also a "Spiegel Fellow" at the Center of Holocaust research at Bar Ilan University. She is a member of the committee to Recognize the Heroism of Jewish Rescuers During the Holocaust (JRJ).
BESA Research Publications
1. The Jewish Resistance in France
- Tsilla Hershco, Women in the Jewish Resistance in France, in: Judith Tydor Baumel and Alan Schneider (eds), All Our Brothers and Sisters, Jews Saving Jews During the Holocaust, Peter Lang, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, April 2020, pp. 155–168. https://merhav.nli.org.il/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,Contains.997009861400405171%20Women%20in%20the%20Jewish%20Resistance%20in%20France.,AND&tab=default_tab&search_scope=Local&vid=NLI&mode=advanced&offset=0
- Tsilla Hershco “It is Time to Recognize the Contribution of the Jewish Resistance the Rescue of Jews in France”, BESA Perspectives Paper, No. 1719 August 30, 2020. It Is Time to Recognize the Contribution of the Jewish Resistance in the Rescue of the Jews of France
- Tsilla Hershco. “The French Jewish Community and the Memory of the Jewish Resistance in France (1940-2006), in: Erik Cohen (ed.), French Jewry Between Particularism and Universalism” in: Modern and Contemporary History, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University, June 2015, pp. 75–94 (Hebrew).
- Tsilla Hershco, “Zionism in France during the Holocaust and the Creation of Israel: 1940-1948”, in: Alon Gal (ed.), World Regional Zionism, Geo-Cultural Dimensions, Vol III, Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History,2010, pp. 93–110 (Hebrew).
- Tsilla Hershco, « La France, la Shoah et la Création de l'Etat d'Israël », Controverses No. 7, Mai 2008, pp. 117–140. http://www.controverses.fr/pdf/n8/hershco8.pdf
- Tsilla Hershco, “The Jewish Resistance in France during WWII: the Gap Between History and Memory”, Jewish Political Studies Review 19:1-2, 2007, pp. 49–57. http://jcpa.org/article/the-jewish-resistance-in-france-during-world-war-ii-the-gapbetween-history-and-memory/
- Préface aux Réseaux de la Résistance juive en France, Organisation juive de combat, Résistance/sauvetage France 1940-1945, autrement, 2002, pp. 37–41, 117–121, 171–175, 231–233, 245–250, 375–378, 407–408, 415–416
2. Israel-France - the EU
- Tsilla Hershco, “Macron vs. Radical Political Islam in France: A War of Civilization?”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 1803, November 6, 2020. https://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/1803-Macron-and-Radical-Political-Islam-Hershco-English-final.pdf
- Tsilla Hershco, “Can France Bring Stability to Crisis –Plagued Lebanon”? BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,746, September 14, 2020. Can France Bring Stability to Crisis-Plagued Lebanon?
- Tsilla Hershco, “The EU and the Coronavirus Pandemic”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 1,515, April 1, 2020. The EU and the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Tsilla Hershco, “Contradictions in France’s Fight Against Antisemitic Violence”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,485, March 16, 2020. Contradictions in France’s Fight Against Antisemitic Violence
- Tsilla Hershco, “France and the Urban Guerilla Warfare of the Black Blocs”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,180, May 22, 2019. France and the Urban Guerrilla Warfare of the Black Blocs
- Tsilla Hershco, “The Yellow Vests in France: Social Protest, Violence and anti-Semitism”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,099, February 28, 2019. The “Yellow Vests” in France: Social Protest, Violence, and Antisemitism
- Tsilla Hershco, “France’s fight against Islamic Radicalization, the Writing is Still on the Wall”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 967, October 5, 2018. France’s Fight Against Islamic Radicalization: The Writing Is Still on the Wall
- Tsilla Hershco, « Macron’s Proactive Position on Iran : Dialogue vs. Sanctions ». BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 775, March 20, 2018 . Macron’s Proactive Position on Iran: Dialogue vs. Sanctions
- Tsilla Hershco, “The Impact of the Isis Terror Attacks on Europe”, April 2017. BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 456, April 30, 2017. The Impact of the ISIS Terror Attacks on Europe
- Tsilla Hershco, “Israel-EU security and defense relations in the context of the ‘Arab Spring’ ", in: The EU, Israel and the "Arab Spring" Beyond the Status Quo?, Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem, CNRS, Bulletin du CRFJ, No. 25, 31 Janvier 2015.https://journals.openedition.org/bcrfj/7306
- Tsilla Hershco, “Jews and Muslims in France in Light of French Mideast Policy", in: Bernard Dov Cooperman and Zvi Zohar (eds.), Jews and Muslims, Dahan Center, Bar Ilan University, Maryland University, 2013, pp. 185–207.
- Tsilla Hershco, "After Toulouse: combating Anti-Semitism in France", BESA Perspectives Papers, No. 169, April 2012. https://besacenter.org/after-toulouse-combatting-anti-semitism-in-france/
- The French diplomacy during the war of Independence : 1947–1949, Yad Israel Galili, Military History Society, Tel Aviv University, Defense Ministry editions, 2008, pp. 344–368 (Hebrew)[2]
- Netanyahu and Sarkozy, Personal Chemistry versus Political Disagreements . BESA Perspective papers . 82 . 22 June 2009.
- Tsilla Hershco . with . Amos Schupak . France, the EU Presidency and Implications for the Middle East Conflict . The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs . 3 . 2 . 19 July 2009 . 63–73. 10.1080/23739770.2009.11446370 . 147315473 .
- Sarkozy's Policy in the Middle East : A break with the past? . Insight Turkey . 11 . 2 . April–June 2009 . 75–91.
- Sarkozy in Syria : Discrepancies in French Mideast Policy . Besa Perspective papers . 48 . 10 September 2008.
- Sarkozy's presidency . Perspective papers . 46 . 22 June 2008.
- La France, la Shoah et la création de l'Etat d'Israël, 1945 - 1949 . Controverses . 7 . May 2008 . 117–140.
- France, the EU and the Middle-East in Sarkozy Era . Perspective paper . 39 . 27 February 2008.
- French and the Partition Plan : 1947–1948. Israel Affairs . 14 . 3 . 2008 . 486–498. 10.1080/13537120802127747. Hershco. Tsilla. 145131212 .
- The French presidential elections of May 2007 : Implications for French Israeli relations . Perspectives papers . 29 . 13 May 2007.
- Les relations franco-israéliennes 2000-2007 : Quel bilan?' . fr . Franco-Israeli relations 2000–2007: What assessment? . Middle-East Review of International Affairs . 1 . May 2007 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20081125102116/http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal_fr/2008/issue1/2.pdf . 25 November 2008 . dmy-all .
- Book: Les Institutions Françaises à Jérusalem: 1947-1949 . Dominique Trimbur . Ran Aaronsohn . De Balfour à Ben Gourion, Les Puissances Européennes et la Palestine . . 2008 . 407–434 . 978-2271066510.
- The Jewish Resistance in France during WWII : the gap between history and Memory . Jewish Political Studies Review . 19 . 1–2 . 2007 . 49–57.
- Le Grand Mufti de Jérusalem en France, Histoire d'une évasion . Controverses . 1 . March 2006 . 244–273.
- French perceptions of the Middle-East . Besa Perspective . 6 . 22 May 2005.
Press Articles
- Dr. Tsilla Hershco, Spiegel Fellows conference: Boys and Girls, Who Rescued Jews in the Framework of the Jewish Resistance in France, 30 September 2020" (Hebrew). YouTube צילה הרשקו,"נערים ונערות שהצילו יהודים במסגרת הרזיסטנס היהודי בצרפת", כנס שפיגל, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן,30 בספטמבר,2020
- Tsilla Hershco, André Chouraqui dans la Résistance Juive en France, (20min) (Hebrew, French). https://akadem.org/sommaire/colloques/centenaire-de-la-naissance-d-andre-chouraqui/autour-de-la-seconde-guerre-mondiale-23-11-2017-96481_4769.php
- Remise de prix à la famille Chouraqui avec Alan Schneider, Annette Chouraqui (8min)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110721204635/http://www.akadem.org/sommaire/une/politique/module_4443.php?chapitre_courant=1
- "Hésitations Françaises sur la Reconnaissance de l'Etat d'Israël", conference, May 2008 http://www.akadem.org/sommaire/themes/histoire/3/9/module_8470.php
- Tsilla Hershco,"La memoire de la Shoah et de resistance en Algerie a travers l'histoire de la famille Belz" Judaisme du Magreb, conference, Universite de Paris I- Sorbonne-Universite Bar Ilan Paris, Juin 2010. https://akadem.org/sommaire/colloques/judaismes-du-maghreb-et-la-france-traditions-et-transformations/histoire-et-culture-27-09-2010-12123_4145.php
- ההולכים בחושך יראו אור, הרזיסטנס היהודי בצרפת, שואה ותקומה, 1940-1949 העמותה לחקר כוח המגן על שם ישראל גלילי, צ'ריקובר, 2003
- מבט צרפתי על מלחמת העצמאות: 1947 - 1949, עלי זית וחרב ח, העמותה לחקר כוח המגן ע"ש ישראל גלילי, העמותה להיסטוריה צבאית, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, ההוצאה לאור של משרד הביטחון, 2008,עמ 368–344
External links
The National Library of Israelhttps://www.nli.org.il/he/search?projectName=NLI#&q=any,contains,%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%A9%D7%A7%D7%95%20%D7%A6%D7%99%D7%9C%D7%94&bulkSize=30&index=0&sort=rank&t=allresults&mode=basic