The Trendak Tercel is a Polish autogyro designed and produced by Aviation Artur Trendak of Jaktorów-Kolonia, Poland, introduced at the AERO Friedrichshafen show in 2014. The aircraft is supplied complete and ready-to-fly.[1]
The Tercel is one of three similar designs that were all unveiled at the same time and which share common components. The Twistair is a tandem development, while the Trooper is a military variant with sideways facing seats for troop transport.[1]
The Tercel features a single main rotor, a two-seats-in side-by-side configuration in completely enclosed cockpit with a windshield, tricycle landing gear with wheel pants and a four cylinder, air-cooled, turbocharged, intercooled, twin carburetor, four-stroke, 1220NaN0 CA 912 ULT (RST) engine in pusher configuration.[1]
The aircraft fuselage is made from composite material. Its Trendak & Son aluminum, two-bladed rotor has a diameter of 8.41NaN1. The aircraft has a typical empty weight of 2850NaN0 and a gross weight of 5600NaN0, giving a useful load of 2750NaN0. With full fuel of in two tanks, the payload for the pilot, passenger and baggage is 1890NaN0.[1]