Tremella Explained

Tremella is a genus of fungi in the family Tremellaceae. All Tremella species are parasites of other fungi and most produce anamorphic yeast states. Basidiocarps (fruit bodies), when produced, are gelatinous and are colloquially classed among the "jelly fungi". Over 100 species of Tremella (in its wide sense) are currently recognized worldwide. One species, Tremella fuciformis, is commercially cultivated for food.



Tremella was one of the original genera created by Linnaeus in his Species Plantarum of 1753. The name comes from the Latin tremere meaning "to tremble". Linnaeus placed Tremella in the algae, including within it a variety of gelatinous growths, including seaweeds, cyanobacteria, and myxomycetes, as well as fungi. Subsequent authors added additional species to this mix, until Persoon revised Tremella in 1794 and 1801, repositioning the genus within the fungi.

Persoon's reinterpretation of Tremella was sufficiently radical to be considered a separate genus (Tremella Pers.) from that originally created by Linnaeus (Tremella L.). Tremella Pers. has now been conserved under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, with Tremella mesenterica as the type species.

Current status

Molecular research, based on cladistic analysis of DNA sequences, has shown that Tremella (as previously understood) is polyphyletic (and hence artificial), with most species not closely related to the type. Accordingly, some species have been transferred to new genera and new families: Tremella foliacea and related species are now placed in the genus Phaeotremella within the family Phaeotremellaceae; Tremella encephala and related species are now placed in the genus Naematelia within the Naemateliaceae; Tremella moriformis and related species are now placed in the genus Pseudotremella within the Bulleraceae; and Tremella polyporina is now placed in the genus Carcinomyces within the Carcinomycetaceae. Several other species groups have not yet been renamed, pending further research.

More than 500 species have been described in Tremella, but most of these are old names either of doubtful application or for species later transferred to other genera. In its strict sense the genus Tremella now contains some 30-40 species, including the type Tremella mesenterica and the cultivated species T. fuciformis.


Fruit bodies, when present, are gelatinous. In some species they are small (under 5 mm across) and pustular to pulvinate (cushion-shaped). In others they are much larger (up to 150 mm across) and may be variously lobed, cephaliform (like a brain, with folds and ridges), or foliose (with leaf-like or seaweed-like fronds). Many Tremella species, however, are hymenial parasites, producing spores within the fruit bodies of their hosts, and are only visible microscopically.

Microscopic characters

Tremella species produce hyphae that are typically (but not always) clamped and have haustorial cells from which hyphal filaments seek out and penetrate the hyphae of the host. The basidia are "tremelloid" (globose to ellipsoid, sometimes stalked, and vertically or diagonally septate), giving rise to long, sinuous sterigmata or epibasidia on which the basidiospores are produced. These spores are smooth, globose to ellipsoid, and germinate by hyphal tube or by yeast cells. Conidiophores are often present, producing conidiospores that are similar to yeast cells.

Habitat and distribution

Species are mainly parasitic on wood-rotting fungi in the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, particularly on species that occur on dead attached branches. Hosts include members of the corticioid fungi and Dacrymycetales in the Basidiomycota and species of Diaporthe, other Sordariomycetes, and lichens in the Ascomycota. Some Tremella species parasitize the fruit bodies of their hosts, others parasitize the mycelium within the wood.

As a group, Tremella species occur worldwide, though individual species may have a more restricted distribution.

Species and hosts

The list below includes species of Tremella (in the wide sense) that have recently been described or redescribed based on fruit bodies. Species based on yeasts are not included. Some additional older species may also be valid, but lack a modern description. The type locality (but not the wider distribution) is given for each species together with the host fungus, where known. Species belonging to Tremella in the strict sense are marked as such, as are those that have been transferred to new genera.

Image NameCurrent StatusType Locality Host
Tremella anaptychiae Spain Anaptychia ciliaris
Tremella anomala Brazil Hypoxylon spp
Tremella arachispora Cameroonunknown
Tremella armeniaca Tremella sensu strictoCosta RicaXylaria sp?
Tremella aurantia Naematelia aurantia USAStereum hirsutum
Tremella aurantialba Naematelia aurantialba ChinaStereum hirsutum
Tremella aurantiolutea Mexicounknown
Tremella australe Chinaunknown
Tremella australiensis AustraliaStereum spp
Tremella boninensis Japanunknown
Tremella brasiliensis Brazilunknown
Tremella callunicola ScotlandAleurodiscus norvegicus
Tremella caloceraticola DenmarkCalocera cornea
Tremella caloplacae GreeceCaloplaca spp(as Tremella sp. 1)
Tremella candelariellae LuxembourgCandelariella spp
Tremella cephalodiicola Papua New GuineaPsoroma pannarioides
Tremella cerebriformis Taiwanunknown
Tremella cetrariicola ScotlandCetraria spp
Tremella cheejenii Chinaunknown
Tremella christiansenii DenmarkPhyscia spp
Tremella cladoniae GermanyCladonia spp
Tremella clavisterigma Guatemalaunknown
Tremella coalescens Tremella sensu strictoUSAunknown
Tremella coccocarpiae PhilippinesCoccocarpia rottleri
Tremella coffeicolor Bermudaunknown(as T. auricularia)
Tremella colpomaticola DenmarkColpoma quercinum
Tremella compacta Brazilunknown
Tremella coppinsii SarawakPlatismatia spp
Tremella dactylobasidia SpainDendrothele macrosporae
Tremella dendrographae USADendrographa minor
Tremella diaporthicola USADiaporthe spp
Tremella discicola BelgiumMollisia and Pyrenopeziza spp
Tremella dumontii Ecuadorunknown
Tremella durissima Argentinaunknown
Tremella dysenterica Brazilunknown
Tremella encephala Naematelia encephalaEuropeStereum sanguinolentum
Tremella erythrina Chinaunknown
Tremella everniae ChinaEvernia mesomorpha
Tremella exigua FranceDiaporthe spp
Tremella fibulifera Brazilunknown
Tremella fimbriata Phaeotremella fimbriataEuropeStereum rugosum
Tremella flammea Japan
Tremella flava TaiwanHypoxylon spp
Tremella foliacea Phaeotremella foliaceaEuropeStereum sanguinolentum
Tremella frondosa Phaeotremella frondosaEuropeStereum spp
Tremella fuciformis BrazilAnnulohypoxylon archeri[1] [2] and other Annulohypoxylon and/or Hypoxylon spp.
Tremella fungicola DenmarkMollisia cinerea
Tremella fuscosuccinea Phaeotremella fuscosuccinea Taiwanunknown
Tremella giraffa GermanyDacrymyces spp
Tremella globispora EnglandDiaporthe spp
Tremella graphidastrae Papua New GuineaGraphidastra multiformis
Tremella guangxiensis Chinaunknown
Tremella guttiformis Sri Lankaunknown
Tremella haematommatis USAHaematomma puniceum
Tremella hainanensis Chinaunknown
Tremella harrisii USAPolymeridium catapastum
Tremella huuskonenii Raesaenenia huuskonenii
Tremella hymenophaga SpainScytinostroma odoratum
Tremella hypocenomycis FinlandHypocenomyce spp
Tremella hypogymniae FranceHypogymnia spp
Tremella iduensis JapanHypoxylon spp
Tremella imshaugiae USAImshaugia aleurites
Tremella indecorata NorwayDiatrype bullata
Tremella invasa DenmarkTrechispora spp
Tremella karstenii FinlandColpoma juniperi
Tremella latispora Chinaunknown
Tremella leptogii PeruLeptogium sp.
Tremella lethariae CanadaLetharia vulpina
Tremella lichenicola LuxembourgMycoblastus fucatus
Tremella lilacea Costa RicaDiaporthe sp?
Tremella lloydiae-candidae Japanunknown
Tremella lobariacearum MadeiraLobariaceae spp
Tremella macroceratis NorwayCladonia macroceras
Tremella mangensis Chinaunknown
Tremella mesenterella CanadaPeniophora spp
Tremella mesenterica SwedenPeniophora spp
Tremella microcarpa Papua New Guinealichen sp.
Tremella microspora Naematelia microspora South AfricaStereum spp
Tremella monospora PeruLeptogium sp.
Tremella montis-wilhelmii Papua New GuineaNormandina simodense sp.
Tremella moriformis Pseudotremella moriformisEnglandDiaporthe spp
Tremella mycetophiloides Phaeotremella mycetophiloidesJapanAleurodiscus amorphus and A. grantii
Tremella mycophaga Phaeotremella mycophagaCanadaAleurodiscus amorphus and A. grantii
Tremella nashii USAUsnea sorediifera
Tremella nephromatis CanadaNephroma parile
Tremella nieblae USANiebla cephalota
Tremella nigrifacta Costa RicaDiatrypella sp.
Tremella nivalis Pseudotremella nivalisTaiwanDiatrype spp
Tremella normandinae HawaiiNormandina pulchella
Tremella obscura USADacrymyces spp
Tremella occultifuroidea TaiwanDacrymyces spp
Tremella olens Australiaunknown
Tremella papuana Papua New GuineaHypogymnia pseudobitteriana
Tremella parmeliarum Papua New GuineaParmotrema spp
Tremella parmeliellae Papua New GuineaParmeliella foliicola
Tremella penetrans DenmarkDacrymyces spp
Tremella pertusariae Northern IrelandPertusaria spp
Tremella phaeographidis EnglandPhaeographis spp
Tremella phaeographinae USAPhaeographina spp
Tremella phaeophysciae DenmarkPhaeophyscia orbicularis
Tremella philippinensis Philippinesunknown
Tremella poilkavensis IndiaBiscogniauxia sp.
Tremella polyporina Carcinomyces polyporinusScotlandPostia spp
Tremella protoparmeliae EnglandProtoparmelia spp
Tremella pseudocyphellariae MauritiusPseudocyphellaria desfontainii
Tremella psoroglaenae Papua New GuineaPsoroglaena spp
Tremella psoromicola ChilePsoroma spp
Tremella puncteliae MexicoPunctelia borreri
Tremella puncteliotegens New ZealandPunctelia borreri
Tremella purpurascentis USADirinaria purpurascens
Tremella pyrenaica FranceLecanora polytropa
Tremella ramalinae MexicoRamalina spp
Tremella ramboidiae USARamboldia haematites
Tremella resupinata TaiwanHypoxylon spp
Tremella rhabdodisci JapanRhabdodiscus inalbescens
Tremella rhizocarpicola Norway
Tremella rinodinae DenmarkRinodina spp
Tremella robusta USARoccellina fransciscana
Tremella rosea Austriaunknown
Tremella roseolutescens Costa Ricaunknown
Tremella rubromaculata Guatemalaunknown
Tremella salmonea Chinaunknown
Tremella samoensis Samoaunknown
Tremella sanguinea Phaeotremella ChinaStereum sp.
Tremella santessonii ZimbabweUsnea spp
Tremella sarcographae BrazilSarcographa medusulina
Tremella sarniensis GuernseyPhanerochaete sordida
Tremella seclusa Franceunknown
Tremella silvae-dravedae Denmarkunknown
Tremella simplex Phaeotremella simplex CanadaAleurodiscus amorphus
Tremella spicifera BelgiumMassarina arundinacea
Tremella steidleri Czech RepublicStereum hirsutum
Tremella stevensiana AustraliaUsnea confusa
Tremella stictae RwandaSticta weigelii
Tremella strigulae USAStrigula stigmatella
Tremella subalpina Russiaunknown
Tremella subencephala CanadaAcanthophysium lividocoeruleum
Tremella subfibulifera Brazilunknown
Tremella subrubiginosa Panamaunknown
Tremella sulcariae ChinaSulcaria sulcata
Tremella synarthoniae USASynarthonia inconspicua
Tremella taiwanensis Taiwanunknown
Tremella tawa Tremella sensu strictoNew Zealandunknown
Tremella telleriae SpainPostia spp
Tremella teloschistis USATeloschistes exilis
Tremella tornabeae Canary IslandsTornabea scutellifera
Tremella translucens Phaeotremella translucens ScotlandLophodermium spp(as Sirotrema translucens)
Tremella tremelloides NaemateliaUSAStereum sp.
Tremella tropica Taiwanunknown
Tremella tubulosae ScotlandHypogymnia tubulosa
Tremella tuckerae USARamalina sinensis
Tremella umbilicariae PeruUmbilicaria sp.
Tremella versicolor EnglandPeniophora spp
Tremella vesiculosa New ZealandXylaria sp?
Tremella volcanagua Guatemalaunknown
Tremella wedinii USA
Tremella wirthii GermanyProtoparmelia sp.
Tremella wrightii Cubaunknown
Tremella xanthomendozae USAGallowayella weberi
Tremella yokohamensis Japanunknown
Tremella zamorae USALecanora louisianae
Tremella zhejiangensis Chinaunknown

Notes and References

  1. Book: Stamets, Paul. Paul Stamets. Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms = [Shokuyo oyobi yakuyo kinoko no sabai]. 3rd. 2000. Ten Speed Press. Berkeley, California, USA. 978-1-58008-175-7. 402–405. Chapter 21: Growth Parameters for Gourmet and Medicinal Mushroom Species.
  2. Hsieh. Huei-Mei. Ju. Yu-Ming. Rogers. Jack D.. Natvig. Don. July–August 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Hypoxylon and closely related genera. Mycologia. 97. 4. 844–865. 1557-2536. Print ISSN


    . 16457354. 10.3852/mycologia.97.4.844. mycologia.