Trebicia gens explained

The gens Trebicia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens are mentioned by Roman writers, but a number are known from inscriptions. Marcus Valerius Trebicius Decianus was magister of the Arval Brethren during the reign of Hadrian.


The nomen Trebicius belongs to a class of gentilicia originally formed from cognomina ending in or , but later from other nomina, as came to be regarded as a regular gentile-forming suffix.[1]


The chief praenomen of the Trebicii seems to have been Quintus, alongside which they occasionally employed Lucius, and probably also Titus and Aulus, all of which were common names throughout all periods of Roman history. Marcus may not have been a regular praenomen of this gens, as the only member known to have used it likely assumed the name as part of the nomenclature of a maternal ancestor.


Undated Trebicii

See also


Notes and References

  1. Chase, p. 126.
  2. .
  3. .
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  5. PIR, vol. III, p. 335 (T., No. 240).
  6. Bloch, Roman Brick-stamps, 142.
  7. ,,,, .
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  14. d'Encarnação, Inscrições Romanas do Conventus Pacensis, 317.
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