"" ("God Save Emperor Franz") is an anthem to the Austrian Emperor Francis II, set to music by Joseph Haydn. The anthem served as the national anthem of Austria-Hungary.
The German lyrics were written by Lorenz Leopold Haschka (1749–1827). The anthem was translated and adapted into many of the languages that were spoken in the Empire.
Tartsa Isten, óvja Isten
Czech translation of the Austrian anthem during the reign of Franz Joseph I (1848–1916)
Plňme věrně povinnostiBraňme právo počestněA když třeba, s ochotnostíV boj se dejme statečněNa paměti věčné mějmeSlávu vojska vítěznouJmění, krev i život dejmeZa Císaře, za vlast svou!
Čeho nabyl občan pilnýVojín zbraní zastávejUměním i vědou silnýDuch se vzmáhej, jasně skvějBože račiž přízeň dátiNaší vlasti milenéSlunce Tvé ať věčně svítíNa Rakousko blažené.
Stůjme k sobě v každou chvíliSvornost jenom moci dáSpojené kde vládnou sílyVše se snadno překonáKdyž se ruka k ruce vineTak se dílo podaříŘíš Rakouská nezahyneSláva vlasti, Císaři!
Císaři po boku vládneRodem, duchem spřízněnáV kráse, která neuvadneCísařovna vznešenáBože račiž přízeň svojiHabsburskému domu dátFrantiškovi JosefoviAlžbětě rač požehnat!
We shall follow our laws trulyWe shall protect all our lawsAnd if needed, with all loyaltywe shall battle fearlesslyWe shall remember, you gratefullyOur victorious armiesProperty, blood and our lives we will giveFor our Emperor, for our Empire!
What was given to good peopleour soldiers should protectStrong by knowledge, strengthened by all its artSpirit of our lands will growGod please wish glory to our landGod bless our loved homelandYour light, your sun, shall light peacefullyUpon Austria, our blessed land.
Let us stand together at all timesOnly unity gives powerWhere united powers reignAll struggles are easierWhen a hand reaches out to anotherThe work meets successThe Austrian Empire will not fallGlory to our land, to the Emperor!
By the Emperor’s sideReigns bound by spirit and houseIn beauty, which doesn’t fadeThe Excellent EmpressGod, may you give your favourTo the Habsburg houseFrancis JosephElisabeth may you bless!
Ti u našim stvori grud'maŽivi ponos, krotku ćud,Da smo mili svijem ljud'ma,Na poštenju prvi svud.Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom,Ravnaj naše sreće brod,Da nam pođe pravim smjeromSav naš složan mili rod.
No kad domu zlo zaprijeti,"U boj!" zovne Kraljev glas,Tad na ovaj poziv svetiLavom budi svaki nas,Da pred stijegom našim gineDušman svaki, Bože daj!A nad nama s nova sineBlagog mira vedri sjaj!
Bože živi, srećom zlatiKraljevski nam sjajni dom,Naša ljubav nek ga pratiDo kraj međa žiću tom;Blago, život Kralju svomeSvaki od nas rado daj,Vječan bud' na svijetu tomeSlavne naše krune sjaj.
You created us in our hearts Live pride, meek temper,That we are kind to all people,In honesty, first everywhere. You strengthen us with your faith, Steer the ship of our happiness, To take us in the right direction All our harmonious kindred.
But when evil threatens the home, "To battle!" the King's voice calls,Then on this call the saint Let each of us be a lion, To die before our flag Every enemy, God forbid! A new son is upon us Good peace bright shine!
God lives, good luck to you Our royal splendid home, May our love follow him To the end of the border I will live that; Bless, life to your King Each of us is happy to give, Eternal life in that world Our glorious crowns shine.
Obowiązkom swoim wierniStrzeżmy pilnie świętych prawW ich obronie niech się spełnipowołanie do cnych spraw!Pomni, jak to skroń żołnierzaŚwietnie zdobi lauru krzewNieśmy chętnie za Monarchę,Za Ojczyznę mienie, krew!
Ludu pilnej pracy zbioryNiech osłania zbrojna mocNiechaj kwitną ducha tworyNiech rozświetla światło noc!Austrii Boże daj wsławienieNa szczyt chwały racz ją wznieśćSłońca swego skłoń promienieKu jej chwale, na jej cześć!
Spólność, jedność powołania,Niech przenika wszystkek lud,Bo złączonych sił działaniaZdolne przemóc wszelki trud.Dążąc społem ku celowi,Chciejmy bratnio siły zlać,Szczęść Monarsze, szczęść Krajowi,Austria będzie wiecznie trwać!
Przy Cesarzu mile władaCesarzowa pełna łask,Cały lud Jej hołdy składa,Podziwiając cnót Jej blask.Franciszkowi JózefowiI Elżbiecie, Boże szczęść,Habsburskiemu szczęść Domowi;Sława Jemu, chwała, cześć!
Za dolžnost in za pravicoVsak pošteno, zvesto stoj;Če bo treba, pa desnicoS srčnim upom dvigni v boj!Naša vojska iz viharjaPrišla še brez slave ni:Vse za dom in za cesarja,Za cesarja blago, kri!
Meč vojščaka naj varuje,Kar si pridnost zadobi;Bistri duh pa premagujeZ umetnijo, znanostmi!Slava naj deželi klije,Blagor bod' pri nas doma:Vsa, kar solnce se obsije,Cveti mirna Avstrija!
Trdno dajmo se skleniti:Sloga pravo moč rodi;Vse lahko nam bo storiti,Tako združimo moči.Brate vode vez edinaNas do cilja enega:Živi cesar, domovina,Večna bode Avstrija!
In s cesarjem zaročnica,Ene misli in krvi,Vlada milo cesarica,Polna dušne žlahtnosti.Kar se more v srečo šteti,Večni Bog naj podeli:Franc Jožefu, Lizabeti,Celi hiši Habsburški![4]
Doamne ține și protege
Pentru drept și datorință, s'avem simț bun și curat, Și cerând o trebuință, a ne bate pentru stat, Să pășim cu energie, oferind sânge și stări, Pentru-a noastră 'mpărăție, pentru-a Patriei ușurări!
Cetățeanul blând să-și strângă, din silinț-al său venit, Arta și știința 'nvingă, apărate de spirit, Verse ceriul dar spre țară, și cu daruri și măriri, Ca ș-un soare primăvară, viei țării fericiri!
Toți să fim într' sîmțîre, toți la un scop alergând, Dulcea Patriei fericire, de 'mpreună 'naintând, Toți din inimă frățească, să dorim neîncetat, Țara noastră să 'nflorească, sub Augustul Împărat!
For justice and needs, we shall have a good and clean sense,And asking the need to defend the fatherland,Let's all all march with energy, giving all our blood and feelings,For our Empire, for the fatherland's well being!
The kind citizen shall work hard for his sallary,Art and Science shall reign, defended by the Holy Spirit!Heavens shall spread to all our country glory and gifts,Like a sun in summer, Long live the fatherland's joy!
We shall all be united in one feeling, and running towards the same goal,The dear fatherland's happiness, we shall strive for it together,All of us with one brotherly heart, we shall wish eternaly,For the fatherland to blossom, under the Kaiser Emperor!
(Andrei Mureșanu version)
(Older version)
Pia difesa e forte insiemeSiamo al dritto ed al dover;E corriam con lieta spemeLa battaglia a sostener!Rammentando le feriteChe di lauri ci coprir;Noi daremo beni e viteAlla patria, al nostro Sir.
Dell'industria a' bei tesoriSia tutela il buon guerrier;Incruenti e miti alloriAbbian l'arti ed il saper!Benedica il Cielo e rendaGlorioso il patrio suol,E pacifico risplendaSovra l'Austria ognora il sol!
Siam concordi, in forze uniteDel potere il nerbo sta;Alte imprese fian compite,Se concordia in noi sarà.Siam fratelli, e un sol pensieroNe congiunga e un solo cor;Duri eterno questo Impero,Salvi Iddio l'Imperator!
Let us be together a pious and strong defenseOf right and duty;And let us with happy hope runTo sustain the battle!Remembering the woundsThat covered us with laurels;We will give possessions and livesTo country and lord.
To the beautiful treasures of industryMay the good warrior be guardian;May skills and learningHave bloodless and gentle triumphs!May Heaven bless and makeGlorious our country's ground,And may the sun always shine peacefullyOver Austria!
Let us be in agreement; in united strengthIs the core of power;Old undertakings will be completedIf there is concord among us.Let us be brothers, and may one thoughtAnd one heart join us;May this Empire last eternally,God save the Emperor!
According to 19th century Western Ukrainian orthography, with current official Latin transliteration.
Cun pietàt a fuarza unidaSostignìn lis lez del Stat;Sei speranza nostra guidaQuand che il nostri braz combàt.Sì! – pensand ala vitoriaChe nus spieta – vulintirBens e vita par la gloriaUalìn dà del nostri Sir!
Del'industria al'opulenzaSein tutela i boins soldàzE i mistirs, lis arz, la scienzaSein d'aloro coronàz.Benedis, o Cil! la tiaraChe noaltris abitìn,E, o soreli! tu risclaraSimpri d'Austria il faust destin.
La concordia nus unissiChe la fuarza ja in ta manGrandis chiossis van compissiSe d'acordo dug saràn.Fradis siin e atòr a un pernoZirin ment e nostri amòr;Duri chist biel Regno eterno:Salvi Dio l'Imperatòr!
Свѣстно вѣрно и поштеноПравду, дужность бранимо, А кадъ треба, тадъ храбреноНа оружє скочимо!Знаюћъ како слава стараВойску кити ловоромъ,--Благо, животъ, све за Цара,Све за Цара и за домъ!
Што грађаникъ съ мукомъ стече,Тому войникъ буди штитъ;Уме ине некъ претечеУмъ нашъ духомъ поноситъ!Срећа, слава некъ извируСвудъ по земля нашiє':Сунце божє некъ у мируСя врхъ срећне Аустрiє!
Силе наше некъ се сложеСвемогућанъ єръ є складь;И найтежiй ласно можеНадвладат' се слогомъ рáдъ.Къ єдной цѣли погодљиви Сви настоймо братски ит';Цара да живи, ломъ да живи:Аустрiя ће вѣчна быт'!
Узъ нашега влада ЦараКрвю, срцемъ родица,Вѣковитогъ пуна чара Мила наша Царица.Сваку срећу, сваку славуИзлiй, Боже, ти надъ Њомъ:Францъ-Iосифа, Єлисаву,Васъ хабсбурскiй живи домъ!
What a citizen earns with difficulty,To him the soldier be a shield;He knows how some runOur mind is proud of our spirit!Happiness and glory do not springEverywhere in our country:God's sun rest in peaceAll the best, happy Austria![6]