Trails of Yellowstone National Park explained

Yellowstone National Park has over 1100miles[1] of blazed and mapped hiking trails, including some that have been in use for hundreds of years. Several of these trails were the sites of historical events. Yellowstone's trails are noted for various geysers, hot springs, and other geothermal features, and for viewing of bald eagles, ospreys, grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, bighorn sheep, pronghorns, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk.

Prehistoric times

In the Middle Prehistoric era, humans appear to have continued living in mountain areas through droughts severe enough for plains populations to disappear.[2] Evidence suggests that the Yellowstone Plateau was occupied continuously, with seasonal movement among preferred places. Foragers wintered in protected valleys along the edges of the plateau, and summered in higher hunting grounds that might have extended fifty to a hundred miles away.[3] Some of the seasonal routes developed into often-used trails. Artifacts from this era are found throughout the park, with large enough concentrations around Yellowstone Lake to suggest a substantial population.[4]

Early 1800s

First white discoverer used Indian trail sections

John Colter (or Coulter), a former member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, spent the winter of 1806-1807 trapping along the middle Yellowstone River. With the information he learned there, he was hired by the Missouri Fur Trading Company to invite Indian tribes to the trading post the company built at the mouth of the Big Horn River in October 1807.[5] In the winter of 1807-1808, soliciting trade with the Crow and other native tribes, Colter traveled alone on a 500miles route that included the Yellowstone Plateau, making him the first white man to see Yellowstone Lake and some of the area's unique features.[6] Colter's route included Indian trails both inside and outside the current park, such as over Pryor Gap near Cody, Wyoming; around the west shore of Yellowstone Lake and down Yellowstone River to the crossing near Tower Fall (a geothermal area on the east bank is "Hot Spring Brimstone" on Clark's map); and continuing up Lamar River and Soda Butte Creek and Clarks Fork to return to the Pryor Gap trail.[7]

Bannock Trail

By 1840, bison (buffalo) had been hunted and trapped to extirpation west of the Continental Divide. The Shoshone and Bannock tribes had established a plains-style culture based on the buffalo on the Snake River plains, but the regional extirpation forced them to organize hunting migrations across the Yellowstone Plateau. These tribes established a route that became known as the Bannock Trail.[8] The route began at Camas Meadows in Idaho, went over Targhee Pass, followed the Madison River basin, went over the Gallatin Mountains near Mount Holmes, down Indian Creek to the Gardner River, through Snow Pass to Mammoth Hot Springs, up Lava Creek, through the meadows of Blacktail Deer Creek, to the "Bannock Ford" crossing of the Yellowstone River near Tower Fall, up the Lamar Valley, and over the Absaroka Range into the Clarks Fork Valley. From there, Bannock and Shoshone (often with Flathead and Nez Perce) would choose between the Yellowstone Valley and the Wyoming Basin to hunt bison. For forty years ending in 1878 with the Bannock War, tribes used the Bannock Trail for access to drainages such as the Madison, Gallatin, Yellowstone, Stillwater, Clarks Fork, and Shoshone valleys, and through them to a more distant arc of buffalo ranges.

Folsom party used Indian trails

The most organized of the numerous explorations into Yellowstone in the 1860s was the 1869 Cook–Folsom–Peterson Expedition. It was particularly well documented as having traveled on existing Indian trails. From the Bozeman Pass area, the three-man group rode on a former Indian trail up Meadow Creek from the Gallatin drainage to the Yellowstone drainage, and down Trail Creek (named for its old trail) to the Yellowstone Valley, as miners had done since 1864. They followed Indian trails up the Yellowstone River the rest of the way south to the mouth of the Gardner River, where the trail forked. The party used the fork over Blacktail Deer Creek Plateau to the head of Rescue Creek.[9] Portions of their later travels used other trails long used by natives. An article by Charles W. Cook and David E. Folsom describing the expedition was published in a Chicago magazine in 1870, raising popular attention. David Folsom worked with Walter W. deLacy, another explorer of Yellowstone, to revise deLacy's 1865 map; the 1870 edition aided that year's Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition. They followed the same route into the area as far as Rescue Creek, then used the Bannock Trail eastward. Like the Folsom party, Washburn's group used other Indian trails around parts of Yellowstone Lake and elsewhere in the future Park.

First years as a national park

Yellowstone's first superintendent, Nathaniel P. Langford, served without salary from 1872 to 1877. He also worked without funds, and entered the park only twice in his five years of service. Under Langford, no trails were developed, and existing trails were maintained only by their users and guides.

Trail development by P.W. Norris

Yellowstone's second superintendent, Philetus W. Norris, served from 1877 to 1882. His administration, unlike Langford's, had a budget for roadbuilding and trailbuilding. In his five years, the park trail system was increased from 108miles to 204miles, many miles of existing trails were improved into roads, and wooden signboards were added at many trail intersections and natural features.[3]

Superintendent Norris added the trail (later a road) east through Lamar Valley and out the park's northeast corner, in 1878.[3] He discovered, explored, and cleared a trail over the Washburn Range through Rowland Pass, in 1878.[10]

In his final annual report, published in 1881, Norris listed five individual foot trails. This included the six-mile Terrace Mountain trail, a one mile path leading to Undine Falls (formerly called East Gardner Falls), a one mile trail that led to Monument Geyser Basin, and two short footpaths located in the Yellowstone Falls area. Since these trails were never mentioned in any of his previous reports, it’s assumed they were constructed during the 1880 season.[11]

Current trail system

Many trails in Yellowstone traverse Bear Management Areas and are seasonally closed or restricted to reduce human contact with bears.[12]

Interpretive and attraction related trails

These trails are primarily associated with park attractions, especially geothermal features, and are sometimes out and back day hikes, and in many cases are improved boardwalks and supported with interpretive signs and exhibits.

Trail NameDescriptionTrail Head(s)Length (OW-One Way, RT-Round Trip)
Norris Geyser Basin Area
Artist Paint PotsInterpretive trail that explores the Artist Paint Pots near Gibbon Meadows in the Norris Geyser Basin3.9miles south of Norris Junction 44.6936°N -110.7458°W1.2miles
Cygnet Lakes TrailRelatively flat out and back trail to marshy lakes popular with wildlife observers.6.6miles east of Norris Junction 44.7058°N -110.5725°W8miles
Monument Geyser BasinA moderately difficult out and back trail to the seldom visited Monument Geyser Basin4.6miles south of Norris Junction 44.6836°N -110.7444°W3miles
Mammoth Hot Springs Area
Boiling River TrailTrail to hot springs on the edge of the Gardner River used as a swimming area.North Entrance-Mammoth Road 44.9922°N -110.6919°W1miles
Beaver Ponds TrailGentle loop trail through meadows and beaver ponds on Clematis CreekMammoth Hot Springs near Liberty Cap 44.975°N -110.7092°W5.1miles
Wraith FallsShort hike to a 100feet cascade on Lupine CreekWraith Falls trailhead: 44.9417°N -110.6256°W1miles
Madison River Area
Harlequin LakeTrail to shallow lake just north of the West Entrance Rd near Madison Junction. Popular with birdwatchers.1.7 miles west of Madison Junction 44.64°N -110.8831°W1miles
Purple Mountain TrailSteep trail to the top of Purple Mountain el. 8433feet with good views of the lower Gibbon River meadows.0.25miles nouth of Madison Junction 44.6464°N -110.8547°W6miles
Lower and Midway Geyser Basin
Fountain Paint Pots TrailAn easy loop trail through the Fountain Paint Pots area at the southern end of the Lower Geyser Basin near Midway.44.5492°N -110.8061°W0.5miles
Fountain Flats Freight RoadAn old gravel road between Fountain Flats and Midway Geyser Basin closed in the 1970s. It is currently used as a bike path that gives access to several backcountry trailheads, Goose Lake and the Firehole River.Northern trailhead: 44.5669°N -110.835°W
Southern trailhead: 44.5156°N -110.8325°W
Upper Geyser Basin-Old Faithful Area
Upper Geyser Basin TrailThe Upper Geyser Basin trail is a series of long walkways that traverse the basin's thermal features between Old Faithful and Biscuit Basin. There are multiple loops and routes thru the basin using these trails.Old Faithful trailhead:44.4597°N -110.8322°W
Biscuit Basin trailhead: 44.4842°N -110.8511°W
1.5miles to 5miles
Biscuit Basin Trail
Black Sand Basin Trail
Lone Star Geyser Basin TrailTrailhead is 2.5 miles south of Old Faithful on Grand Loop Road 44.445°N -110.8044°W2.7miles OW -Mystic Falls TrailParallels the Little Firehole River to the base of the falls through burned over lodgepole pine and rocky talus.Trailhead departs west side of Biscuit Basin loop. 44.4856°N -110.8586°W1.2miles to base of falls. Connects with Biscuit Basin overlook trail, loop is ~2.4miles RT
Canyon Area
Uncle Tom's TrailA steep 500feet descent into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone from the south rim near the Lower Yellowstone Fall.Just east of the Lower Falls south rim parking area 44.7164°N -110.4936°W1miles
West Thumb Geyser Basin
West Thumb TrailAn oval loop trail with an inner path that surrounds the major West Thumb geothermal features at the edge of Yellowstone LakeJust east of West Thumb junction: 44.4161°N -110.5728°W0.5miles
Hayden Valley
Mud Volcano TrailA loop trail that passes Mud Geyser, Black Dragon's Caldron, Grizzly Fumarole, Mud Volcano and other geothermal features.6miles north of Fishing Bridge 44.6242°N -110.4331°W0.66miles
Lamar Valley
Trout LakeSteep trail through fir forest to small alpine lake popular with anglers.17miles east of Tower Junction: 44.8989°N -110.1228°W0.9miles
Yellowstone Lake Area
Pelican Creek Nature Trail1.5miles east of Fishing Bridge:44.56°N -110.3606°W0.5miles
Tower-Roosevelt Area
Lost Lake TrailEasy loop trail to fishless Lost LakeBehind Roosevelt Lodge:44.9122°N -110.4172°W4miles
Tower Fall TrailEasy walk to platform to view 132feet Tower Fall2.5miles south of Tower Junction: 44.8919°N -110.3867°W1miles
Yellowstone River Picnic Area TrailEasy trail along the north rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone between Tower Fall and the Tower Junction bridge across the Yellowstone River. Connects with the Specimen Ridge trail.2miles east of Tower Junction on Northeast entrance road. 44.9167°N -110.4003°W1.2miles

Backcountry trails

These trails traverse the Yellowstone backcountry and many have backcountry campsites along their route.[13]

Trail NameDescriptionTrail Head(s)Length
(OW-One Way, RT-Round Trip)
Northwest Quadrant
Bighorn Pass Trail
Blacktail Deer Creek TrailSteep trail down to the Black Canyon of Yellowstone River
Crevice Creek Trail1.7miles
Fan Creek Trail5miles to 11miles
Fawn Pass Trail20.8miles
Gneiss Creek Trail8.6miles
Grebe Lake TrailEasy level trail through lodgepole pine forests to Grebe Lake, popular with anglers for its Arctic graylingApproximately 4miles west of Canyon on the Canyon-Norris road. 44.7172°N -110.5494°W6.6miles RT
Grizzly Lake Trail
Ice Lake Trail4.5miles
Lava Creek TrailWestern trailhead: 44.9733°N -110.6831°W
Eastern trailhead: 44.9425°N -110.6331°W
Mount Holmes Trail
Rescue Creek TrailBounded on the north by the Yellowstone River and the south by Mount EvertsNorthern trailhead: 45.0175°N -110.6936°W
Southern trailhead: 44.9553°N -110.5939°W
Solfatara Creek Trail6.3miles
Sportsman Lake Trail23.2miles
Trilobite Lake Trail
Wolf Lake Trail4.7miles
Yellowstone River Trail-Black CanyonTrail parallels the North shore of the Yellowstone River from Gardiner to Tower Junction in the Black Canyon of the Yellowstone.Western trailhead Gardiner, MT: 45.0319°N -110.7017°W
Eastern trailhead (Tower Junction): 44.9158°N -110.4156°W
Northeast Quadrant
Buffalo Fork Trail
Cache Creek Trail5.6miles
Coyote Creek Trail[14] [15] 8.7miles[16]
Hellroaring Creek Trail4miles
Pebble Creek Trail12miles
Slough Creek Trail22miles
Specimen Ridge Trail18.8miles
Yellowstone River Picnic TrailTrail parallels the north rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone which has views of the river and canyon. Intersects with the Specimen Ridge trail at 1.9miles.Trailhead 1.8miles east of Tower-Roosevelt on Northeast Entrance road. 44.9167°N -110.4003°W3.8miles RT
Southwest Quadrant
Delacy Creek TrailAn easy, well marked trail that follows the course of DeLacy Creek to the north shore of Shoshone Lake.0.9miles east of Craig Pass on the Grand Loop Road 44.4469°N -110.7022°W5.8miles RT
Divide TrailSteep out and back trail from the Craig Pass area to Divide Mountain el. 8725feet (site of a former fire lookout tower) for great views of the Shoshone Lake basin.6.8miles east of Old Faithful: 44.4347°N -110.7347°W5miles
Dogshead Trail4.6miles
Fairy Creek Trail
Lewis Channel Trail6.2miles
Mary Mountain TrailWildlife rich trail that traverses Mary Mountain el. 8573feet between Alum Creek in the Hayden Valley and Nez Perce Creek on the Firehole River.Nez Perce Creek trailhead: 44.5697°N -110.8161°W
Alum Creek trailhead: 44.6831°N -110.4936°W
Mallard Creek TrailAn alternate route to Mallard Lake. A popular winter cross-country skiing trail.4.8miles north of Old Faithful: 44.5067°N -110.8333°W4.2miles
Mallard Lake TrailA moderate hike to Mallard Lake from the Old Faithful area. A popular winter cross-country skiing trail.Old Faithful trailhead: 44.4581°N -110.7894°W3.1miles
Shoshone Lake TrailA long, backcountry trail to the southwest shore of Shoshone Lake and the Shoshone Geyser Basin.Lewis Falls trailhead: 44.325°N -110.7492°W
Old Faithful trailhead: 44.3981°N -110.8278°W
Summit Lake TrailA difficult backcountry trail from Biscuit Basin to the western border of the park. The trail makes up a significant portion of the Continental Divide Trail contained in the park.Biscuit Basin trailhead:44.4842°N -110.8511°W
Western trailhead: 44.4078°N -111.0972°W
Southeast Quadrant
Heart Lake TrailA moderate hike through meadows and forests to Heart Lake and the Heart Lake Geyser Basin. Popular with anglers for Yellowstone cutthroat trout and lake trout. Connects with the Mount Sheridan Trail at the lake.Northern trailhead is opposite Lewis Lake on the southern entrance road. 44.3167°N -110.5992°W
Southern trailhead spurs off the South Boundary Trail near Snake Hot Springs 44.1692°N -110.5742°W
7.5miles OW (from Lewis Lake)
Mount Sheridan TrailSteep trail to the summit of Mount Sheridan overlooking Heart Lake.Northwest shoreline of Heart Lake 44.2792°N -110.5031°W6.6miles RT (from Heart Lake)


Further reading

Notes and References

  1. "Hiking in the Park" page of Yellowstone:Plan Your Visit section of National Park Service website, retrieved May 19, 2007.
  2. Earl H. Swanson, Jr., "Cultural Relations Between Two Plains", Archaeology in Montana 7, no. 2 (April–June 1966), pp. 1-2, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  3. Aubrey L. Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One, Yellowstone Library and Museum Association / Colorado Associated University Press, 1977, .
  4. Carling Malouf, "Preliminary Report, Yellowstone National Park Archaeological Survey, Summer 1958", mimeographed, Montana State University, Missoula, January 5, 1959, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  5. M.O. Skarsten, "George Drouillard", in The Mountain Men and the Fur Trade of the Far West, volume 4, Arthur A. Clark Co., 1966, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  6. William Clark's Map of the West, in Nicholas Biddle, History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, volume 2, Bradford and Inskeep, 1814, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  7. Merrill J. Mattes, "Behind the Legend of Colter's Hell: The Early Exploration of the Yellowstone National Park", Mississippi Valley Historical Review 36, number 2 (September 1949), pp. 253-54, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  8. Aubrey L. Haines, "The Bannock Indian Trails of Yellowstone National Park", cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  9. Charles W. Cook, David E. Folsom, and William Peterson, The Valley of the Upper Yellowstone, University of Oklahoma Press, 1965, cited in Haines, The Yellowstone Story, Volume One.
  10. Lee H. Whittlesey, Yellowstone Place Names, Montana Historical Society Press, Helena, Montana, USA, 1988, .
  11. Doran, Jeffrey J. (2023), Ramble On: How Hiking Became One of the Most Popular Outdoor Activities in the World,
  12. Web site: Yellowstone National Park-Bear Management Areas .
  13. Web site: Backcountry Trip Planner . National Park Service . 2009-11-15 . dead . . April 7, 2009 .
  14. 1587142 . Coyote Creek Trail.
  15. 800642 . Coyote Creek Trail.
  16. Web site: Coyote Creek Trail . Hiking Project . 2019-06-14.