List of towns in England explained

This is a list of towns in England.

Historically, towns were any settlement with a charter, including market towns and ancient boroughs. The process of incorporation was reformed in 1835 and many more places received borough charters, whilst others were lost. All existing boroughs were abolished on 1 April 1974 and borough status was reformed as a civic honour for local government districts. At the same time a limited number of former boroughs and other settlements became successor parishes, with the right to be known as a town and preserve their charter. Boroughs that did not become successor parishes formed unparished areas, but were able to preserve their charters without a corporate body by appointing charter trustees. Since 1 April 1974 any parish council in England has the right to resolve to call itself a town council and many communities have taken up this right, including areas that preserved continuity with charter trustees. However, no successor parishes have exercised this right (e.g. Ilkley).

This list does not include cities in England.


This list includes:


Town Ceremonial county Status
Oxfordshire town council
Lancashire borough (1878–1974)
Norfolk market charter
Greater London borough (1921–1965)
Lancashire town council
Warwickshire town council
Suffolk town council
Hampshire borough (1922–1974)
Lincolnshire town council
Derbyshire town council
Northumberland town council
Cheshire town council
Cumbria market charter
Hampshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1937–1974)
Northumberland town council
Cumbria market charter
Buckinghamshire town council
Wiltshire town council
Bedfordshire town council
Hampshire borough (1835–1974)
Cumbria town council
Bedfordshire town council
West Sussex town council
Derbyshire town council
Devon town council
Leicestershire town council
Kent market charter
Northumberland town council
Greater Manchester borough (1847–1974)
South Yorkshire town council
Warwickshire town council
Norfolk town council
Somerset town council
Devon town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Norfolk town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Lancashire borough (1883–1974)
Derbyshire town council
Devon town council
Oxfordshire town council
Greater London Market charter;[1] borough (1931–1965)
Durham town council
Greater London borough (1932–1965)
Greater London market charter
Lancashire town council
South Yorkshire borough (1869–1974)
Devon town council
Cumbria borough (1867–1974)
Lincolnshire town council
Essex new town (designated 1949)
Hampshire borough (1835–1974)
West Yorkshire borough (1868–1974)
East Sussex town council
South Yorkshire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Dorset town council
Merseyside borough (1937–1974)
Suffolk town council
Greater London borough (1935–1965)
North Yorkshire town council
Bedfordshire borough (1835–1974)
Warwickshire market charter
Derbyshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Northumberland town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Worcestershire town council
East Sussex charter trustees
Greater London borough (1937–1965)
Oxfordshire town council
Staffordshire town council
Devon town council
Bedfordshire town council
Essex town council
Durham town council
West Midlands borough (1938–1967)
Nottinghamshire town council
West Yorkshire market charter
Cheshire town council
Merseyside borough (1877–1974)
Durham town council
Shropshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Hampshire market charter
Lancashire borough (1851–1974)
Lancashire borough (1867–1974)
Greater Manchester town council
Hampshire town council
Dorset town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Northumberland town council
Cornwall town council
West Sussex town council
Cheshire town council
Derbyshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1838–1974)
Merseyside borough (1868–1974)
Hampshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Dorset borough (1890–1974)
Devon town council
Northamptonshire town council
Berkshire new town (designated 1949)
Wiltshire town council
Isle of Wight town council
Gloucestershire town council
Devon town council
Essex market charter
Cumbria market charter (1252)
Suffolk town council
Leicestershire town council
Greater London market charter
Essex market charter
Staffordshire market charter
Shropshire town council
Somerset town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Dorset town council
Lancashire town council
South Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
West Yorkshire borough (1893–1974)
Essex town council
Devon town council
Kent town council
Merseyside market charter
Greater London borough (1903–1965)
Worcestershire market charter
Herefordshire town council
Shropshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Cumbria market charter
Somerset town council
Devon town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Cornwall town council
Devon town council
Nottinghamshire market charter
Suffolk town council
Hertfordshire town council
Oxfordshire town council
West Sussex town council
Lincolnshire town council
Essex town council
Somerset town council
Lancashire borough (1861–1974)
Staffordshire town council
Staffordshire town council
Northamptonshire town council
Staffordshire charter trustees (abolished 2003)
Greater Manchester borough (1876–1974)
Suffolk town council
Hertfordshire market charter
Derbyshire borough (1917–1974)


Town Ceremonial county Status
Lincolnshire town council
Cornwall town council
Wiltshire town council
Cornwall town council
Cornwall town council
Staffordshire market charter
Essex town council
Lancashire town council
Suffolk town council
Greater London Borough (1915–1965)
Oxfordshire town council
Somerset town council
West Yorkshire borough (1955–1974)
Devon stannary charter
Derbyshire market charter
Somerset town council
Oxfordshire town council
Kent borough (1890–1974)
Cambridgeshire town council
Staffordshire town council
Gloucestershire borough (1876–1974)
Surrey market charter
Buckinghamshire town council
Hertfordshire market charter
Derbyshire borough (1835–1974)
Durham market charter
Dorset town council
Durham town council
Greater London borough (1938–1965)
Wiltshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Oxfordshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Greater London borough (with Brentford; 1932–1965)
Lancashire borough (1881–1974)
Hertfordshire town council
Dorset borough (1886–1974)
Devon town council
Devon market charter
Shropshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Suffolk market charter
Derbyshire town council
Cumbria town council
West Yorkshire market charter
Lincolnshire charter trustees
Shropshire market charter
Somerset town council
Lancashire town council
Shropshire town council
Leicestershire town council
Cumbria town council
Essex market charter
North Yorkshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Warwickshire town council
Lancashire town council
Devon market charter
Cheshire town council
South Yorkshire market charter
Northumberland market charter
Northamptonshire market charter
Essex market charter
Wiltshire town council
Hampshire town council
Nottinghamshire town council
Isle of Wight town council
Greater London Municipal Borough (with Purley; 1915–1965)
Northumberland town council
Kent market charter
Shropshire town council
West Sussex market charter
Devon town council
Cheshire charter trustees
Somerset town council
Wiltshire town council
Norfolk town council
Durham market charter
Merseyside borough (1937–1974)
East Sussex town council
Greater London borough (1883–1965)
Lincolnshire market charter
Lincolnshire town council
Devon town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Greater London borough (1938–1965)
Cumbria Market Charter[2]
Derbyshire town council
Durham borough (1867–1974)
Kent charter trustees (abolished 1977)
Devon town council
Lancashire town council
Northamptonshire town council
Shropshire town council
Devon town council
Kent town council
West Yorkshire town council
Norfolk town council
Northamptonshire town council
Wiltshire town council
West Yorkshire borough (1862–1974)
Oxfordshire town council
South Yorkshire town council
Norfolk town council
Dorset town council
Surrey market charter
Kent town council
Essex market charter
Norfolktown council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Worcestershire town council
Derbyshire town council
West Midlands borough (1865–1974)
Greater Manchester borough (1899–1974)
Somerset town council
Bedfordshire town council
Suffolk market charter
Gloucestershire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Greater London borough (1901–1965)
Lancashire town council
Leicestershire town council
Berkshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Isle of Wight town council
West Sussex town council
Greater London borough (1904–1965)
East Sussex borough (1883–1974)
Hampshire borough (1936–1974)
Nottinghamshire charter trustees
Nottinghamshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1892–1974)
Staffordshire market charter
Kent town council
Greater London market charter
Greater London borough (1937–1965)
Cumbria town council
West Yorkshire market charter
Shropshire town council
Cheshire charter trustees
Hertfordshire town council
Hampshire market charter
Greater London borough (1955–1965)
Essex town council
Surrey borough from 1937[3]
Lincolnshire town council
Greater London borough (1937–1965)
Berkshire town council
Worcestershire town council
Devon town council
Suffolk town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Gloucestershire town council
Norfolk town council
Cornwall town council
Hampshire market charter
Oxfordshire town council
Hampshire town council
Surrey town council
Kent town council
Staffordshire town council
West Yorkshire town council
Suffolk town council
Staffordshire one of the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent
Dorset town council
Durham town council
North Yorkshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Greater London borough (1933–1965)
Hampshire town council
Lancashire borough (1933–1974)
Bedfordshire town council
Kent town council
West Midlands town council
Hampshire town council
Kent town council
Cornwall town council
Suffolk town council
Essex town council
Cheshire town council
Somerset town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Lincolnshire town council
Lancashire town council
Tyne and Wear borough (1835–1974)
Dorset town council
Kent borough (1903–1974)
Somerset town council
Derbyshire borough (1866–1974)
Surrey town council
Cambridgeshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Norfolk market charter
Hampshire borough (1922–1974)
Cumbria town council
Lincolnshire charter trustees
North Yorkshire market charter
Kent borough (1835–1974)
Essex market charter
Essex town council
Devon town council
Norfolk borough (1835–1974)
Durham town council
Lincolnshire charter trustees
Surrey borough (1835–1974)
North Yorkshire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Suffolk town council
East Sussex town council
West Midlands borough (1936–1974)
Suffolk town council
Merseyside town council
West Yorkshire borough (1848–1974)
Essex town council
Northumberland town council
Norfolk town council
Essex market charter
Hertfordshire town council
North Yorkshire borough (1884–1974)
Greater London borough (1954–1965)
Devon market charter
Durham borough (1850–1974)
Essex town council
Nottinghamshire town council
Surrey town council
Lancashire borough (1891–1974)
HastingsEast Sussex borough (1835–1974)
Hertfordshire town council
South Yorkshire town council
Devon town council
Hampshire market charter
Suffolk town council
Kent town council
North Yorkshire town council
North Yorkshire market charter
Cornwall town council
West Sussex town council
Derbyshire town council
East Sussex market charter
West Yorkshire town council
Hampshire town council
Staffordshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Cornwall town council
Hertfordshire charter trustees (abolished 1984)
West Yorkshire town council
Greater London borough (1932–1965)
Warwickshire market charter
Oxfordshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Tyne and Wear town council
Northumberland town council
Greater Manchester borough (1881–1974)
Northamptonshire town council
Somerset market charter
Wiltshire town council
Buckinghamshire charter trustees
Leicestershire market charter
Norfolk town council
Hertfordshire market charter
Hertfordshire market charter
Lincolnshire market charter
Devon town council
Norfolk town council
Devon town council
Surrey town council
Lincolnshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Greater London borough (1903–1965)
West Yorkshire town council
West Sussex town council
Greater Manchester town council
Bedfordshire town council
Greater London Borough
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
West Yorkshire borough (1868–1974)
Berkshire town council
Norfolk town council
Cambridgeshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1881–1974)
Kent town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Greater London borough (1926–1965)
Devon town council
Derbyshire charter trustees (abolished 1975)
West Yorkshire town council
Somerset town council
Lincolnshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Suffolk borough (1835–1974)
Northamptonshire town council
Greater London borough (with Heston; 1932–1965)
Devon town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Tyne and Wear borough (1875–1974)


Town Ceremonial county Status
West Yorkshire town council
Bedfordshire town council
Cumbria town council
Warwickshire town council
Suffolk town council
Cumbria town council
Northamptonshire borough (1938–1974)
Somerset town council
Worcestershire charter trustees
Staffordshire town council
Nottinghamshire town council
Norfolk borough (1835–1974)
Devon town council
Devon town council
Greater London borough (1835–1965)
Herefordshire town council
Nottinghamshire market charter
Cumbria town council
Cumbria town council
North Yorkshire town council
Lancashire town council
Lincolnshire town council
North Yorkshiretown council
Cheshire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Somerset town council
Cornwall town council
Surrey market charter
Gloucestershire town council
Herefordshire town council
Staffordshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1899–1974)
Bedfordshire town council
Essex town council
Suffolk town council
Herefordshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
East Sussex town council
North Yorkshire town council
Lancashire town council
Greater London borough (1926–1965)
Cornwall town council
West Sussex town council
Norfolk market charter
North Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire market charter
Lancashire town council
Staffordshire one of the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent
Cumbria market charter
Cornwall town council
Cornwall town council
Leicestershire borough (1888–1974)
Essex town council
Lincolnshire town council
Suffolk charter trustees
Wiltshire town council
Shropshire town council
Bedfordshire borough (1876–1974)
Leicestershire town council
Kent town council
Gloucestershire town council
Dorset town council
Hampshire town council
Devon town council
Dorset town council
Lancashire borough (1922–1974)


Town Ceremonial county Status
Lincolnshire town council
Cheshire charter trustees
Shropshire market charter
Merseyside town council
Berkshire borough (1835–1974)
Kent borough (1835–1974)
Essex town council
Wiltshire town council
South Yorkshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Worcestershire town council
Essex town council
Nottinghamshire charter trustees
Cornwall town council
Cambridgeshire town council
Kent charter trustees
Leicestershire market charter
Lincolnshire town council
Shropshire town council
Leicestershire market charter
Lincolnshire town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Wiltshire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Cumbria town council
North Yorkshire market charter
Derbyshire town council
Lancashire town council
Wiltshire town council
West Yorkshire town council
Leicestershire town council
Wiltshire town council
South Yorkshire market charter
North Yorkshire town council
North Yorkshire borough (1853–1967)
Greater Manchester borough (1886–1974)
Cheshire town council
West Sussex town council
Somerset market charter
Suffolk market charter
Cumbria town council
Gloucestershire market charter
Somerset town council
Kent market charter
West Yorkshire town council
Greater London borough (1934–1965)
Gloucestershire market charter
Devon market charter
Lancashire town council
Devon market charter
Gloucestershire town council
West Yorkshire town council
Northumberland borough (1835–1974)
Greater Manchester town council
Shropshire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Somerset town council
Gloucestershire town council
Cheshire town council
Suffolk town council
Lancashire town council
Cheshire town council
Hampshire town council
Greater London borough (with Coombe; 1936–1965)
Derbyshire town council
Hampshire town council
Kent town council
Nottinghamshire town council
Northumberland town council
Berkshire town council
Staffordshire borough (1835–1974)
Gloucestershire town council
East Sussex town council
Cornwall market charter
Suffolk town council
Isle of Wight borough (1835–1974)
Shropshire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Cornwall town council
Devon town council
Durham town council
Merseyside market charter
West Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Somerset town council
Devon town council
Norfolk town council
North Yorkshire town council
Devon town council
Northamptonshire borough (1835–1974)
Kent market charter
Gloucestershire town council
Cheshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Warwickshire borough (1907–1974)


Town Ceremonial county Status
Shropshire town council
Rutland town council
Devon town council
West Midlands borough (1935–1966)
Greater Manchester borough (1849–1974)
Nottinghamshire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Essex town council
Suffolk market charter
Lancashire market charter
Greater London Town
West Yorkshire borough (1890–1974)
Shropshire town council
West Yorkshire town council
Devon town council
Northamptonshire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Kent town council
Lancashire town council
Cornwall town council
Devon market charter
Gloucestershire market charter
Greater Manchester town council
Gloucestershire town council
North Yorkshire town council
East Sussex town council
South Yorkshire town council
Staffordshire market charter
Cumbria market charter
Cornwall town council
Lancashire town council
Cornwall town council
Worcestershire town council
Durham town council
Hampshire town council
West Sussex town council
North Yorkshire town council
Devon market charter
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
East Sussextown council
West Yorkshire borough (1835–1974)
Northumberland town council
Dorset borough (1835–1974)
Cornwall town council
Somerset town council
Dorset town council
Bedfordshire town council
Cheshire town council
Lancashire town council
Merseyside town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Northumberland town council
West Yorkshire borough (1900–1974)
Greater London town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Gloucestershire town council[4]
Kent charter trustees (abolished 1977)


Town Ceremonial county Status
Somerset town council
Cambridgeshire town council
Kent town council
Northamptonshire town council
Lancashire borough (1891–1974)
Essex town council
Berkshire borough (1835–1974)
North Yorkshire borough (1921–1967)
Worcestershire town council, new town (designated 1964)
Cornwall town council
Norfolk town council
Surrey borough (1863–1974)
Greater London borough (1890–1965)
North Yorkshire town council
Hampshire town council
Derbyshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1856–1974)
Kent borough (1835–1974)
Essex market charter
Greater London borough (1937–1965)
Hampshire town council
Herefordshire town council
Northumberland market charter
South Yorkshire borough (1871–1974)
Northamptonshire town council
West Yorkshire market charter
West Midlands borough (1933–1966)
Warwickshire town council
Kent borough (1888–1974)
Wiltshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Warwickshire borough (1932–1974)
Staffordshire town council
Cheshire new town (designated 1964)
Northamptonshire town council
Isle of Wight town council
East Sussex town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Essex town council
Cornwall town council
Cornwall town council
Cornwall town council
Merseyside borough (1868–1974)
Cambridgeshire town council
Cornwall town council
Cornwall town council
Greater London market charter
Cornwall market charter
Cambridgeshire town council
Devon town council
Greater Manchester borough (1935–1974)
Cornwall town council
North Yorkshiretown council
Cheshire town council
Berkshire town council
Derbyshire market charter
Isle of Wight town council
Kent town council
Bedfordshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Suffolk town council
North Yorkshire borough (1835–1974)
Lincolnshire charter trustees
East Sussex town council
Durham town council
Devon town council
Cumbria market charter
Durham town council
North Yorkshire town council
West Sussex town council
North Yorkshire town council
Kent town council
Dorset town council
Isle of Wight town council
Bedfordshire town council
Leicestershire town council
Somerset town council
Dorset town council
Norfolk town council
Shropshire town council
Durham town council
Warwickshire town council
Derbyshire town council
West Sussex market charter
Shropshire town council
Devon town council
Cumbria town council
West Yorkshire town council
Kent town council
Lincolnshire town council
Lancashire town council
North Yorkshire market charter
North Yorkshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Berkshire borough (1838–1974)
West Midlands borough (1899–1966)
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Kent town council
Cambridgeshire town council
West Midlands borough (1954–1974)
Somerset town council
Devon market charter
East Riding of Yorkshire market charter
West Yorkshire town council
West Yorkshire town council
Devon town council
Tyne and Wear borough (1850–1974)
Essex town council
Warwickshire town council
Greater London borough (1936–1965)
Kent town council
Greater London borough (1933–1965)
Essex market charter
Merseyside borough (1866–1974)
Hampshire town council
Nottinghamshire town council
Hampshire market charter
Suffolk town council
Lincolnshire town council
Durham town council
Lincolnshire town council
Norfolk town council
Staffordshire borough (1835–1974)
Surrey market charter
South Yorkshire town council
Dorset town council
Norfolk market charter
Greater Manchester borough (1857–1974)
Lincolnshire town council
Durham town council
Durham market charter
Nottinghamshire town council
Derbyshire town council
Hertfordshire market charter
West Sussex market charter
Greater Manchester borough (1835–1974)
South Yorkshire town council
Durham/North Yorkshire borough (1835–1967)
Staffordshire one of the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent
Staffordshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Bedfordshire town council
West Midlands borough (1914–1974)
Worcestershire town council
Suffolk town council
Gloucestershire town council
Warwickshire town council
Greater Manchester borough (1933–1974)
Kent market charter
Gloucestershire town council
Dorset town council
Suffolk town council
Greater London borough (1936–1965)
Greater London borough (with Cheam; 1934–1965)
West Midlands market charter
Norfolk town council
Dorset town council
Kent town council
Kent town council
Wiltshire borough (1900–1974)
Leicestershire town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
North Yorkshire town council
Hampshire town council
Staffordshire borough (1835–1974)
Somerset borough (1885–1974)
Devon town council
Devon town council
Shropshire new town (designated 1968)
East Sussex town council
Worcestershire town council
Kent town council
Gloucestershire town council
Gloucestershire town council
Oxfordshire town council
Berkshire town council
Essex market charter
Norfolk town council
North Yorkshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Gloucestershire town council
South Yorkshire town council
Norfolk town council
Northamptonshire town council
South Yorkshire town council
Wiltshire town council
West Midlands borough (1938–1966)
Devon town council
West Yorkshire town council
Kent market charter
Devon market charter
Cornwall town council
Devon borough (1892–1974)
Devon town council
Greater London borough (1934–1965)
Hampshire town council
Durham town council
Northamptonshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Wiltshire town council
Staffordshire one of the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent
Greater London borough (1926–1965)
Tyne and Wear borough (1849–1974)


Town Ceremonial county Status
East Sussex town council
Cumbria town council
Rutland town council
Worcestershire town council
Staffordshire town council
Greater London borough (1955–1965)


Town Ceremonial county Status
Isle of Wight town council
Dorset town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
Cornwall town council
East Sussex market charter
Lincolnshire town council
Merseyside borough (1910–1974)
Oxfordshire town council
Greater London borough (with Beddington; 1937–1965)
Tyne and Wear borough (1901–1974)
West Midlands borough (1835–1974)
Essex town council
Hertfordshire market charter
Greater London borough (1926–1965)
Surrey market charter
Oxfordshire town council
Hertfordshire town council
Dorset town council
Wiltshire town council
Cheshire borough (1847–1974)
Warwickshire town council
Tyne and Wear new town (designated 1964)
Somerset town council
Hertfordshire borough (1922–1974)
South Yorkshire market charter
Oxfordshire market charter
Norfolk town council
Northamptonshire market charter
West Midlands borough (1886 - 1966)
Shropshire town council
Somerset town council
Norfolk town council
Hertfordshire new town (designated 1948)
Shropshire town council
Greater London borough (1937–1965)
Buckinghamshire market charter
Northumberland town council
West Midlands borough (1882–1974)
Greater London borough (1886–1965)
Kent market charter
Essex town council
Essex market charter
Wiltshire town council
Kent market charter
Greater Manchester town council
Somerset town council
West Yorkshire town council
Surrey market charter
Dorset town council
Derbyshire town council
North Yorkshire town council
Hampshire town council
Shropshire town council
Cumbria borough (1894–1974)
Hampshire town council
Warwickshire town council
Cambridgeshire town council
Lancashire town council
Hampshire market charter
Gloucestershire market charter
Cheshire borough (1892–1974)
Greater Manchester borough (1835–1974)
Cumbria town council
West Midlands market charter
Greater London borough (1933–1965)
Wiltshire town council
Cheshire town council
Greater London borough (1905–1965)
Dorset town council
Somerset town council
Gloucestershire town council
East Sussex market charter
Cumbria town council
Berkshire borough (1835–1974)
Cheshire town council
Buckinghamshire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Derbyshire town council
Cambridgeshire town council
Essex town council
East Riding of Yorkshire town council
Oxfordshire town council
Somerset town council
Essex town council
Bedfordshire market charter
Buckinghamshire town council
Surrey market charter
Berkshire town council
Durham market charter
Buckinghamshire town council
Greater London borough (1933–1965)
Greater London borough (with Wanstead; 1937–1965)
Suffolk town council
Berkshire town council
Oxfordshire town council
Northumberland market charter
Cumbria town council
Nottinghamshire charter trustees
West Sussex borough (1890–1974)
Gloucestershire town council
Lincolnshire town council
Norfolk town council


Town Ceremonial county Status
North Yorkshire town council
Isle of Wight town council
Gloucestershire town council
Hampshire town council
Somerset town council

See also


Notes and References

  1. Web site: The ancient parish of Barking: Agrarian history, markets and fairs | British History Online .
  2. Web site: Dalton in Furness.
  3. Web site: Epsom and Ewell MB/UD Surrey through time | Administrative history of Local Government District: Hierarchies, boundaries . 2005-11-25 . dead . . 2007-03-13 .
  4. Web site: Quedgeley is now a town. Melissa. Jones. 26 April 2017.