Timeline of the name Judea explained

This article presents a timeline of the name Judea through an incomplete list of notable historical references to the name through the various time periods of the region.

Historical references

Biblical references

The name occurs multiple times as a geographic region in the Hebrew Bible, in both Hebrew and Aramaic:

During the time of the New Testament, the region was a Roman province. The name Judea occurs 44 times in the New Testament.

See also


Notes and References

  1. The Scroll of Antiochus (Megillath Benei Hashmonai), printed in the Yemenite Baladi-rite prayer book, Sefer Ha-Tiklāl (Tiklal Qadmonim), ed. Yosef Ḥubārah, Jerusalem 1964, pp. 75b–ff.
  2. Dioscorides, Materia Medica (4-160), p. 715
  3. Josephus, De Bello Judaico (The Jewish War) III, 51 (The Jewish War 3.3.5)
  4. Book: Josephus . The Jewish War (1.6.5; 4.8.1); Antiquities (14.3.4) .
  5. Naturalis Historia, 5:66–73
  6. Book: Pliny. Pliny the Elder. H. Rackham . Natural History . 2 . Harvard University Press . Cambridge. 1947. 273 (Book V, ch. XV, 70). Pliny the Elder's Natural History . 954144356 . 0674993888 .
  7. Josephus, Antiquities XIV.I.4. (14.14)
  8. Encyclopedia: Palestine: History: 135–337: Syria Palaestina and the Tetrarchy . https://web.archive.org/web/20090811054625/http://www.usd.edu/~clehmann/erp/Palestine/history.htm . 2009-08-11 . 2014-08-24 . Lehmann . Clayton Miles . Summer 1998 . The On-line Encyclopedia of the Roman Provinces . University of South Dakota.
  9. Rabbi Judah the Prince, The Mishnah (ed. Herbert Danby, Oxford University Press: Oxford 1933, s.v. Tractate Sheviit 9:2.
  10. https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/saoc/saoc-11-epiphanius%E2%80%99-treatise-weights-and-measures-syriac-version Epiphanius’ Treatise on Weights and Measures: The Syriac Version
  11. p. 1
  12. Book: Salmon, Thomas . Modern History Or the Present State of All Nations . T. Longman . 1744 . 461 .