Timeline of the Ming dynasty explained

See also: Timeline of the Yuan dynasty and Timeline of the Qing dynasty.

A timeline of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) from the rise of the Hongwu Emperor to the rise and establishment of the Qing dynasty.



Year Date Event
1328 21 October Zhu Yuanzhang is born to a family of poor tenant farmers in Anhui


Year Date Event
1332 1 January Xu Da is born in Fengyang County.


Year Date Event
1344 June An epidemic, locusts, and drought kills Zhu Yuanzhang's family, leaving only himself, his sister-in-law and her young son as the sole survivors
October Zhu Yuanzhang enters a local Buddhist monastery as a novice to do menial work; eventually he's sent out to beg for food - it's speculated that he ends up joining the army
1347 Zhu Yuanzhang returns to the Buddhist monastery


Year Date Event
1352 15 April Red Turban Rebellion

Zhu Yuanzhang becomes a rebel under Guo Zixing's command in Haozhou

1353 Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang receives an independent command from Guo Zixing and captures Chuzhou
1355 11 July Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang crosses the Changjiang
Red Turban Rebellion: Guo Zixing dies and his eldest son succeeds him, but he also dies, making Zhu Yuanzhang leader of the rebels
1356 10 April Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang takes Nanjing
1357 summer Red Turban Rebellion: Zhang Shide is captured by Zhu Yuanzhang and starves to death
1358 Red Turban Rebellion: Defending garrisons fire cannons en masse at the siege of Shaoxing and defeat Zhu Yuanzhang's forces


Year Date Event
1360 Red Turban Rebellion: Chen Youliang murders Xu Shouhui and proclaims the Great Han at Wuchang before attacking Zhu Yuanzhang at Nanjing only to be repulsed
1363 30 August - 4 October Battle of Lake Poyang

Chen Youliang's fleet is demolished by Zhu Yuanzhang's forces and dies

Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang saves Han Liner and moves the Song court west of Nanjing where it remains militarily insignificant
1365 autumn Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang attacks Zhang Shicheng
Zhu Yuanzhang sets up a school with a teaching staff of "Erudites" (boshi)
1367 October Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang's army under Zhu Liangzi takes Taizhou
1 October Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang takes Suzhou and Zhang Shicheng hangs himself; 2,400 large and small cannons are deployed by the Ming army at the siege of Suzhou.
November Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Liangzi takes Wenzhou
13 November Red Turban Rebellion: Zhu Yuanzhang issues orders for Xu Da and Chang Yuchun to head north with 250,000 soldiers and Hu Mei, Tang He, and Liao Yongzhong to attack Fujian and Guangdong
December Red Turban Rebellion: Fang Guozhen surrenders to Zhu Yuanzhang
28 December
Red Turban Rebellion: Xu Da and Chang Yuchun conquer Jinan
Zhu Yuanzhang reestablishes the imperial examinations
1368 18 January Red Turban Rebellion: Hu Mei captures Fuzhou

14th century


Year Date Event
1368 23 January Zhu Yuanzhang proclaims himself the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming dynasty (note that Ming and Qing use the era name rather than temple name)
17 February Ming forces conquer Fujian and capture Chen Youding, who is executed
1 March Ming forces conquer Shandong
16 April Ming forces capture Kaifeng
18 April Ming forces reach Guangzhou and receive He Zhen's surrender
25 April Ming forces defeat Köke Temür and capture Luoyang
26 May Ming forces capture Wuzhou
July Ming forces conquer Guangxi
20 September
November Ming forces capture Baoding
26 December Ming forces capture Zhaozhou
December Ming forces capture Pingding
Crouching-tiger cannons are employed by the Ming army.
The Guozijian is created
1369 9 January Ming forces capture Taiyuan
3 March Ming forces capture Datong
March Song Lian and Wang Yi start compiling the History of Yuan
18 April Ming forces conquer Shanxi and Li Siqi flees to Lintao
21 May Li Siqi surrenders to Ming forces
23 May Ming forces capture Lanzhou
8 June Ming forces capture Pingliang
20 July Ming forces capture Shangdu
22 September Ming forces capture Qingyang
Construction of the Central Capital (Fengyang) begins


Year Date Event
1370 January Köke Temür lays siege to Lanzhou but fails to take it
Ming forces defeat Köke Temür at Gongchang but fail to capture him
5 June The Hongwu Emperor authorizes the first Ming imperial examinations
10 June Ming forces capture Yingchang
June The Hongwu Emperor bans White Lotus and Manichaean sects
Gunpowder is corned to strengthen the explosive power of land mines in the Ming dynasty.
Cannon projectiles transition from stone to iron ammunition in the Ming dynasty.
1371 18 May Ming forces capture Wenzhou
July Ming forces capture Hanzhou
3 August Ming Sheng surrenders Sichuan to the Ming dynasty
Registered students at the Guozijian reach 3,728
1372 April Ming forces defeat Köke Temür at the Tuul River
Ming forces are routed at Karakorum
Ming forces capture Yongchang and conquer Juyan
Registered students at the Guozijian reach 10,000
Cannons made specifically for naval usage appear in the Ming dynasty.
1373 March The Hongwu Emperor suspends imperial examinations
29 November Ming forces defeat Köke Temür at Huairou
The Hongwu Emperor limits tribute missions from Goryeo to once every three years
Ming officials draw up the first "house law" in Chinese history
1375 Ming starts issuing a new note called the Da Ming Baochao
The Hongwu Emperor halts constructions at Fengyang due to expenses and waste; construction plans shift to Nanjing
1376 March Ming forces defeat Bayan Temür
July Ming forces defeat Bayan Temür again
22 October The Hongwu Emperor announces that he will accept straightforward criticism of his rule from officials
Ye Boju is starved to death in prison for criticising the emperor
The Hongwu Emperor executes all officials connected to the "Case of the Pre-stamped Documents"
1377 May Ming forces invade Qinghai
Palace construction in Nanjing is completed and the city is designated "Jingshi" (Capital)
1378 Wu Mian rebellion

The Kam people rebel

1379 February Ming forces defeat Tibetans in Gansu
Champa sends tribute to Nanjing


Year Date Event
1380 Hu Weiyong plots to assassinate the Hongwu Emperor but gets arrested; the ensuing investigations lead to the execution of roughly 15,000 people
"Wasp nest" rocket launchers are manufactured for the Ming army.
1381 December Ming conquest of Yunnan

Ming forces take Qujing

1382 April Ming conquest of Yunnan: Ming forces conquer Yunnan
1384 April The Hongwu Emperor relocates government agencies from the palace to outside the city walls of Nanjing
1385 Wu Mian rebellion

The Kam rebellion is defeated

The imperial examinations are reestablished
Guo Huan is executed for embezzling 7 million piculs of grain
1386 January Ming–Mong Mao War: Si Lunfa of Mong Mao rebels
1387 October Ming campaign against the Uriankhai

Naghachu surrenders to Ming forces

1388 May Battle of Buir Lake

Ming forces defeat Uskhal Khan Tögüs Temür

Ming–Mong Mao War:Mong Mao is defeated by the Ming artillery corps utilizing volley fire
1389 January Ming forces defeat Yi rebels in Yuezhou
December Ming–Mong Mao War: Si Lunfa surrenders to the Ming dynasty


Year Date Event
1390 April Nayir Bukha and Yaozhu surrender to Ming forces
1391 May Ajashiri rebels and is suppressed
Ming forces briefly occupy Hami and retreat
1392 5 August Yi Songgye ousts Wang Yo and becomes Taejo of Joseon; so ends Goguryeo
1393 Ming forces sack Hami
1394 Tributary relations between Ming and Joseon are normalized
1396 April Ming forces defeat Bolin Temür
1397 OctoberLin Kuan rebellion

A Kam rebellion is defeated

December Ming–Mong Mao Intervention

Si Lunfa is deposed and requests Ming aid in restoring him to power

1398 January Ming–Mong Mao Intervention: Si Lunfa is restored to power
24 May The Hongwu Emperor becomes ill
24 June The Hongwu Emperor dies
30 June Zhu Yunwen becomes the Jianwen Emperor
The Jianwen Emperor eliminates the princedoms of Zhu Gui, Zhu Bo, Zhu Fu, and Zhu Pian
Last recorded instance of human sacrifice in China
1399 June The Jianwen Emperor returns Zhu Di's sons
July A military official seizes two of Zhu Di's junior officials on the charge of sedition
5 August Jingnan Campaign

Zhu Di launches an offensive on neighboring counties

25 September Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di defeats a 130,000 strong army sent by the Jianwen Emperor
12 November Jingnan Campaign: The Jianwen Emperor's forces lay siege to Beiping but are forced to retreat three weeks later

15th century


Year Date Event
1400 January Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di invades Shanxi
18 May Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di's forces deal heavy casualties upon the imperial army
8 June Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di lays siege to Dezhou
4 September Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di lifts the siege of Dezhou and returns to Beiping
1401 9 January Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di's forces fall to explosives and suffer heavy casualties in Shandong, forcing their retreat
5 April Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di's forces deal a heavy defeat to the imperial army near Dezhou
August Jingnan Campaign: The imperial army forces Zhu Di to retreat north to Beiping
August The Jianwen Emperor restricts the size of Buddhist and Taoist landholdings
October Jingnan Campaign: Imperial forces are expelled from the Beiping region
1402 January Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di conquers northwestern Shandong
3 March Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di takes Xuzhou
April Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di defeats imperial troops in Suzhou
23 May Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di is repulsed by imperial troops in Anhui
28 May Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di defeats imperial forces at Lingbi
7 June Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di's forces cross the Huai River
17 June Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di takes Yangzhou
1 July Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Di is stopped at the Changjiang across from Nanjing
3 July Jingnan Campaign: Assistant chief commissioner Chen Xuan defects to Zhu Di and rebel forces cross the Changjiang
13 July Jingnan Campaign: Zhu Hui opens the Jinchuan Gate of Nanjing to lets Zhu Di in without a fight; the Jianwen Emperor disappears and his family is incarcerated
17 July Zhu Di ascends the throne as the Yongle Emperor
September The Yongle Emperor commissions the Yongle Encyclopedia
1403 February The Yongle Emperor designates Beiping the "Northern Capital", Beijing
April The Yongle Emperor settles loyal Uriankhai near Daning
4 September Treasure voyages

Orders are issued for the construction of 200 "seagoing transport ships"

December The Yongle Emperor creates the Jianzhou Guard
Japanese missions to Ming China

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu sends an embassy to the Ming dynasty declaring himself "your subject, the King of Japan", and receives trading privileges

1404 March Treasure voyages: Orders are issued for the construction of 50 "seagoing ships"
July Engke Temiir of Kara Del receives the title of prince from the Ming court
October Trần Thiêm Bình arrives in Nanjing and requests the Ming dynasty to restore him to the throne of the Trần dynasty
December Tamerlane launches an invasion of the Ming dynasty but dies on the way
Empirewide imperial examinations are resumed
10,000 households from Shanxi are relocated to Beijing
1405 11 July Treasure voyages: Zheng He and 27,800 men depart from Nanjing on 255 ships, of which 62 are treasure ships, "bearing imperial letters to the countries of the Western Ocean and with gifts to their kings of gold brocade, patterned silks, and colored silk gauze, according to their status."
Construction of new palace buildings in Beijing begins
1406 4 April Trần Thiêm Bình and his Ming escort are ambushed and killed while crossing into Lạng Sơn
19 November Ming–Hồ War

Ming forces invade Đại Ngu

13 December Ming–Hồ War: Ming forces capture Đa Bang and Thăng Long
Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet visits Malacca and Java before heading up the Straits of Malacca to Aru, Samudera Pasai Sultanate, and Lambri, where the people are described as "very honest and genuine," and from there 3 days to the Andaman Islands, and then 8 more days to the west coast of Ceylon where the king reacts with hostility. The fleet departs for Calicut, which is described as "the Great country of the Western Ocean"
1407 Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet defeats Chen Zuyi's pirate fleet at Palembang and installs Shi Jinqing as "grand chieftain ruling over the native people of that place"
13 March Ming–Đại Ngu (Hồ dynasty) War: Hồ Quý Ly's counteroffensive against Ming forces fails
April Deshin Shekpa, 5th Karmapa Lama arrives in Nanjing to perform religious ceremonies
16 June Ming–Đại Ngu (Hồ dynasty) War: Hồ Quý Ly and his son are captured and sent to Nanjing
5 July Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam

The Yongle Emperor announces the formal incorporation of Jiaozhi into the Ming dynasty

2 October Treasure voyages: Chinese Treasure fleet arrives back at Nanjing
5 October Treasure voyages: Wang Hao is ordered to refit 249 "sea transport ships" in "preparation for embassies to the countries of the Western Ocean"
23 October Treasure voyages: The Yongle Emperor issues orders for the second voyage and to confer formal investiture on the king of Calicut
Treasure voyages: The Yongle Emperor summons Javanese envoys to demand restitution for killing 710 Chinese and settles for 10,000 ounces of gold
30 October Treasure voyages: A eunuch Grand Director departs with an imperial letter for the king of Champa
Treasure voyages: Zheng He departs with a fleet of 249 ships and takes a route similar to the first voyage with the addition of stops at Jiayile, Abobadan, Ganbali, Quilon, and Cochin
December The Yongle Encyclopedia is completed
Ironwood wadding is added to Ming cannons, increasing their effectiveness.
1408 14 February Treasure voyages: Orders for the construction of 48 treasure ships are issued from the Ministry of Works in Nanjing
5 July Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam: Ming troops seize 13,600,000 tons of rice; 235,900 cattles and livestock and vast amounts of materials in Vietnam[1]
September Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam: Trần Ngỗi rebels in Jiaozhi
1409 January Treasure voyages: Orders are issued for the third voyage
15 February Treasure voyages: The Galle Trilingual Inscription is produced
June Oirats receives princely titles from the Ming court
summer Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet returns to China
23 September Battle of Kherlen

Ming forces are defeated by Öljei Temür Khan

October Treasure voyages: Zheng He departs with 27,000 men, taking the usual route
December Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam: Ming forces capture Trần Ngỗi but Trần Quý Khoáng becomes leader of the rebels


Year Date Event
1410 15 June First Mongol Campaign

The Yongle Emperor defeats Öljei Temür Khan on the banks of the Onon River

July First Mongol Campaign: Ming forces defeat Arughtai east of the Greater Khingan and withdraw to Nanjing
Ming–Kotte War

Treasure fleet lands at Galle in Ceylon and captures King Vijayabahu VI of the Kingdom of Gampola

1411 July Dredging and reconstruction of the Grand Canal begins
6 July Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet returns to Nanjing
The Yongle Emperor sends Yishiha to explore northern Manchuria
Ashikaga Yoshimochi refuses the Yongle Emperor's request to suppress Japanese pirates
1412 18 December Treasure voyages:The Yongle Emperor issues orders for the fourth voyage
Shells are used as ammunition in the Ming dynasty.
1413 autumn Treasure voyages: Zheng He departs from Nanjingand takes the usual route with the addition of four new destinations: the Maldives, Bitra, Chetlat Island, and Hormuz, which is given the following description: "Foreign ships from every place, together with foreign merchants traveling by land, all come to this territory in order to gather together and buy and sell, and therefore the people of this country are all rich"
Lopön Chenpo Gushri Lodrö Gyaltsen visits Nanjing
Yongning Temple Stele

Ming dynasty sends Yishiha to the Nurgan Regional Military Commission to create postal stations and spread Buddhism

1414 30 March Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam: Trần Quý Khoáng is captured
April Second Mongol Campaign

Ming forces engage Oirats at the Tuul River, suffering heavy casualties, but ultimately prevail through the use of heavy cannon bombardments

Chöje Shakya Yeshe visits Nanjing
1415 Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet captures Sekandar, a rebel against Zain al-'Abidin, king of the Samudera Pasai Sultanate
June The Grand Canal is reconstructed
12 August Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet arrives back in Nanjing
13 August Treasure voyages: Zheng He's colleague is sent on a mission bearing gifts to Bengal
1416 19 November Treasure voyages: The Yongle Emperor bestows gifts upon ambassadors from 18 countries
19 December Treasure voyages: The Yongle Emperor issues orders for the fifth voyage
1417 Lam Sơn uprising

Lê Lợi leads an insurrection against the Ming dynasty

1419 8 August Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet returns to China
20 September Treasure voyages: Ambassadors present exotic animals to the Ming court including a giraffe imported from Somalia by Bengalis
2 October Treasure voyages: Orders are issued for the construction of 41 Treasure ships
During the Lantern Festival, the Ming imperial palace puts on a display of pyrotechnics involving rockets running along wires which light up lanterns, illuminating the palace.


Year Date Event
1420 Forbidden City

Construction of the Altar of Heaven is completed

28 October Beijing officially becomes the capital of the Ming dynasty
1421 3 March Treasure voyages: Orders are issued for the sixth voyage and envoys from 16 countries including Hormuz are given gifts of paper and coin money, and ceremonial robes and linings
14 May Treasure voyages: The Yongle Emperor orders the suspension of the Treasure voyages
10 November Treasure voyages: Orders are issued to Zheng He to provide Hong Bao and envoys from 16 countries passage back to their countries; the Treasure fleet takes its usual route to Ceylon where it splits up and heads for the Maldives, Hormuz, and the Arabian states of Djofar, Lasa, and Aden, and the two African states of Mogadishu and Barawa; Zheng He visits Ganbali
1422 Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet regroups at Samudera Pasai Sultanate and visit Siam before heading back to China
April Third Mongol Campaign

Ming forces are dispatched against Arughtai but fail to engage him in combat and return to Beijing

3 September Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet returns to China bringing envoys from Siam, Samudera Pasai Sultanate, and Aden
1423 August Fourth Mongol Campaign

The Yongle Emperor launches an offensive against Arughtai only to find out he had already been defeated by the Oirats

1424 27 February
April Fifth Mongol Campaign

The Yongle Emperor leads an expedition against the remnants of Arughtai's horde but fails to find them

12 August The Yongle Emperor dies
7 September Treasure voyages: Zhu Gaozhi becomes the Hongxi Emperor and terminates the Treasure voyages
Metropolitan graduates fill posts down to the county magistrate
1425 29 May The Hongxi Emperor dies
27 June Zhu Zhanji becomes the Xuande Emperor
2 September Zhu Gaoxu rebels
22 September Zhu Gaoxu is defeated
1426 Ming dynasty sends Yishiha to the Wild Jurchens to construct shipyards and warehouses
5 October Lam Sơn uprising: Lê Lợi's forces inflict heavy casualties on Ming attacks in Battle of Tốt Động – Chúc Động
winter Lam Sơn uprising: Lam Sơn forces drive out the Ming army from most of the Red River Delta and Northern Vietnam[2]
1427 10 October Lam Sơn uprising: Ming reinforcements are encircled and defeated in Lạng Sơn[3]
14 December Lam Sơn uprising: Ming forces are withdrawn from Jiaozhi
1428 25 March Treasure voyages: The Xuande Emperor orders Zheng He to supervise the reconstruction of the Great Baoen Temple
29 April Lê Lợi reestablished the kingdom of Đại Việt under Later Lê dynasty
October Uriankhai raid Ming borders and the Xuande Emperor personally leads troops to repel them
1429 The Xuande Emperor conducts a major military review on the outskirts of Beijing
Mounted infantry carrying hand cannons are employed by the Ming army.


Year Date Event
1430 May The Xuande Emperor orders a tax reduction on all imperial lands
29 June Treasure voyages: The Xuande Emperor issues orders for the seventh voyage
1431 19 January Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet departs from Nanjing
14 March Treasure voyages: Liujiagang Inscription is erected
12 June Vietnamese emperor Lê Thái Tổ of the Lê dynasty offers a nominate tributary relation with Ming China and was titled King of Annam by the Ming emperor.[4]
1432 12 September Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet arrives at Samudera Pasai Sultanate and Hong Bao and Ma Huan detach from the fleet to visit Bengal
Ming dynasty sends Yishiha to present seals to Ming-allied Jurchens and to repair the Yongning Temple
1433 Treasure voyages: Zheng He dies
Treasure voyages: Hong Bao and Ma Huan arrive in Calicut and send seven men to Mecca while Hong Bao visits Djofar, Lasa, Aden, Mogadishu, and Barawa before heading back to China
9 March Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet departs from Hormuz and heads back to China
June Japanese missions to Ming China: Relations between Ming and Japan are renewed
7 July Treasure voyages: Treasure fleet arrives back in China
14 September Treasure voyages: Envoys from Samudera Pasai Sultanate, Calicut, Cochin, Ceylon, Djofar, Aden, Coimbatore, Hormuz, Kayal, and Mecca present tribute
Treasure voyages: Ma Huan publishes his Yingya Shenglan
1434 Treasure voyages: Gong Zhen publishes his Xiyang Fanguo Zhi
1435 31 January The Xuande Emperor dies and Empress Zhang (Hongxi) becomes regent for the Zhengtong Emperor
The Northern China Plain and Shandong suffer from drought and plagues
1436 Treasure voyages: Ming dynasty bans building seagoing ships
Treasure voyages: Fei Xin publishes his Xingcha Shenglan
Flooding strikes northern Jiangsu, the Northern China Plain and Shandong
1437 Shanxi and Shaanxi experience drought
Flooding strikes northern Jiangsu
1438 8 December Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns

Ming carries out a punitive expedition against Si Renfa of Mong Mao for attacking neighboring tusi, but fails to defeat him

1439 Flooding strikes the northern China Plain and Shandong


Year Date Event
1440 Flooding strikes Suzhou, Jiangnan, the northern China Plain and Shandong
Famine strikes Zhejiang
1441 27 February Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Ming forces attack Mong Mao
Flooding strikes the northern China Plain and Shandong
Famine strikes Zhejiang
1442 January Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Mong Mao is defeated but Si Renfa escapes to Ava
20 November Empress Zhang (Hongxi) dies
1443 March Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Ming forces defeat Si Jifa but fail to capture him
1444 Famine strikes Shanxi and Shaanxi
Flooding strikes northern Jiangsu
1445 August Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Ava hands over Si Renfa to Ming in return for their support in attacking Hsenwi
Drought and a plague epidemic strike Zhejiang
1446 January Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Si Renfa is executed.
Floods strike Jiangnan
1447 Ye Zongliu rebels with a group of silver miners in Zhejiang
Famine strikes northern Jiangsu
1448 March Deng Maoqi rebels with a group of tenant farmers northwest of the Fujian and Jiangxi border
December Ming forces kill Ye Zongliu, but his rebels remain intact and retreat further south to siege Chuzhou
1448 Yellow River flood

Yellow River dikes burst

Drought and locust plague strike northwest China
Drought strikes Jiangnan
1449 March Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns: Ming forces invade Mong Yang for harboring Si Jifa, but he manages to escape again
May Deng Maoqi's rebels are defeated
July Tumu Crisis

Esen Taishi of the Oirats and de facto ruler of the Northern Yuan launches an invasion of the Ming dynasty

4 August Tumu Crisis: The Zhengtong Emperor departs from Beijing to personally confront Esen Taishi
30 August Tumu Crisis: The Ming rearguard is defeated
August Ye Zongliu's rebels are defeated
1 September Tumu Crisis: The Ming army is annihilated and the Zhengtong Emperor is captured by Esen Taishi
23 September Zhu Qiyu becomes the Jingtai Emperor
27 October Esen Taishi lays siege to Beijing but fails to take it and withdraws after 5 days
Yellow River dikes burst again causing the river to change course slightly


Year Date Event
1450 19 September The Zhengtong Emperor is released and arrives back in Beijing, where he is kept under house arrest by the Jingtai Emperor
Yao and Miao people rebel in Guizhou and Huguang
Famine strikes Shandong
1452 1452 Yellow River floods

Yellow River dikes burst

Yao and Miao rebels are suppressed
Northern China experiences flooding
1454 Unusually heavy snowfall causes starvation in Suzhou and Hanzhou
1455 Xu Youzhen finishes repairs on the Yellow Riverdikes
Widespread drought affects Central China
1456 Miao people in Huguang rebel and are suppressed
1457 11 February The former emperor is reinstated by the military and becomes the Tianshun Emperor


Year Date Event
1461 7 August Rebellion of Cao Qin

Cao Qin rebels and tries to storm Beijing but gets arrested and is forced to commit suicide

1464 23 February The Tianshun Emperor dies and Zhu Qianshen becomes the Chenghua Emperor
Hou Dagou of the Yao people rebels in Guangxi
Treasure voyages: Documents of the treasure voyages are removed from the archives of the Ministry of War and destroyed by Liu Daxia on the basis that they were "deceitful exaggerations of bizarre things far removed from the testimony of people's ears and eyes," and that "the expeditions of Sanbao to the Western Ocean wasted tens of myriads of money and grain, and moreover the people who met their deaths [on these expeditions] may be counted in the myriads. Although he returned with wonderful precious things, what benefit was it to the state? This was merely an action of bad government of which ministers should severely disapprove. Even if the old archives were still preserved they should be destroyed in order to suppress [a repetition of these things] at the root."
1466 January Ming forces defeat and capture Hou Dagou but the rebellion continues anyway
The Ming execute Dongshan of the Left Jianzhou Guard
Miao people rebel in Hunan as well as the Sichuan-Guizhou border and are suppressed
Liu Tong rebels near Xiangyang and is defeated
1467 A Ming-Joseon expedition defeats the Jianzhou Jurchens and kill Li Manzhu
1468 May Mongols rebel at Guyuan
12 May 1,000 Vietnamese troops occupy the border town Pingxiang, Guangxi[5]
1469 The Mongol rebellion at Guyuan is suppressed


Year Date Event
1470 The governor of Liaodong, Chen Yue, attacks the Jurchens and demands bribes from Jurchen embassies
Remnants of Liu Tong's rebels rebel again
1471 Liu Tong's rebels are defeated
1473 Ming forces launch an attack on Hami in conjunction with Mongol allies but retreat when the Mongols abandon them
1474 Yu Zijun directs the reconstruction and extension of the Great Wall of China to seal off Ordos from the south
1475 Miao people rebel in Hunan and are suppressed
1476 June Vagrant population around Xiangyang rebel until the government allows them to claim lands with reduced taxes
1479 Miao people rebel in Sichuan
28 April Vietnamese emperor Lê Hạo of the Lê dynasty sends gold, silver utensils, local silk products to the Chinese court as gifts[6]


Year Date Event
1485 Number of eunuchs passes 10,000
1487 1 September The Chenghua Emperor falls ill
9 September The Chenghua Emperor dies
17 September Zhu Youtang becomes the Hongzhi Emperor


Year Date Event
1492 Europe reaches parity with China in health, fertility rate, life expectancy, and human capital
1494 1494 Yellow River flood

Yellow River floods but Liu Daxia successfully directs the river to flow south of Shandong, stabilizing the course of the Yellow River until the 19th century

National military reforms switch to recruiting volunteers for local units
1495 Ming forces briefly occupy Hami before reinforcements from Turpan force them to retreat
1496 Japanese missions to Ming China: Japanese envoys kill several people on their return trip from Beijing
1499 A trade embargo on Turpan forces them to return Hami to Uyghur control
Yi people rebel in Guizhou

16th century


Year Date Event
1500 Li people rebel on Hainan
1502 Yi rebels in Guizhou are suppressed
1503 Li rebels are suppressed
1504 Datong is raided by Mongols
1505 8 June The Hongzhi Emperor dies
19 June Zhu Houzhao becomes the Zhengde Emperor
The Zhengde Emperor starts using eunuchs as military and fiscal intendants
1506 May The Ministry of Revenue is ordered to investigate the lack of revenue
July The Minister of Revenue, Han Wen, complains about the emperor's expenditures using the ministerial treasuries
28 October The Minister of Revenue petitions the emperor to execute all the eunuchs in his personal employ, but the emperor refuses, and as a result all the grand secretaries resign
The Zhengde Emperor takes to wandering the streets of Beijing in disguise
1507 September 350,000 ounces of silver are spent on lanterns for the Lantern Festival
1509 August Two garrisons in Liaodong revolt and are quelled after 2,500 ounces of silver are distributed among them


Year Date Event
1510 12 May Prince of Anhua rebellion

Zhu Zhifan rebels in Shanxi

30 May Prince of Anhua rebellion: Zhu Zhifan is captured
Dayan Khan conquers the Ordos Loop
1511 February Bandits around Beijing revolt
October Bandits burn imperial grain carriages around Beijing
Capture of Malacca (1511)

The Malacca Sultanate sends a plea for help against the Portuguese

1512 January Bandits attack Bazhou
7 September The bandit armies are defeated
1514 10 February Gunpowder tents in the palace courtyard catch fire and destroy the residential palaces
September The Zhengde Emperor is badly mauled by a tiger
1515 summer 30,000 troops from the capital garrisons and Imperial Bodyguard are dispatched to rebuild the palaces
1517 16 October Dayan Khan raids the Ming dynasty
20 October The Zhengde Emperor repels Dayan Khan's raiding party
Tomé Pires arrives at Guangzhou
1518 January The Zhengde Emperor imprisons the court at Beijingfor not giving him enough money
1519 9 July Prince of Ning rebellion

Zhu Chenhao rebels in Jiangxi

13 July Prince of Ning rebellion: Rebel forces capture Jiujiang
23 July Prince of Ning rebellion: Rebel forces lay siege to Anqing
9 August Prince of Ning rebellion: Rebel forces lift the siege on Anqing
13 August Prince of Ning rebellion: Imperial forces capture Nanchang
15 August Prince of Ning rebellion: Zhu Chenhao's army is defeated
20 August Prince of Ning rebellion: Zhu Chenhao flees from his fleet and is captured


Year Date Event
1520 January The Zhengde Emperor forbids the slaughtering of pigs
May The Portuguese bribe a eunuch official in Guangzhou to let them through and Tomé Pires' party arrive at Nanjing
1521 20 April The Zhengde Emperor dies
21 April Tomé Pires' party is expelled from Beijing
27 April Zhu Houcong becomes the Jiajing Emperor
May Battle of Tunmen

Ming forces expel a Portuguese fleet from Tunmen when they refuse to leave

Palace reconstruction is completed
1522 Portuguese are forbidden from trading in Guangzhou
Battle of Shancaowan

A Portuguese fleet runs a Ming blockade near Lantau Island and manages to leave with heavy casualties

1523 May Ningbo incident

The Hosokawa trade mission attacks the Ouchi trade mission and loots Ningbo, seizes ships, and kills a Ming commander before setting sail; the Chinese tributary system loses maritime trade value

The Ming dynasty produces breech-loading swivel guns based on Portuguese designs.
1524 August The garrison of Datong rebels
Ming–Turpan conflict

Turpan attacks Ganzhou and is repelled

1525 April The Datong rebels are defeated
Jiajing wokou raids

Shuangyu becomes a trading enclave

Some merchants from Fujian are able to speak Formosan languages
1526 Famine strikes Beijing
1527 Floods sweep through Huguang
1528 Ming–Turpan conflict: Turpan's trading privileges are restored
1529 Jiajing wokou raids: Several commanders at Wenzhou are exiled for consorting with pirates
An inauspicious comet is sighted


Year Date Event
1531 Datong comes under raid by Mongols
An inauspicious comet is sighted
1532 Jiajing wokou raids: The governor of Guangzhou is recalled for failing to eradicate pirates
A really inauspicious comet is sighted
1533 24 October The Datong garrison rebels and is suppressed
1534 Jiajing wokou raids: A pirate with over 50 large ships under his command is captured
The Jiajing Emperor stops attending routine court audiences
1535 The garrisons at Liaodong and Guangning revolt and are suppressed
1536 Mongols raid Shanxi but are repelled
1537 Mongols raid Datong
1539 Japanese missions to Ming China: Japanese envoys are apprehended and forbidden from trading upon reaching China
The garrison at Liaodong rebels and is suppressed


Year Date Event
1540 September The Jiajing Emperor announces his intention to seclude himself for several years to pursue immortality; a court official says this is nonsense and gets tortured to death
1541 30 April A fire destroys the Imperial Ancestral Temple compound.
October Altan Khan raids Shaanxi.
Gunpowder is used for hydraulic engineering in the Ming dynasty.
1542 July Altan Khan raids Shaanxi again.
4 August Ming forces are defeated by Altan Khan at Guangwu.
8 August Altan Khan pillages the suburbs of Taiyuan.
Renyin palace rebellion

Consort Fang prevents an assassination on the Jiajing Emperor.

The Jiajing Emperor withdraws from his formal duties completely and spends the remainder of his life in the Palace of Everlasting Longevity obsessed with physical immortality through drugs, rituals, and esoteric physical regimens.
1543 December Construction on a new Imperial Ancestral Temple begins.
Famine strikes Zhejiang.
1544 Japanese missions to Ming China: Ming officials refuse to meet with Japanese envoys.
Famine strikes Zhejiang again.
1545 January An outbreak of pestilence occurs in Beijing.
April Dust storms destroy winter wheat and barley crops.
July The new Imperial Ancestral Temple is completed.
Datong rebels and is suppressed.
Japanese missions to Ming China: Wang Zhi returns to Japan with the Japanese mission and leads a trade mission to Shuangyu.
1547 Jiajing wokou raids: A censor reports that piracy on the southeast coast is out of control.
1548 February Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates raid Ningbo and Taizhou.
April Jiajing wokou raids: Ming forces attack Shuangyu but many of the ships in the harbor escape.
June Mongols defeat Ming forces at Xuanfu.
October Mongols raid Huailai.
The Ming army starts fielding matchlocks.
1549 March Altan Khan defeats Ming forces at Xuanfu but suffers heavy casualties.
Jiajing wokou raids: Ming forces attack a large merchant fleet anchored off the coast of southern Fujian.


Year Date Event
1550 1 October Altan Khan pillages the suburbs of Beijing
6 October Ming forces are defeated by Mongols
Towns and villages in Zhejiang erect palisades in response to brigands
1551 Fishing boats are forbidden from going out to sea
1552 April Ming forces are defeated by Mongols north of Datong
Jiajing wokou raids: Raiding parties attack the coast of Zhejiang
The Jiajing Emperor selects 800 girls between the ages of 8 and 14 for palace service
1553 Jiajing wokou raids: Wang Zhi raids the coast of Zhejiang north of Taizhou
1554 spring Serious epidemics break out in Beijing
Luso-Chinese agreement (1554)

Leonel de Sousa bribes the vice-commissioner of maritime defense into letting the Portuguese stay at Macau for an annual payment of 500 taels and 20 percent imperial duty on half their products

1555 Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates attack Hangzhou
May Jiajing wokou raids: Ming forces defeat a large raiding party north of Jiaxing
The Jiajing Emperor selects 180 girls under the age of 10 for palace service
1556 January 1556 Shaanxi earthquake

An earthquake devastates Shaanxi, with over 800,000 reported dead

Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates raid the entire coastline from Nanjing to Hangzhou
The Jiajing Emperor asks the Ministry of Rites to find some magical plants to make him immortal
1557 May The three main audience halls in the Forbidden City are destroyed in a fire
winter Sengge, son of Altan Khan, lays siege to a garrison near Datong
1558 April Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates raid Zhejiang and northern Fujian
Sengge retreats upon the arrival of reinforcements
The Ministry of Rites presents 1,860 magical plants to the Jiajing Emperor
Imperial treasuries fall to less than 200,000 ounces of silver
1559 summer Qi Jiguang begins applying his tactical reforms on newly recruited soldiers
A drought causes starvation in the Changjiang River Delta
December The Suzhou garrison mutinies
Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates take over Kinmen Island (Quemoy) and launch raids into Fujian and Guangdong


Year Date Event
1560 March The Nanjing garrison rebels in response to cuts in rations until they're given 40,000 ounces of silver
The Jiajing Emperor suffers from insomnia
Qi Jiguang publishes his Jixiao Xinshu describing the musket volley fire technique and his experience training the Ming army in its use.
1561 December The Forbidden City 's residential palace is destroyed in a fire
The Ming dynasty starts producing portable breech-loading firearms.
1562 June The Forbidden City 's residential palace is rebuilt
December Jiajing wokou raids: Pirates capture Xinghua
1563 May Jiajing wokou raids: Ming forces retake Xinghua and destroy pirate bases in Fujian
Pirate Lin Daoqian retreats to southwestern Taiwan after being chased by Ming naval forces
A walled town is built in Penghu on the orders of a Ming general
1564 Eunuchs drop peaches into the Jiajing Emperor's bed and tell him they fell from heaven
The Jiajing Emperor reduces all imperial clansmen to commoner status in response to their demand for stipends
1565 The Jiajing Emperor becomes ill
1566 Jiajing wokou raids: Ming forces eradicate pirates in Jiangxi and Guangdong
1567 23 January The Jiajing Emperor dies
4 February Zhu Zaihou becomes the Longqing Emperor
The ban on overseas trading is lifted


Year Date Event
1570 Wang Gao of the Jianzhou Guard raids Ming settlements
1572 5 July The Longqing Emperor dies
19 July Zhu Yijun becomes the Wanli Emperor
1573 Spanish trade with China begins in Yuegang
1574 Li Chengliang kills Wang Gao with the help of Giocangga and Taksi
A wall is erected around Macau
1575 Wang Wanggao, a Ming naval officer, arrives at Luzon and returns with a Spanish embassy headed by Martín de Rada; the embassy fails due to the Spanish inability to capture Lin Feng, a Chinese pirate
1576 The China-America trade is established
1578 Portuguese are allowed to travel to Guangzhou
1579 Donglin movement

All private Donglin Academies are shut down


Year Date Event
1580 Single whip law

Tax laws are simplified

Officials criticize the Wanli Emperor for negligence and the questionable propriety of his personal life
1582 Ming forces defeat Atai of the Jianzhou Jurchens, and accidentally kill Giocangga and Taksi, grandfather and father of Nurhaci
The Taicang Treasury accumulates over 6 million taels of silver
A Gregorian calendar more accurate than the Chinese calendar is produced in Europe
1583 Matteo Ricci sets up a church in Zhaoqing
1589 Bozhou rebellion

Miao people rebel in Bozhou


Year Date Event
1590 Chinese from Fujian start settling in southwestern Taiwan
1592 March Ordos Campaign

Liu Dongyang and Pubei rebel in Ningxia

14 July Ordos Campaign: Ye Mengxiong brings cannons and additional Miao troops to the siege of Ningxia
23 August Ordos Campaign: Dikes around Ningxia are completed
6 September Ordos Campaign: Ningxia is flooded
25 September Ordos Campaign: Rebels make one last attempt to break out of Ningxia
12 October Ordos Campaign: The north wall collapses and the rebellion is defeated
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98)

Ming forces mobilize to intervene in the Japanese invasion of Joseon

Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98): Nurhaci offers to fight the Japanese but is refused; Ming reacts with alarm to the size and quality of Nurhaci's troops
1593 8 January Siege of Pyongyang (1593)

Ming and Joseon forces evict Japanese troops from Pyeongyang

27 January Battle of Byeokjegwan

An advance Ming scout party is defeated by Japanese forces

Expansion of the Jia Canal begins
Middle and junior grade assignments are assigned by drawing lots
Ming officials issue ten licenses each year for Chinese junks to trade in northern Taiwan
1594 Bozhou rebellion: Ming forces are defeated in Sichuan
1596 The Wanli Emperor dispatches eunuchs as tax collectors and mining intendants
1597 17 October Battle of Jiksan

The Japanese advance towards Hanseong is halted by Ming forces

1598 4 January Siege of Ulsan

Ming and Joseon forces fail to evict the Japanese from Ulsan Castle

October Battle of Sacheon (1598)

Ming and Joseon forces fail to evict the Japanese from Sacheon

7 October Siege of Suncheon

Ming and Joseon forces fail to evict the Japanese from Suncheon Castle

16 December Battle of Noryang

Ming and Joseon naval forces defeat the Japanese fleet

24 December Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98): Japanese forces withdraw from Korea
Bozhou rebellion: The Miao rebellion is suppressed
Mongols kill Li Rusong, the Ming commander-in-chief
Ming cavalry experiments with firing a three-barreled matchlock before using it as a shield while they attack with a saber using their other hand.
1599 All major ports have senior eunuchs in residence

17th century


Year Date Event
1600 January 17 The Portuguese in Macau attack the Spanish in Lampacau. The Spanish abandons El Piñal.
The size of European book collections surpass that of China
1602 Matteo Ricci settles in Beijing to preach Christianity
1603 October Sangley Rebellion

The Spanish, Japanese, and Filipinos massacre the Chinese population in Manila; the Wanli Emperor blames a eunuch for aggravating the Spanish by asking if they could mine in Cavite

Nurhaci and Ming generals agree to delineate the boundary between their territories
Chinese scholar Chen Di spends some time at the Bay of Tayouan (which Taiwan takes its name from) during a Ming dynasty anti-pirate mission and provides the first significant description of Taiwanese aborigines
1604 Donglin movement: The Donglin Academy is founded
1605 June A thunderbolt knocks down the flagpole at the Altar of Heaven, which is very inauspicious, causing some officials to resign
1606 Army officers in Yunnan riot and kill Yang Rong, a eunuch superintendent of mining
Ming muskets are attached with plug bayonets.
1607 The first six books of Euclid's Elements are translated into Chinese
1609 The Jia Canal is completed


Year Date Event
1610 Joseph Needham estimates that European civilization surpassed China in astronomy and physics around this time
1615 Nurhaci sends his last tributary emissary to Beijing
1616 Nurhaci declares the Later Jin, also known as the Amaga Aisin Gurun
1618 9 May Battle of Fushun

Later Jin seizes Fushun

summer Battle of Qinghe

Later Jin takes Qinghe

1619 18 April Battle of Sarhū

Ming forces are annihilated by Later Jin

26 July Battle of Kaiyuan

Later Jin takes Kaiyuan

3 September Battle of Tieling

Later Jin takes Tieling

September The first Russian envoy, Ivan Petlin, reaches Beijing


Year Date Event
1620 18 August The Wanli Emperor dies
28 August Zhu Changluo becomes the Taichang Emperor
6 September The Taichang Emperor becomes ill
26 September The Taichang Emperor dies
1 October Zhu Youjiao becomes the Tianqi Emperor
Ming foundries start producing Hongyipao.
1621 4 May Battle of Shen-Liao

Later Jinseizes Shenyang

fall She-An Rebellion

Yi people rebel in Sichuan and Guizhou

December Battle of Fort Zhenjiang

Ming raids into Later Jin are repulsed

1622 11 March Battle of Guangning
24 June Battle of Macau

A Dutch attack on Macau is repelled by the Portuguese

June White Lotus rebels appear in Shandong
August White Lotus rebels block the Grand Canal
The Dutch start building a fort at Penghu
October Sino-Dutch conflicts

Dutch vessels start raiding Ming trading ships

November White Lotus rebels are defeated
An earthquake strikes Gansu, killing 12,000
1623 October Sino-Dutch conflicts: A Dutch raid on Xiamen is repulsed
She-An Rebellion: Ming forces are defeated
The Yellow River bursts its dikes and flood Xuzhou
1624 26 August Sino-Dutch conflicts: Ming forces evict the Dutch from Penghu and they retreat to Taiwan, settling near the Bay of Tayouan next to a pirate village
She-An Rebellion: Ming forces defeat rebels but are unable to decisively quell the rebellion
1625 The Donglin movement is purged
1626 10 February Battle of Ningyuan

A Later Jin attack on Ningyuan is repulsed and Nurhaci is wounded and dies

1627 spring Battle of Ning-Jin

Later Jin forces under Hong Taiji attack Jinzhou but are repelled

30 September The Tianqi Emperor dies
2 October Zhu Youjian becomes the Chongzhen Emperor
1628 spring Drought hits Shanxi
August Pirate lord Zheng Zhilong surrenders to the Ming
1629 winter Jisi Incident

Later Jin forces break through the Great Wall and loot the region around Beijing

The Chongzhen Emperor cuts funding for the imperial post service, causing out of work postal workers to rebel in Shanxi
She-An Rebellion: The rebels are defeated


Year Date Event
1630 summer Jisi Incident: Later Jin forces retreat
1631 April Rebels capture Pingdu
21 November Battle of Dalinghe

Later Jin seizes Dalinghe

1632 22 February Wuqiao Mutiny

Troops from Shandong mutiny and capture Dengzhou

Spanish Manila trade with China reaches 2 million pesos per year
Ming defensive planners build some star forts but they don't catch on in China.
1633 April Wuqiao Mutiny

Shandong rebels defect to Later Jin

7 July Battle of Liaoluo Bay

Ming dockyards start construction of multidecked broadside sailing ships capable of holding large cannons under the supervision of Zheng Zhilong; they get blown up by a Dutch surprise attack

summer Siege of Lüshun

Later Jin seizes Lüshun

22 October Battle of Liaoluo Bay

Ming forces defeat a Dutch pirate fleet near Kinmen Island (Quemoy)

27 December Rebels take Mianzhi
1634 14 September Rebellion breaks out at Tongcheng
1635 March Rebels take Fengyang
August Ming forces are defeated by rebels in Gansu
September Li Zicheng rebels in Shanxi
Telescopes are used for aiming artillery in the Ming dynasty.
1636 Hong Taiji proclaims the Qing dynasty
1638 Qing dynasty conquers Shandong
Ming forces are defeated on the Shanxi-Henan border
1639 The Spanish and Filipinos massacre 20,000 Chinese in Luzon
Portuguese merchants from Macau are banned from Nagasaki
Zhejiang experiences drought


Year Date Event
1640 summer Rebels enter Sichuan
1641 Li Zicheng enters Henan
March Li Zicheng takes Luoyang
Rebel leader Zhang Xianzhong takes Xiangyang
15 July Zhang Xianzhong takes Wuchang
October Zhang Xianzhong takes Changsha and Hengzhou
Li Zicheng takes Kaifeng
Locusts attack Zhejiang
1642 8 April Battle of Song-Jin

Qing dynasty takes Jinzhou

Floods strike Zhejiang
Composite metal cannons are produced in the Ming dynasty.[7]
Li Zicheng's rebels manage to create a two zhang breach in Ming fortifications using cannons.
1643 January Li Zicheng takes Xiangyang
November Li Zicheng takes Xi'an
Zhang Xianzhong declares the Xi dynasty in Huguang
1644 8 February Li Zicheng proclaims his Shun dynasty in Xi'an
25 April Li Zicheng takes Beijing and the Chongzhen Emperor hangs himself
27 May Battle of Shanhai Pass

Wu Sangui lets the Qing forces through the Great Wall and their forces defeat Li Zicheng in battle, after which Li retreats to Beijing

5 June Qing dynasty takes Beijing and Li Zicheng flees
19 June Zhu Yousong becomes the Hongguang Emperor of Southern Ming in Nanjing
Zhang Xianzhong relocates to Chengdu and proceeds to massacre the Sichuanpopulation
1645 January Qing forces capture Luoyang
20 May Qing forces capture Yangzhou
16 June Qing forces capture Nanjing and the Hongguang Emperor
June Li Zicheng dies
6 July Qing forces capture Hangzhou
21 July All nonclerical adult male citizens are ordered to adopt the Manchu queue to show their allegiance to the Qing dynasty
18 August Zhu Yujian becomes the Longwu Emperor at Fuzhou
August Zhu Yihai becomes regent of Ming at Shaoxing, taking control of Ming loyalists at Yuyao and Taizhou
1646 February Ming forces are defeated in Jiangnan
10 July Qing forces defeat the Ming army at Tonglu
30 September Qing forces capture Yanping
6 October The Longwu Emperor is killed by Qing forces
17 October Qing forces take Fuzhou
12 December Zhu Yuyue becomes the Shaowu Emperor in Guangzhou
24 December Zhu Youlang becomes the Yongli Emperor in Zhaoqing
1647 2 January Zhang Xianzhong is killed by Qing forces but his army occupies Chongqing and then occupies Sichuan under the leadership of Sun Kewang
20 January Qing forces capture Guangzhou and the Shaowu Emperor
5 March Qing forces conquer Guangdong, half of Guangxi, and Hainan
March Qing forces take Changsha
spring Qing forces raid Anping
23 September Qing forces take Wugang
Zhu Yihai conducts raids on the coast of Fujian from island bases
1648 20 February Ming loyalists rebel at Nanchang and Nanning
14 April Qing forces fail to take Guilin
1649 15 January Ming loyalists rebel at Datong
1 March Qing forces take Nanchang
4 October Ming loyalists at Datong are defeated
summer Qing forces conquer southern Huguang
24 November Qing forces slaughter the population of Guangzhou
27 November Qing forces capture Guilin
2 December Qing forces capture Zhaoqing and the Yongli Emperor flees


Year Date Event
1651 15 October Qing forces capture Zhoushan and Zhu Yihai flees
1652 7 August Rebel general Li Dingguo takes Guilin
winter Sun Kewang's army is routed by Qing forces
Zhu Yihai settles on Kinmen Island (Quemoy) with the help of Zheng Chenggong and renounces his title as Regent of Ming
1653 Li Dingguo retreats to Guangdong
1655 Li Dingguo 's army is routed by Qingforces
Ming loyalist Zheng Chenggong establishes Xiamen as his base
1656 March The Yongli Emperor arrives in Yunnan
9 May Qing forces try to invade Kinmen Island (Quemoy) but their fleet is destroyed in a storm
1657 February Ming forces defeat a Qing army near the Changjiang River Delta
October Sun Kewang's forces are defeated by Li Dingguo in eastern Yunnan and he retreats to Guizhou
December Sun Kewang surrenders to the Qing dynasty
1658 June Zheng Chenggong occupies Wenzhou
1659 7 January Qing forces advance into Yunnan and the Yongli Emperor flees to Toungoo dynasty
10 March Qing forces capture Yongchang and defeat Li Dingguo 's army, securing Yunnan
June The Yongli Emperor reaches Inwa
10 August Zheng Chenggong takes Zhenjiang
24 August Zheng Chenggong lays siege to Nanjing
9 September Zheng Chenggong's army is annihilated and he retreats to Xiamen


Year Date Event
1660 February Qing forces launch an attack on Kinmen Island(Quemoy) and Xiamen but fail
1661 21 April Zheng Chenggong departs from Kinmen Island (Quemoy) for Taiwan
30 April Zheng Chenggong arrives on the shores of Dutch Formosa
1 May Fort Provintia surrenders to Zheng Chenggong
June Pye Min massacres most of the Yongli Emperor's entourage
1662 20 January Qing forces advance towards Inwa and force the return of the Yongli Emperor
1 February Siege of Fort Zeelandia

Fort Zeelandia surrenders to Zheng Chenggong

May The Yongli Emperor is executed in Yunnan; so ends the Southern Ming resistance on the mainland
23 June Zheng Chenggong dies and is succeeded by his son Zheng Jing
23 December Zhu Yihai dies
1664 The Qing dynasty conquers Fujian and Zheng Jing retreats to Taiwan

See also


Notes and References

  1. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/yong-le/year-6-month-6-day-12 Yong-le: Year 6, Month 6, Day 12
  2. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/xuan-de/year-1-month-12-day-2 Xuan-de: Year 1, Month 12, Day 2
  3. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/xuan-de/year-2-month-11-day-1 Year 2, Month 11, Day 1
  4. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/xuan-de/year-6-month-5-day-3 Xuan-de: Year 6, Month 5, Day 3
  5. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/cheng-hua/year-4-month-4-day-21 Cheng-hua: Year 4, Month 4, Day 21
  6. http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/cheng-hua/year-15-month-4-day-7 Cheng-hua: Year 15, Month 4, Day 7
  7. Web site: The Rise and Fall of Distinctive Composite-Metal Cannons Cast During the Ming-Qing Period. 19 December 2016.