Timeline of the Lyndon B. Johnson presidency (1964) explained

The following is a timeline of the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson from January 1, 1964, to December 31, 1964.









External links

Notes and References

  1. News: Tell Johnson Peace Hope. January 2, 1964. Chicago Tribune.
  2. News: 100 Million Cut in Postal Dept. Pledged for '65. January 3, 1964. Robert. Young. Chicago Tribune.
  3. News: Hint Nikita Asks Pact To End Disputes. January 3, 1964. Chicago Tribune.
  4. Web site: Statement by the President on Labor-Management Relations. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  5. Web site: Message to the President of Ghana Following an Attempt on His Life. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  6. Web site: Executive Order 11136—Establishing the President's Committee on Consumer Interests and the Consumer Advisory Council | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  7. Web site: Statement by the President Upon Establishing the President's Committee on Consumer Interests. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  8. Web site: Statement by the President on the Report of the Task Force on Manpower Utilization. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  9. Web site: Times Daily - Google News Archive Search. news.google.com.
  10. Web site: Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  11. Web site: Identical Remarks at Meetings With the Business Committee for Tax Reduction and With the Citizens Committee for Tax Reduction and Revision | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  12. Web site: White House Statement on the Events in Panama. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  13. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=25984 106 - Remarks to the Members of the Davis Cup Team. (January 15, 1964)
  14. Web site: White House Statement Concerning U.S. Readiness To Carry On Discussions With Panama. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  15. Web site: Statement by the President in Response to a Report on Immigration. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  16. Web site: Remarks at the Dedication of the National Geographic Society Building. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  17. Web site: Remarks to Members of the Budget Bureau Staff at the Signing of the 1965 Budget. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  18. Web site: Message to the First Conference of the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  19. Web site: Radio and Television Remarks on the Reopening of the Geneva Disarmament Conference. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  20. Web site: Annual Message to the Congress, the District of Columbia Budget. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  21. Web site: The President's News Conference | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  22. Web site: Remarks Upon Witnessing the Certification of the 24th Amendment to the Constitution. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  23. Web site: Remarks in New York City at the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., foundation Awards Dinner | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  24. Web site: Special Message to the Congress on Consumer Interests. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  25. Web site: Remarks at the 12th Annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  26. Web site: Remarks in New York City at the Dinner of the Weizmann Institute of Science. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  27. Web site: Statement by the President Following Senate Approval of the Tax Bill | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  28. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=26062 177 - White House Statement Declaring United States Determination To Guarantee the Security of the Naval Base at Guantanamo. (February 7, 1964)
  29. Web site: Proclamation 3573—National Poison Prevention Week, 1964 | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  30. Web site: Statement by the President Upon Making Public the Report of the President's Council on Aging. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  31. Web site: Statement by the President Upon Making Public His Report to the Congress on Communications Satellites. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  32. Web site: Special Message to the Congress on the Nation's Health | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  33. Web site: Remarks Upon Signing Bill Amending the Library Services Act. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  34. Web site: Remarks to Key Officials of the Internal Revenue Service. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  35. Web site: Letter to Sargent Shriver on His Appointment To Direct the Program To Eliminate Poverty. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  36. Web site: 202 - Remarks Recorded for the Opening of the Red Cross Campaign.. March 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  37. Web site: 203 - Remarks at the Swearing In of Nicholas Johnson as Maritime Administrator.. March 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  38. Web site: Proclamation 3576—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1964. March 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  39. Web site: Executive Order 11143—Public Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations. March 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  40. Web site: 204 - Remarks to the Winners of the Federal Woman's Award. March 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  41. Web site: 205 - White House Statement on Employment of Members of Minority Groups in the federal Government.. March 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  42. Web site: 208 - Remarks Upon Presenting the First Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Award to Judge Anna M. Kross. March 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  43. Web site: 206 - Statement by the President following Adoption of the Security Council Resolution on Cyprus.. March 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  44. Web site: 207 - Remarks at the Swearing In of Frederick C. Belen as Deputy Postmaster General and William McMillan as Assistant Postmaster General. March 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  45. Web site: Executive Order 11144—Establishing the Temporary Alaska Claims Commission. March 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  46. Web site: 209 - Statement by the President on the Death of King Paul of Greece.. March 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  47. Web site: Special Message to the Congress Proposing a Nationwide War on the Sources of Poverty. March 16, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  48. Web site: Remarks to the Labor Advisory Council to the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.. March 16, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  49. Web site: Remarks on the Third Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.. March 16, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  50. Web site: Remarks in New York City at a Dinner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.. March 17, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  51. Web site: White House Statement on the Situation in South Viet-Nam.. March 17, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  52. Web site: Letter to the Speaker Urging House Action on Federal Pay Legislation.. March 17, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  53. Web site: Executive Order 11147—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees. March 17, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  54. Web site: Letter to Secretary Dillon on the Need for Coordinating Federal Actions in the Field of Bank Regulation.. March 18, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  55. Web site: Telephone Conversation With the President of the National Farmers' Union.. March 18, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  56. Web site: Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Aid.. March 19, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  57. Web site: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Reports on Oceanographic Research.. March 19, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  58. Web site: Remarks at the 1964 Democratic Congressional Dinner. -. March 19, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  59. Web site: Remarks Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Appropriations for Defense Procurement and for Research and Development.. March 20, 1964. American Presidency Project. Lyndon B.. Johnson.
  60. Web site: Letter to the Speaker Reporting on Reductions in the Cost of Operating the Government. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  61. Web site: The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  62. Web site: Statement by the President on the Earthquake in Alaska. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  63. Web site: Executive Order 11149—Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Supersonic Transport. April 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  64. Web site: 243 - Message to the New President of Brazil.. April 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  65. Web site: Executive Order 11150—Establishing the Federal Reconstruction and Development Planning Commission for Alaska. April 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  66. Web site: 245 - Remarks following the Signing of a Joint Declaration With Panama.. April 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  67. Web site: 244 - Remarks on the 15th Anniversary of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.. April 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  68. Web site: 246 - The President's News Conference. April 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  69. Web site: 247 - Statement by the President on the Death of General MacArthur.. April 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  70. Web site: Proclamation 3579—Death of General MacArthur. April 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  71. Web site: 248 - Remarks to the Cabinet Committee on Export Expansion.. April 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  72. Web site: Executive Order 11151—Suspension of the Provisions of Section 5770 of Title 10, United States Code, Relating to Promotion of Certain Officers of the Regular Navy. April 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  73. Web site: 251 - Statement by the President on the Eve of a National Railroad Strike.. April 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  74. Web site: 252 - Radio and Television Statement Announcing a Moratorium in the Railroad Labor Dispute.. April 9, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  75. Web site: 250 - Remarks to New Participants in "Plans for Progress" Equal Opportunity Agreements.. April 9, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  76. Web site: 249 - Statement by the President following House Action on the Wheat-Cotton and food Stamp Bills.. April 9, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  77. Web site: The President's News Conference. April 18, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  78. Web site: Remarks on Foreign Affairs at the Associated Press Luncheon in New York City.. April 20, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  79. Web site: White House Statement following a Review of Implementation of the Limited Test Ban Treaty Safeguards.. April 20, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  80. Web site: Message to the 73d Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution.. April 20, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  81. Web site: Remarks on Introducing Secretary Rusk to the Press following His Return from the far East.. April 20, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  82. Web site: Remarks at the Swearing In of Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace as Director of Space Medicine for the Manned Space flight.. April 20, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  83. Web site: Remarks to a Group of Treasury Department Officials on Equal Employment Opportunity.. April 21, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  84. Web site: Remarks Upon Receiving a Citation from the Disciples of Christ Historical Society.. April 21, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  85. Web site: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting the Bill for the Appalachian Region.. April 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. -Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  86. Web site: Remarks to a Group of Civil Rights Leaders.. April 29, 1964. Lyndon B.. -Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  87. Web site: Proclamation 3590—United Nations Day, 1964. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. -Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  88. Web site: Proclamation 3588—New York World's Fair. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. -Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  89. Web site: Proclamation 3587—Immigration Quota. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  90. Web site: Proclamation 3586—Small Business Week. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  91. Web site: Remarks at a Meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  92. Web site: Proclamation 3589—Commemoration of the Beginnings of the Office of the Presidency of the United States. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  93. Web site: Remarks Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Inauguration of George Washington.. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  94. Web site: Remarks to the 1964 Campaign Conference for Democratic Women.. April 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  95. Web site: 442 - Remarks at the Swearing In of John T. McNaughton, Daniel Luevano, Solis Horwitz, and Robert W. Morse as Key Officials in the Department of Defense. July 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  96. Web site: 444 - Remarks Upon Signing Bill Broadening the Prevailing Wage Section of the Davis–Bacon Act.. July 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  97. Web site: 445 - Remarks at the Swearing In of General Taylor as Ambassador to Viet-Nam.. July 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  98. Web site: 447 - Statement by the President Upon Making Public the Names of the 1964 Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.. July 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  99. Web site: Executive Order 11160—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Medical Care for Retired Ships' Officers and Members of Crews of Vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Dependents of Active and Retired Ships' Officers and Crew Members. July 6, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  100. Web site: Proclamation 3595—Fire Prevention Week, 1964. July 6, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  101. Web site: 449 - Telephone Remarks on the Occasion of the Keel-Laying of the U.S.S. Vallejo.. July 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  102. Web site: 448 - Remarks to the Members of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity Upon Receiving Their Report.. July 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  103. Web site: Executive Order 11161—Relating to Certain Relationships Between the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Agency. July 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  104. Web site: Proclamation 3597—Proclamation Correcting Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States with Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities. July 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  105. Web site: Proclamation 3598—Monocacy Battle Centennial. July 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  106. Web site: 452 - Remarks at a Meeting With United States Attorneys.. July 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  107. Web site: 450 - Statement by the President on the Death of Roy E. Davidson.. July 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  108. Web site: 451 - Statement by the President on New York City's Mobilization for Youth Program.. July 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  109. Web site: 453 - Remarks Upon Signing the Urban Mass Transportation Act.. July 9, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  110. Web site: 454 - Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Felt.. July 10, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  111. Web site: 455 - The President's News Conference. July 11, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  112. Web site: 456 - Letter to Dr. Killian in Response to Report: "Toward Better Utilization of Scientific and Engineering Talent.". July 12, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  113. Web site: 457 - Statement by the President Upon Accepting Report of the Committee on Public Higher Education in the District of Columbia.. July 12, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  114. Web site: Proclamation 3599—National School Lunch Week, 1964. July 14, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  115. Web site: 458 - Statement by the President on Narcotic and Drug Abuse.. July 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  116. Web site: 461 - Statement by the President Upon Signing the Water Resources Research Act.. July 17, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  117. Web site: 459 - Statement by the President on the Second Quarter Advance in Gross National Product and Income.. July 17, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  118. Web site: 472 - Remarks at a Luncheon for a Group of Businessmen.. July 24, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  119. Web site: 476 - Remarks of Farewell to General Prapass Charusathiara of Thailand.. July 24, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  120. Web site: 477 - Remarks at a Reception for a Group of Labor Leaders.. July 24, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  121. Web site: 475 - The President's News Conference. July 24, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  122. Web site: 480 - White House Statement on the Desalting of Sea Water.. July 27, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  123. Web site: 478 - Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Tsiranana of the Malagasy Republic.. July 27, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  124. Web site: 479 - Toasts of the President and President Tsiranana.. July 27, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  125. Web site: 482 - Remarks to the Delegates to the Conference on International Rural Development.. July 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  126. Web site: 481 - Remarks Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Grants for the Publication of Historical Documentary Source Material.. July 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  127. Web site: Proclamation 3602—United States International Aviation Month, 1964. July 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  128. Web site: Executive Order 11162—Adding the Postmaster General to the Membership of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. July 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  129. Web site: Executive Order 11163—Including a Certain Tract of Land of Fannin County, Georgia, in the Chattahoochee National Forest. July 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  130. Web site: 484 - Remarks to the Members of the National Agricultural Advisory Commission.. July 29, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  131. Web site: 485 - Statement by the President on Announcing a White House Meeting of the Presidents of State Universities.. July 29, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  132. Web site: 489 - Statement by the President Relating to the Selection of a Vice Presidential Candidate.. July 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  133. Web site: 490 - Statement by the President on Receiving a Progress Report of the Council on Physical Fitness.. July 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  134. Web site: 488 - Remarks to a Group of State and Local School Officials.. July 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  135. Web site: 487 - Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to General McKee.. July 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  136. Web site: 486 - The President's News Conference. July 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  137. Web site: 492 - Statement by the President Upon the Successful Flight of Ranger VII.. July 31, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  138. Web site: 491 - Remarks Upon Signing a Proclamation to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.. July 31, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  139. Web site: Proclamation 3603—Warsaw Uprising Day. July 31, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  140. Web site: Letter to Manlio Brosio on His Appointment as Secretary General of NATO. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  141. Web site: Remarks Following a Briefing With Space Scientists on the Successful Flight to the Moon. | The American Presidency Project. www.presidency.ucsb.edu.
  142. Web site: 496 - Remarks to Foreign Language Newspaper Publishers on Their Role in Building American Unity.. August 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  143. Web site: 497 - Statement by the President Upon Instructing the Navy To Take Retaliatory Action in the Gulf of Tonkin.. August 3, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  144. Web site: 498 - Radio and Television Report to the American People Following Renewed Aggression in the Gulf of Tonkin. August 4, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  145. Web site: 499 - Remarks at Syracuse University on the Communist Challenge in Southeast Asia.. August 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  146. Web site: 500 - Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia. August 5, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  147. Web site: 500 - Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia. August 6, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  148. Web site: 501 - Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the Secretary General of the United Nations.. August 6, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  149. Web site: Proclamation 3604—Ninetieth Birthday of Herbert Hoover. August 6, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  150. Web site: 503 - Statement by the President on the Passage of the Joint Resolution on Southeast Asia.. August 7, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  151. Web site: 505 - Statement by the President Following House Action on the Economic Opportunity Bill.. August 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  152. Web site: 504 - The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch. August 8, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  153. Web site: 509 - Remarks to Members of the National Association of Counties.. August 11, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  154. Web site: 508 - Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the Issuance of the "Register and Vote" Stamp.. August 11, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  155. Web site: 510 - Remarks Upon Signing the Military Pay Bill.. August 12, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  156. Web site: 511 - Remarks in New York City Before the American Bar Association.. August 12, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  157. Web site: 513 - Remarks at a Luncheon for a Group of State University Presidents.. August 13, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  158. Web site: 512 - Remarks Upon Signing the Highway Bill.. August 13, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  159. News: Remarks by Telephone on the Occasion of the Commissioning of the U.S.S. Casimir Pulaski.. August 14, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  160. News: Remarks Upon Signing the Government Employees Pay Raise Bill.. August 14, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  161. News: Executive Order 11166—Setting Aside for the Use of the United States Certain Public Lands and Other Public Property Located at the Makua Military Reservation, Hawaii. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  162. News: Executive Order 11167—Setting Aside for the Use of the United States Certain Public Lands and Other Public Property Located at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  163. News: Proclamation 3607—See the United States in 1964 and 1965. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  164. News: Proclamation 3606—National Freedom From Hunger Week, 1964. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  165. News: Proclamation 3605—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1964. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  166. News: Executive Order 11165—Setting Aside for the Use of the United States Certain Public Lands and Other Public Property Located at the Fort Shafter Military Reservation, Hawaii. August 15, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  167. Web site: 538 - Remarks Upon Signing Bill Permitting Private Ownership of Nuclear Materials.. August 26, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  168. Web site: 541 - Remarks Before the National Convention Upon Accepting the Nomination.. August 27, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  169. Web site: 543 - Telephone Remarks Opening the "Parade of Progress" in Cleveland.. August 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  170. Web site: 542 - Remarks in Atlantic City Before the Democratic National Committee.. August 28, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  171. Web site: 544 - Remarks at a Barbecue in Stonewall, Texas.. August 29, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  172. Web site: 545 - Filmed Message to Delegates of the Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.. August 30, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  173. Web site: 546 – Remarks Upon Signing the Food Stamp Act.. August 31, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  174. Web site: 547 - Telephone Remarks to the Convention of the Plasterers' Union.. August 31, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  175. Web site: 613 - Remarks at the Swearing In of Philip Nichols, Jr., and Linton M. Collins as Judges.. October 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  176. Web site: 614 - Letter to the Attorney General Directing Him To Petition for an Injunction in the Maritime Industry Labor Dispute.. October 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  177. Web site: 612 - Remarks to the Faculty and Students of Johns Hopkins University.. October 1, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.
  178. Web site: 616 - Remarks Upon Proclaiming 1965 as International Cooperation Year.. October 2, 1964. Lyndon B.. Johnson. American Presidency Project.