TimedText:The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920).webm.en.srt explained

100:00:09,894 --> 00:00:17,902THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI

200:00:18,069 --> 00:00:24,116A Film in Six ActsWritten by Carl Mayer and Hans Janowitz

300:00:24,242 --> 00:00:31,457Decla-Film-Gesellschaft Berlin

400:00:31,666 --> 00:00:36,796Directed by Robert Wiene

500:00:37,004 --> 00:00:47,003Art Direction: Hermann WarmWalter Reimann, Walter Röhrig

600:00:47,223 --> 00:00:54,230Cast: Werner KraussConrad Veidt, Friedrich Fehér

700:01:07,368 --> 00:01:17,367Lil Dagover, Hans Heinz v. Twardowski,Rudolph Lettinger

800:01:26,762 --> 00:01:33,185Photographed by Willy Hameister

900:01:36,939 --> 00:01:40,192ACT I

1000:01:51,746 --> 00:01:55,416There are spirits...They are all around us...

1100:01:55,583 --> 00:02:04,759They have driven mefrom hearth and home,

1200:02:04,926 --> 00:02:10,264from wife and child...

1300:02:49,720 --> 00:02:53,516That is my fiancée...

1400:03:08,239 --> 00:03:18,238What she and I have lived through is strangerstill than what you have lived through...

1500:03:22,545 --> 00:03:28,843I will tell you about it.

1600:03:35,599 --> 00:03:43,524The little town where I was born...

1700:04:02,084 --> 00:04:05,713The annual fair.

1800:04:27,485 --> 00:04:31,363Him...

1900:05:05,314 --> 00:05:11,821Alan, my friend.

2000:06:27,688 --> 00:06:33,652SPECIAL EDITION:FAIR IN HOLSTENWALL-


2200:06:52,546 --> 00:06:59,845Come on, Franzis, let's go to the fair!

2300:07:32,086 --> 00:07:42,085Don't go inside, the town clerkis in a vile temper today!

2400:08:09,456 --> 00:08:11,583Wait!!!

2500:08:40,654 --> 00:08:42,239Wait!!!

2600:09:12,561 --> 00:09:22,560I wish to apply for a permitto present my spectacle at the fair...

2700:09:30,704 --> 00:09:40,589What kind of spectacle...?

2800:09:42,800 --> 00:09:46,637A somnambulist.

2900:12:20,040 --> 00:12:27,589Step rrrrright up!Presenting here for the first time...

3000:12:27,756 --> 00:12:32,469Cesare, the Somnambulist!

3100:12:40,435 --> 00:12:44,022END OF ACT I

3200:12:44,690 --> 00:12:48,318ACT II

3300:12:48,443 --> 00:12:58,442That night the first in a seriesof mysterious crimes took place.

3400:13:13,176 --> 00:13:23,175Murder!The town clerk has been killed.

3500:13:25,105 --> 00:13:35,104Stabbed in the sidewith a strange pointed instrument...

3600:14:36,885 --> 00:14:46,884Step rrrrright in! Presenting herefor the first time... Cesare the Somnambulist!

3700:14:50,982 --> 00:14:57,864The miraculous Cesare...

3800:14:57,989 --> 00:15:07,988twenty-three years old, he has sleptfor twenty-three years... Continuously...

3900:15:17,718 --> 00:15:27,717Day and night...

4000:15:32,190 --> 00:15:42,189Right before your eyes Cesare will awakenfrom his death-like trance...

4100:17:55,667 --> 00:18:05,666Cesare! Can you hear me?Cesare, I am calling you...

4200:18:08,847 --> 00:18:18,846I... Dr. Caligari... your master...Awaken for a moment from your dark night...

4300:19:57,038 --> 00:20:03,378Ladies and gentlemen!

4400:20:03,503 --> 00:20:12,012Cesare the Somnambulistwill answer all your questions...

4500:20:12,178 --> 00:20:21,396Cesare knows every secret...

4600:20:21,521 --> 00:20:30,447Cesare knows the pastand sees the future...

4700:20:30,572 --> 00:20:37,412Judge for yourselves...

4800:20:37,537 --> 00:20:45,712Don't hold back! Ask away...

4900:21:13,364 --> 00:21:19,829How long will I live?

5000:21:32,133 --> 00:21:34,594Till the break of dawn...

5100:22:25,687 --> 00:22:31,943MURDER IN HOLSTENWALL1000 MARKS REWARD

5200:23:52,440 --> 00:23:56,402The way home.

5300:24:14,462 --> 00:24:21,219Alan, we both love her...

5400:24:31,396 --> 00:24:36,317We'll leave the choice up to her...

5500:24:36,442 --> 00:24:46,119But whomever she chooses,we shall remain friends...

5600:24:59,757 --> 00:25:03,553Night.

5700:25:34,792 --> 00:25:38,296END OF ACT II

5800:25:38,963 --> 00:25:42,258ACT III

5900:26:12,622 --> 00:26:21,506Mr. Franzis... Mr. Franzis...Mr. Alan is dead... murdered.

6000:27:35,872 --> 00:27:43,921The somnambulist's prophecy...?!

6100:28:39,393 --> 00:28:49,392I won't rest until I get to the bottomof these dreadful deeds.

6200:31:58,509 --> 00:32:08,508I will obtain police authorisationto examine the somnambulist...

6300:32:57,735 --> 00:33:00,404Murder... Help... Murder!

6400:36:28,821 --> 00:36:32,992Wake him up!


6600:36:58,976 --> 00:37:05,607TWO-TIME MURDERER CAUGHTIN THIRD ATTEMPT!

6700:37:39,516 --> 00:37:41,852END OF ACT III

6800:37:42,561 --> 00:37:46,023ACT IV

6900:37:46,148 --> 00:37:56,147Worried because her fatherhas been away so long...

7000:38:39,284 --> 00:38:49,283I had nothing to do with the two murders...So help me God...

7100:38:58,220 --> 00:39:06,979The old woman... It's true...I tried to kill her...

7200:39:07,104 --> 00:39:16,780by stabbing her in the sidewith a similar knife...

7300:39:16,905 --> 00:39:25,789to throw suspicionon the mysterious murderer...

7400:40:35,901 --> 00:40:45,160Is my father... Dr. Olfen here...?

7500:42:28,472 --> 00:42:35,145After the funeral.

7600:42:56,958 --> 00:43:00,837Night.

7700:49:18,882 --> 00:49:26,639It couldn't have been Cesare...

7800:49:26,765 --> 00:49:35,356He was asleep at the time...I've watched him for hours...

7900:49:59,923 --> 00:50:02,926END OF ACT IV

8000:50:03,635 --> 00:50:06,805ACT V

8100:50:43,800 --> 00:50:50,682Is the prisoner secure in his cell...?

8200:51:02,193 --> 00:51:06,489I must see him...

8300:53:52,363 --> 00:54:01,497LUNATIC ASYLUM

8400:54:27,398 --> 00:54:32,528Do you have a patientby the name of Dr. Caligari?

8500:55:05,019 --> 00:55:15,018The director returned earlier today...Perhaps you should speak to him personally...

8600:56:22,513 --> 00:56:29,979He... himself... and none other...is Caligari...

8700:56:45,912 --> 00:56:55,911While the director, now placed underobservation, is sleeping in his villa...

8800:57:07,183 --> 00:57:09,227He's asleep.

8900:57:54,021 --> 00:57:56,565SOMNAMBULISM

9000:57:56,691 --> 00:58:01,362A Collected Editionby the University of Upsala

9100:58:03,364 --> 00:58:06,409His specialty.

9200:58:26,220 --> 00:58:30,141THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI.

9300:58:30,308 --> 00:58:35,229In the year 1783,a mystic by the name of Caligari

9400:58:35,396 --> 00:58:41,193toured the fairs of numerous villagesin northern Italy,

9500:58:41,319 --> 00:58:45,990accompanied by a somnambulistnamed Cesare.

9600:58:51,579 --> 00:58:58,127...for months he sowed panicamongst village folks

9700:58:58,252 --> 00:59:06,260through a series of foul murders committedunder almost identical circumstances...

9800:59:25,613 --> 00:59:32,912...he had entirely subjugated to his willa somnambulist named Cesare,

9900:59:33,037 --> 00:59:41,170whom he did compelto carry out his nefarious schemes.

10000:59:41,337 --> 00:59:48,969A puppet, the exact likeness of Cesare,and which took his place in a cabinet,

10100:59:49,095 --> 00:59:58,854allowed him to divert any suspicionthat might fall on the somnambulist.

10201:00:03,818 --> 01:00:06,153My diary.

10301:00:13,160 --> 01:00:16,99712 March... Finally... finally!

10401:00:17,123 --> 01:00:24,713A somnambulist has been broughtto the asylum for admission...

10501:02:09,235 --> 01:02:16,909Afternoon — My desire... I shall be ableto satisfy my life's unwavering wish...!

10601:02:17,034 --> 01:02:23,374Now I shall unravelthe psychiatric secrets of this Caligari!

10701:02:23,499 --> 01:02:26,794Now I shall discover if it is true

10801:02:26,919 --> 01:02:31,632that a somnambulistcan be compelled to perform acts

10901:02:31,757 --> 01:02:35,803that in a walking statehe would never commit

11001:02:35,928 --> 01:02:40,766and would be repugnant to him...

11101:02:40,891 --> 01:02:49,567Whether it is true that a sleepwalkercan be led to commit even murder...

11201:03:05,416 --> 01:03:07,751An obsession.

11301:03:37,740 --> 01:03:47,739I must know everything... I must penetratehis secrets. I must become Caligari...

11401:04:13,359 --> 01:04:19,865YOU MUST BECOME CALIGARI

11501:05:00,114 --> 01:05:03,450END OF ACT V

11601:05:04,159 --> 01:05:07,496ACT VI

11701:05:49,538 --> 01:05:56,837We found the sleepwalker out in the fields...

11801:07:15,624 --> 01:07:23,757Mr. Director- unmask yourself.You are Dr. Caligari!

11901:10:09,047 --> 01:10:19,046...and from that day on,the madman never again left his cell.

12001:11:37,719 --> 01:11:47,718Look... there's Cesare... never allow himto tell your fortune, or you're dead...

12101:12:23,682 --> 01:12:33,681Jane... I love you...won't you be my wife at last?

12201:12:42,409 --> 01:12:51,710We queens are not free to answerthe call of our heart...

12301:13:30,582 --> 01:13:35,837You all think that — I'm insane!

12401:13:35,962 --> 01:13:42,427It isn't true...It's the director who's insane!!

12501:13:47,307 --> 01:13:50,852He is Caligari... Caligari... Caligari!

12601:15:01,256 --> 01:15:06,678At last I understand his delusion.He thinks I am that mystic, Caligari...!

12701:15:06,803 --> 01:15:09,681Now I know exactly how to cure him...

12801:15:23,528 --> 01:15:26,698THE END