TimedText:The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926).webm.en.srt explained

100:00:00,121 --> 00:00:06,500The Adventures of Prince Achmed

200:00:38,750 --> 00:00:42,833The Sorcerer

300:00:55,458 --> 00:00:59,750Dinarzade

400:01:00,166 --> 00:01:04,541Achmed

500:01:24,416 --> 00:01:28,958Peri Banu

600:01:32,416 --> 00:01:35,458Aladdin

700:01:47,041 --> 00:01:53,125The Witch

800:01:54,666 --> 00:01:59,250Great was the powerof the African Sorcerer.

900:03:48,750 --> 00:03:58,333In the city of the Caliph, they werecelebrating the ruler's birthday.

1000:04:53,166 --> 00:04:54,125The Great Caliph.

1100:05:54,083 --> 00:05:59,833"A magic horse, my exulted Caliph.It flies through the air."

1200:06:08,333 --> 00:06:11,833Princess Dinarzade,the Caliph's daughter.

1300:06:22,833 --> 00:06:25,166Prince Achmed,her brother.

1400:07:01,083 --> 00:07:05,916"Gold cannot buy this horse!"

1500:07:16,333 --> 00:07:19,416"So choose among my treasures!"

1600:07:21,541 --> 00:07:23,000"May I take what I most desire?"

1700:07:24,666 --> 00:07:27,875"By the beard of the Prophet!"

1800:09:35,333 --> 00:09:36,916End of Act 1

1900:09:37,041 --> 00:09:40,375Act 2

2000:09:40,500 --> 00:09:46,333The Story of Prince Achmed

2100:10:00,416 --> 00:10:04,083"How can one bring the horseback to Earth?"

2200:10:06,750 --> 00:10:11,083"The lever at the headdrives it into the air."

2300:10:14,500 --> 00:10:18,875"The lever at the tailbrings it to Earth."

2400:10:27,833 --> 00:10:30,916"Does the Prince know this?"

2500:12:02,708 --> 00:12:09,625Far, far away from home, he finally landson one of the magic islands of Wak-Wak.

2600:12:20,000 --> 00:12:22,166Prince Achmed wasyoung and brave,

2700:12:22,291 --> 00:12:24,333and eager for adventure.

2800:13:03,875 --> 00:13:06,083"Who are you, maidens?"

2900:13:06,833 --> 00:13:12,500"We serve Peri Banu,ruler of the spirit world of Wak-Wak."

3000:13:19,416 --> 00:13:22,500"Stay with us, handsome stranger!"

3100:15:14,666 --> 00:15:19,416On the neighbouring island,in a magic lake...

3200:15:38,916 --> 00:15:49,541...beautiful Peri Banu bathesevery night with her attendants.

3300:17:58,416 --> 00:18:02,083"Give me my cloak of feathers!"

3400:18:04,708 --> 00:18:09,833"Come with meto my beautiful homeland."

3500:19:03,500 --> 00:19:09,208Thus Peri Banu was kidnappedfrom the Lands of the Demons.

3600:19:15,083 --> 00:19:20,166The horse carried herto far-away China.

3700:19:55,458 --> 00:19:58,541"Don't be afraid of me..."

3800:20:06,333 --> 00:20:10,250will be your servant until I die."

3900:20:14,125 --> 00:20:19,250"You don't know the demonsof Wak-Wak!"

4000:20:21,875 --> 00:20:28,291"They will kill you!"

4100:20:30,333 --> 00:20:35,833"Allah's mercy will protect us,if you become my wife."

4200:20:41,041 --> 00:20:45,958Meanwhile, the Sorcerersearched for his magic horse.

4300:21:45,666 --> 00:21:51,666"We will find our home,and you will forget Wak-Wak."

4400:22:42,666 --> 00:22:45,041"I'll follow you!"

4500:24:17,666 --> 00:24:20,666"The Prince sends you this garment..."

4600:24:57,625 --> 00:25:01,166am to lead you to him!"

4700:25:48,250 --> 00:25:51,708End of Act 2

4800:25:51,833 --> 00:25:54,375Act 3

4900:25:54,500 --> 00:26:00,291Adventures in China.

5000:26:08,875 --> 00:26:11,250The Chinese Emperor.

5100:26:19,333 --> 00:26:21,666The Emperor's favourite.

5200:26:29,166 --> 00:26:34,416The Sorcerer brought Peri Banu here,to sell her to the Emperor.

5300:28:26,208 --> 00:28:31,458The Emperor smiledon the gracious Peri Banu.

5400:29:12,500 --> 00:29:15,166"Kill her or marry her!"

5500:29:35,666 --> 00:29:40,250"Now, my brave Prince,I will return to your sister!"

5600:30:00,500 --> 00:30:04,875In this mountaindwelt the Sorcerer's greatest enemy:

5700:30:05,000 --> 00:30:09,291the Fire Mountain Witch.

5800:31:12,916 --> 00:31:16,041"How dare you cometo my magic mountain?"

5900:31:18,458 --> 00:31:22,125"The African Sorcererbrought me here."

6000:31:38,666 --> 00:31:42,416"Stop! He is my greatest enemy!"

6100:31:44,166 --> 00:31:49,041"And we are friends!"

6200:31:51,500 --> 00:31:54,666The Bridegroom.

6300:32:15,666 --> 00:32:20,708"Help me free Peri Banu!"

6400:32:29,833 --> 00:32:33,833"I fear no spirits!"

6500:32:51,708 --> 00:32:56,125"With these weaponsyou can conquer the spirits."

6600:33:02,833 --> 00:33:05,083The Bride.

6700:34:36,958 --> 00:34:43,500"Down there,Peri Banu is getting married."

6800:34:53,750 --> 00:34:56,833"We must stop the wedding!"

6900:37:03,833 --> 00:37:11,750The demons of Wak-Wakwere searching for their mistress.

7000:37:59,375 --> 00:38:03,958"Take me to Wak-Wak!"

7100:38:34,875 --> 00:38:40,833THE GATES OF WAK-WAK

7200:38:42,125 --> 00:38:47,833OPEN ONLY TO THE ONE

7300:38:49,458 --> 00:38:52,500WHO

7400:38:54,333 --> 00:38:59,666THE

7500:39:01,750 --> 00:39:09,333MAGIC LAMP OF ALADDIN

7600:39:11,291 --> 00:39:17,666POSSESSES.

7700:39:25,291 --> 00:39:27,583End of Act 3

7800:39:27,708 --> 00:39:30,041Act 4

7900:39:30,458 --> 00:39:36,208Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.

8000:40:20,791 --> 00:40:24,458"I am Aladdin."

8100:40:27,458 --> 00:40:31,041"Where's the Magic Lamp?"

8200:40:33,583 --> 00:40:36,458"Do you not have it?"

8300:40:46,708 --> 00:40:49,625"Let me tell you the story!"

8400:40:54,291 --> 00:40:58,458"I was a poor tailorin the city of the Caliph."

8500:41:05,875 --> 00:41:09,833"One day a mysterious strangerpaid me a visit."

8600:41:55,416 --> 00:41:59,000"This is Dinarzade,the Caliph's daughter."

8700:42:04,916 --> 00:42:09,708"You shall have her,if you do me a favour!"

8800:42:15,875 --> 00:42:19,333"He led me to a high mountain."

8900:42:38,458 --> 00:42:40,958The Magic Lamp

9000:42:42,041 --> 00:42:44,333"Get the lamp!"

9100:44:29,250 --> 00:44:31,625"Give the lamp to me!"

9200:44:36,541 --> 00:44:39,333"Let me out first!"

9300:44:56,916 --> 00:45:01,250"So die! I have other waysto get the lamp!"

9400:45:08,333 --> 00:45:16,750"I languished in the dark cave,until I succeeded in lighting the lamp."

9500:45:32,750 --> 00:45:37,250"What is your command,O Master?"

9600:45:44,083 --> 00:45:49,833"I am your servant.I and all the spirits of the lamp!"

9700:45:54,791 --> 00:46:00,333"Take me home!"

9800:46:29,250 --> 00:46:35,125"Now I knew I could winthe Princess Dinarzade!"

9900:46:50,875 --> 00:46:56,666"Overnight, I builta splendid palace for her."

10000:47:30,708 --> 00:47:35,000"In the morning, the Caliph visitedthe enchanted building."

10100:48:42,625 --> 00:48:45,333"She became my wife."

10200:48:48,041 --> 00:48:52,541"The Caliph is my father,Dinarzade my sister."

10300:48:54,916 --> 00:48:57,333"Tell me what happened after!"

10400:48:58,916 --> 00:49:03,708"One day, everything vanished,the palace, Dinarzade and the lamp."

10500:49:36,208 --> 00:49:39,500"I fled before the fury of the Caliph!"

10600:49:52,875 --> 00:49:54,458"I set out to sea."

10700:50:01,875 --> 00:50:04,708"A fearful storm broke."

10800:51:16,375 --> 00:51:19,500"And so you found me."

10900:51:22,708 --> 00:51:26,166"Do you know who did this to you?"

11000:51:27,500 --> 00:51:30,500"The African Sorcerer!"

11100:51:34,833 --> 00:51:37,708"He coveted Dinarzade."

11200:51:50,375 --> 00:51:54,125“Hurry, Achmed,and flee Peri Baum.“

11300:51:58,000 --> 00:52:03,708"The spirits want to kill her,because she followed you."

11400:52:12,916 --> 00:52:17,875"The Sorcerer has stolenthe Magic Lamp!"

11500:52:20,041 --> 00:52:25,041"Only the lamp can openthe gates to Wak-Wak!"

11600:52:29,791 --> 00:52:32,833"Kill the Sorcerer,and the lamp is yours!"

11700:52:36,666 --> 00:52:39,833"Kill him!"

11800:52:44,333 --> 00:52:47,291"I will try!"

11900:55:11,166 --> 00:55:15,833"Your enemy is dead!"

12000:55:25,416 --> 00:55:27,333End of Act 4

12100:55:27,458 --> 00:55:29,750Act 5

12200:55:30,083 --> 00:55:34,916The Spirit Battle of Wak-Wak.

12300:55:35,083 --> 00:55:43,666The spirits rose upagainst their faithless mistress.

12400:56:17,208 --> 00:56:20,250"Prince Achmed standsbefore the gates!"

12500:56:30,166 --> 00:56:33,208"Bring out Peri Banu!"

12600:56:49,125 --> 00:56:52,833"Go on, Aladdin!Summon the spirits of the lamp!"

12700:57:07,708 --> 00:57:14,666But the spirits of darknesswere one step ahead of him.

12800:57:33,083 --> 00:57:35,333Aladdin was overwhelmed.

12900:57:48,458 --> 00:57:50,708"Oh no! The lamp!"

13000:58:15,166 --> 00:58:17,333Then the Witch intervened.

13100:58:37,958 --> 00:58:43,625Flocks of benevolent spiritsstreamed from the magic lamp.

13201:01:09,541 --> 01:01:12,291"Behold! The palace!"

13301:01:26,708 --> 01:01:30,416"Return, and be happyin the land of the mortals!"

13401:02:27,666 --> 01:02:32,416"Dinarzade must be in the palace!"

13501:03:01,083 --> 01:03:06,625The towers of the Caliph's cityappeared before them.

13601:03:21,083 --> 01:03:24,083"Aladdin's palace has returned!"

13701:04:31,458 --> 01:04:38,500Meanwhile, the call to morning prayersounded from the minarets.

13801:04:56,291 --> 01:05:00,958The End.