TimedText:S1 E1 Bigipedia audio sample.ogg.en.srt explained

100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,426Click here for the Bigipedia page on Chianto.

200:00:02,451 --> 00:00:03,542(double click) Subject:

300:00:03,567 --> 00:00:06,126Chianto, first produced in 1952,

400:00:06,147 --> 00:00:08,280is now mainly sold as a beverage.

500:00:08,291 --> 00:00:12,444It is unclear why or how the Chianto company originially produced the liquid,

600:00:12,464 --> 00:00:15,277Over the years, it has been sold as a hair remover,

700:00:15,311 --> 00:00:17,347self-defence spray, hair restorer,

800:00:17,354 --> 00:00:20,401and to farmers as a humane way of killing chickens,

900:00:20,426 --> 00:00:23,574by putting it into the pigs' feed, and leaving the gate open.

1000:00:23,599 --> 00:00:25,566By morning, not only were the chickens killed,

1100:00:25,580 --> 00:00:27,420but often plucked, too.