TimedText:Metropolis (1927).webm.en.srt explained

100:01:06,583 --> 00:01:09,875Shift change.

200:02:27,791 --> 00:02:30,916Deep beneath

300:02:31,041 --> 00:02:34,583the earth lay the

400:02:34,708 --> 00:02:38,791city of the workers.

500:03:48,500 --> 00:03:54,083As deep beneath the earthas the city of the workers lay,

600:03:54,208 --> 00:03:59,833so high above it towered the complexknown as the "sons' club",

700:03:59,958 --> 00:04:05,541with its lecture halls and libraries,its theatres and stadiums.

800:04:38,625 --> 00:04:42,958Fathers, for whom every revolutionof a mechanical wheel meant gold,

900:04:43,083 --> 00:04:47,833had bestowed upon their sonsthe wonder of the eternal gardens.

1000:05:07,416 --> 00:05:10,750Which of you ladies shall today

1100:05:10,875 --> 00:05:15,708have the honour of entertainingmaster Freder, Joh Fredersen's son?

1200:07:54,875 --> 00:07:59,000Look! These are your brothers!

1300:08:01,583 --> 00:08:04,416Look —!

1400:08:11,666 --> 00:08:14,958These are your brothers!

1500:09:44,458 --> 00:09:47,750Who — was that?

1600:10:36,916 --> 00:10:39,333But this was what happened to Freder...

1700:10:39,458 --> 00:10:42,916The son of Joh Fredersen,the master of Metropolis...

1800:10:43,041 --> 00:10:45,708As he sought out the girl:

1900:14:52,416 --> 00:14:56,541To the new Tower of Babel —To my father —!

2000:18:46,666 --> 00:18:52,083Why is it, Josaphat, that I learn of thisexplosion from my son, and not from you —!

2100:19:00,041 --> 00:19:03,333Details —!

2200:20:15,666 --> 00:20:21,041What were you looking forin the machine-halls, Freder?

2300:20:23,750 --> 00:20:30,375I wanted to look into the faces of the people whoselittle children are my brothers, my sisters...

2400:20:57,083 --> 00:20:59,416Your magnificent city, father...

2500:20:59,541 --> 00:21:03,708And you the brain of this city — and allof us within the light of this city...

2600:21:31,000 --> 00:21:35,125And where are the people, father,whose hands built your city —?

2700:21:41,000 --> 00:21:45,125Off where they belong...

2800:21:52,000 --> 00:21:54,958Off where they belong...?

2900:22:00,000 --> 00:22:03,541In the depths...?

3000:22:38,875 --> 00:22:43,833And if those in the depthsone day rise against you?

3100:23:15,833 --> 00:23:20,791The chief foreman of the heart-machine,Grot, — with an important message...

3200:23:41,750 --> 00:23:46,708There were two more copiesof those damnable plans, herr Fredersen...

3300:24:27,708 --> 00:24:32,666In the pockets of two men who metwith an accident today at the m-machine...

3400:24:46,791 --> 00:24:53,416How is it, Josaphat, that these plans werebrought to me by Grot, rather than by you?

3500:25:17,750 --> 00:25:22,708Apply to the g-bankfor your remaining wages...

3600:26:27,708 --> 00:26:31,750Father, do you know what it meansto be dismissed by you?

3700:26:31,875 --> 00:26:36,000It means: To be sent below! —Father — below! Into the depths —!

3800:27:48,708 --> 00:27:55,333Do you know what it means to be dismissedlike that by Joh Fredersen?

3900:28:13,750 --> 00:28:17,875Would you like to come with me,Josaphat?

4000:28:58,416 --> 00:29:06,416Go home, Josaphat, and wait for me...I still have a long way to go tonight...

4100:29:18,000 --> 00:29:22,958Into the depths, —To my brothers...

4200:29:31,333 --> 00:29:37,958From today on I wish to be kept preciselyinformed of my son's every move...

4300:30:53,333 --> 00:30:55,375Brother...

4400:31:05,750 --> 00:31:10,750The machine! There needsto be someone at the machine!

4500:31:16,250 --> 00:31:21,208There will be someone at the machine...

4600:31:35,041 --> 00:31:40,000Listen to me...I want to trade my life with you...

4700:32:11,791 --> 00:32:16,708Josaphat.99th block. House 7, 7th floor.

4800:32:22,166 --> 00:32:26,291Wait for me — both of you...

4900:32:57,125 --> 00:33:01,666Josaphat.99th block. House 7, 7th floor.

5000:33:13,791 --> 00:33:17,541Josaphat.99th block. House 7, 7th floor.

5100:35:09,958 --> 00:35:12,458In the middle of Metropolis,

5200:35:12,583 --> 00:35:17,083there stands a strange housethat the centuries had overlooked.

5300:35:23,625 --> 00:35:29,000The man who dwelled withinwas Rotwang, the inventor.

5400:36:47,500 --> 00:36:49,500Hel

5500:36:49,625 --> 00:36:54,083born to bring me happinessand a benediction to all mankind.

5600:36:54,208 --> 00:36:58,708Lost to Joh Fredersen. Died givinglife to Freder, Joh Fredersen's son.

5700:37:24,958 --> 00:37:29,625A mind like yours, Rotwang,should be able to forget...

5800:37:34,666 --> 00:37:41,291Only one time in life did I forget something:That Hel was a woman — and you a man...

5900:37:47,291 --> 00:37:52,250Let the dead lie, Rotwang...She's dead for you as she is for me...

6000:37:59,958 --> 00:38:04,916For me she isn't dead, Joh Fredersen —For me she lives —!

6100:38:14,666 --> 00:38:22,666Do you think the loss of a handis too high a price for recreating Hel —?!

6200:38:29,541 --> 00:38:32,833Do you wish to see her —?!

6300:40:34,625 --> 00:40:37,416Now, Joh Fredersen —?!

6400:40:37,541 --> 00:40:41,500Isn't it worth losing a handto have created the man of the future...

6500:40:41,625 --> 00:40:43,708The machine-man —?!

6600:40:51,291 --> 00:40:55,12524 more hours of work...

6700:40:55,250 --> 00:41:00,416And no man, Joh Fredersen, will be able todifferentiate the machine-man from a mortal —!

6800:41:20,458 --> 00:41:25,958The woman is mine, Joh Fredersen!Hel's son was yours!

6900:41:53,125 --> 00:41:58,083And what brings you my way,Joh Fredersen?

7000:42:08,791 --> 00:42:15,416I need your advice —As usual, when all my experts fail me...

7100:42:28,750 --> 00:42:31,666Can you decipher for me these plans

7200:42:31,791 --> 00:42:37,041that for months have been gettingdiscovered in the pockets of my workers?

7300:43:12,458 --> 00:43:17,416At two... once my shift ends!She has summoned us again...

7400:44:43,875 --> 00:44:50,500Father —! Father —!Will ten hours never come to an end —??!!

7500:45:21,083 --> 00:45:25,125It's a blueprintof the two-thousand-year-old catacombs

7600:45:25,250 --> 00:45:29,375deep below the lowest levelsof your Metropolis...

7700:46:04,625 --> 00:46:12,625I should like to glean what my workersare doing exactly in those catacombs...

7800:49:36,791 --> 00:49:39,208Today I shall tell you

7900:49:39,333 --> 00:49:43,500the legend of the constructionof the Tower of Babel...

8000:49:43,625 --> 00:49:49,291The legend of the constructionof the Tower of Babel

8100:49:59,291 --> 00:50:05,500Come! Let us build a towerwhose zenith shall reach unto the stars!

8200:50:08,750 --> 00:50:12,333And at the tower's zenith we shall write:

8300:50:12,458 --> 00:50:17,041Great is the world and its maker!And great is man!

8400:50:37,125 --> 00:50:40,250But those who had conceivedof the Tower of Babel

8500:50:40,375 --> 00:50:42,666could not build the Tower of Babel.

8600:50:42,791 --> 00:50:47,458The task was too great.So they paid wages to outside hands...

8700:51:04,750 --> 00:51:09,833But the hands that built the Tower of Babelknew nothing of the dream

8800:51:09,958 --> 00:51:15,125of which the head that had conceived ithad been fantasising.

8900:51:43,333 --> 00:51:47,958The hymns of praise of one manbecame the curses of others.

9000:52:01,208 --> 00:52:07,416The same language was spoken, butthese men did not understand one another...

9100:52:15,250 --> 00:52:23,083Great is the world and its makerand great is man

9200:52:38,750 --> 00:52:42,875Head and hands require a mediator.

9300:52:45,333 --> 00:52:51,541The mediator between head and handsmust be the heart!

9400:53:20,625 --> 00:53:25,583And where is our mediator,Maria —?

9500:53:45,833 --> 00:53:50,791Wait for him!He will surely come!

9600:54:06,166 --> 00:54:11,125We will wait, Maria...!But not for much longer —!

9700:56:00,083 --> 00:56:05,041Oh mediator,have you finally come...

9800:56:07,833 --> 00:56:12,791You summoned me — here I am!

9900:56:43,625 --> 00:56:50,250Rotwang, give the machine-manthe likeness of this woman...

10000:56:59,375 --> 00:57:03,416I shall sow discordbetween them and her!

10100:57:03,541 --> 00:57:07,666I shall destroy their beliefin this woman...

10200:57:34,958 --> 00:57:41,583Leave me alone now, Joh Fredersen...You'll find the way back without me...

10300:58:07,541 --> 00:58:12,208You fool! Now you shall also lose the lastremaining thing you still had from Hel...

10400:58:12,333 --> 00:58:15,833Your 50"...

10500:58:38,750 --> 00:58:42,916Until tomorrow, in the cathedral!

10601:03:14,750 --> 01:03:18,875End of the prelude

10701:03:23,416 --> 01:03:27,208intermezzo

10801:04:04,791 --> 01:04:08,625Freder witnesses a monk at the pulpitwho preaches:

10901:04:08,750 --> 01:04:13,625"Verily, I say unto you: The daysof which the apocalypse speaks draw nigh!"

11001:04:14,000 --> 01:04:18,041The monk's hand points to the Bible,in which it is written:

11101:04:18,208 --> 01:04:22,000"And I saw a woman sit upon a Scarletcoloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,

11201:04:22,125 --> 01:04:24,291having seven heads and ten horns.

11301:04:24,416 --> 01:04:28,083And the woman was arrayedin purple and Scarlet colour,

11401:04:28,208 --> 01:04:30,375having a golden cup in her hand.

11501:04:30,500 --> 01:04:34,166And upon her forehead was a namewritten, a mystery:

11601:04:34,291 --> 01:04:37,791Babylon the great, the motherof abominations of the earth.

11701:04:37,916 --> 01:04:41,250And I saw the woman drunkenwith the blood of the saints."

11801:04:57,125 --> 01:05:02,916You will annihilate Joh Fredersen —Him and his city and his son —!

11901:05:48,041 --> 01:05:49,708Gluttony

12001:05:49,875 --> 01:05:51,541avarice

12101:05:51,666 --> 01:05:53,416pride

12201:05:53,541 --> 01:05:54,791lust

12301:05:54,958 --> 01:05:56,625envy

12401:05:56,791 --> 01:05:58,083anger

12501:05:58,250 --> 01:05:59,375sloth

12601:06:15,041 --> 01:06:19,083Had you come earlier,you wouldn't have frightened me...

12701:06:19,208 --> 01:06:23,333I now beg of you: Stay away from meand my beloved...!

12801:07:28,250 --> 01:07:32,666Where is the one whose clothesyou are wearing?

12901:07:46,791 --> 01:07:52,625Josaphat.99th block. House 7, 7th floor.

13001:08:26,666 --> 01:08:30,000Would you please wake Georgy up?

13101:08:30,125 --> 01:08:34,000He must lead meto the workers' city at once...

13201:08:53,125 --> 01:09:00,708No. 11811, get back to the machine andforget that you ever left it — understood?

13301:09:21,666 --> 01:09:25,375I have to have someonewho's faithful to me, Josaphat...

13401:09:25,500 --> 01:09:29,333Otherwise, how shall I attain the end-goalof my path —?!

13501:09:55,958 --> 01:09:59,708I must go on, Josaphat, —Must now, on my own,

13601:09:59,833 --> 01:10:03,625seek out the person to whom Georgywas supposed to lead me...

13701:10:07,041 --> 01:10:12,208Tonight, Josaphat —Tonight when I come back...

13801:11:59,666 --> 01:12:05,208Josaphat.99th block. House 7, 7th floor.

13901:12:42,666 --> 01:12:50,291So, what price are you demandingfor leaving this residence tonight?

14001:13:36,500 --> 01:13:41,625You still don't seem to have graspedwho sent me here...

14101:13:45,125 --> 01:13:46,333Central bank of Metropolis

14201:13:48,291 --> 01:13:54,458this man doesn't want his sonto find you still here tonight!

14301:14:46,708 --> 01:14:52,291In three hours' timeI shall be calling for you!

14401:15:48,333 --> 01:15:54,916Come! It is time to give the man-machineyour face!

14501:23:39,500 --> 01:23:43,583Where is Maria —?!

14601:23:51,958 --> 01:23:56,875She's with your father...

14701:24:13,708 --> 01:24:18,625I'm telling you,she is with your father —!

14801:24:20,375 --> 01:24:24,375"She is the most perfect and most obedienttool that a man has ever possessed!

14901:24:24,500 --> 01:24:28,500Tonight you shall see how she holds upbefore the eyes of the upper hundred.

15001:24:28,625 --> 01:24:32,750You shall see her dance, and if only onesingle person recognises the machine in her,

15101:24:32,875 --> 01:24:36,875I will call myself a bunglerwho never succeeded at anything!

15201:24:37,000 --> 01:24:40,041C. Rotwang"

15301:24:40,166 --> 01:24:44,958"C. A. Rotwang requests herr Joh Fredersento be his guest this evening."

15401:25:17,625 --> 01:25:24,208I want you to go to those in the depths inorder to annihilate the work of your prototype!

15501:27:15,833 --> 01:27:18,875"C. A. Rotwang requests herr Joh Fredersento be his guest this evening."

15601:29:12,541 --> 01:29:19,875Verily, I say unto you: The days ofwhich the apocalypse speaks draw nigh...!

15701:30:30,708 --> 01:30:35,625All seven deadly sins,on her behalf —!

15801:31:21,375 --> 01:31:26,291Death overtakes the city —!

15901:31:38,166 --> 01:31:43,083End of the intermezzo

16001:31:58,291 --> 01:32:06,291The revelation of St. JohnAvalun Publishing, Hellerau

16101:32:24,666 --> 01:32:29,083I escaped from the thin manwearing this attire...

16201:32:29,208 --> 01:32:33,750But for ten days your father's bloodhoundhas been making the workers' city unsafe...

16301:32:43,583 --> 01:32:46,666The only thing keeping the workers in check

16401:32:46,791 --> 01:32:51,000is their expectation for the mediatorpromised unto them...

16501:33:16,000 --> 01:33:21,291Even stranger thingshave been happening, Freder...

16601:33:31,791 --> 01:33:36,375On that evening when you fell ill...

16701:33:47,041 --> 01:33:52,000Once the best of friends...Because of that woman...

16801:33:57,708 --> 01:34:02,625The other man...On that same evening...

16901:34:10,625 --> 01:34:17,208The eternal gardens lie abandoned...But night after night in yoshiwara...

17001:34:53,083 --> 01:34:59,666And this woman,at whose feet all sins are heaped...

17101:35:00,000 --> 01:35:04,708Is also called Maria...

17201:35:13,000 --> 01:35:19,583That same woman that those in the depthsregard as a Saint —?!

17301:35:34,083 --> 01:35:37,416Many now go to the city of the dead,

17401:35:37,541 --> 01:35:42,375to a woman they have judgedto be as true as gold.

17501:35:48,166 --> 01:35:52,583The mediator is not likelyto miss that occasion...

17601:36:15,416 --> 01:36:18,750Whatever happens tonight:

17701:36:18,875 --> 01:36:23,000It is my express order to allow the workersto do as they please...

17801:36:34,000 --> 01:36:39,291Joh Fredersen wants to let those inthe depths use force and do wrong

17901:36:39,416 --> 01:36:44,750so that he can claim the rightto use force against them...

18001:37:02,333 --> 01:37:07,583When you spoke to your poor brothers,you talked about peace, Maria...

18101:37:07,708 --> 01:37:13,083Today a mouthpiece of Joh Fredersenincites them to rebel against him...

18201:37:36,500 --> 01:37:41,416She will destroy their beliefin the mediator!

18301:38:19,708 --> 01:38:26,291You know I've always talked about peace...But your mediator hasn't come...

18401:38:38,250 --> 01:38:43,166You've waited long enough!Your time has come —!

18501:38:49,875 --> 01:38:53,625But I've tricked Joh Fredersen!

18601:38:53,750 --> 01:38:58,125Your clone does not obey his will —Only mine alone!

18701:39:07,208 --> 01:39:13,833Who is the living fodderfor the machines for Metropolis —?!

18801:39:18,416 --> 01:39:25,000Who smears the machine-jointswith their own marrow —?!

18901:39:39,916 --> 01:39:44,833Who feeds the machineswith their own flesh —?!

19001:39:51,625 --> 01:39:58,208Let the machines starve, you fools —!Finish them off — I!

19101:40:01,541 --> 01:40:06,458Do them in — these machines — I!

19201:40:22,833 --> 01:40:25,666You aren't Maria —!!!

19301:40:29,291 --> 01:40:31,625You are not Maria —!

19401:40:46,166 --> 01:40:51,083Maria talks of peace, not murder —!This is not Maria — I!

19501:40:54,958 --> 01:40:59,916Joh Fredersen's son — I!

19601:41:02,416 --> 01:41:09,000Do him in, the dog,in his white silken hide —!!!

19701:41:40,083 --> 01:41:44,125Get your women, your sons,out of the workers' city!

19801:41:44,250 --> 01:41:48,333Let no-one stay behind!Death to the machines —!!!

19901:41:58,875 --> 01:42:01,041In the attic of his home,

20001:42:01,166 --> 01:42:04,750Rotwang displaysfor Maria his ever-growing intoxication

20101:42:04,875 --> 01:42:06,958with his triumph over Fredersen:

20201:42:07,250 --> 01:42:09,458"— And twice over did Itrick Joh Fredersen —!

20301:42:09,583 --> 01:42:13,500For I concealed from him that his son wantsto be the mediator of your brothers...

20401:42:13,625 --> 01:42:15,500And is in love with you —!"

20501:42:15,791 --> 01:42:18,291Maria isn't the onlyone listening to Rotwang.

20601:42:18,416 --> 01:42:22,416On the other side of the attic's window,Joh Fredersen was eavesdropping...

20701:42:22,875 --> 01:42:27,708Joh Fredersen breaks into Rotwang's attic. Hewrestles with his old rival and overtakes him.

20801:42:27,833 --> 01:42:31,166Maria is free.

20901:42:57,583 --> 01:43:01,666Faithful after all...

21001:43:20,708 --> 01:43:23,916Come, Freder! We still haveto go through the workers' city.

21101:43:58,583 --> 01:44:01,250Women and men,let no-one miss out on today —!

21201:44:01,375 --> 01:44:03,500Death to the machines — I!

21301:46:12,291 --> 01:46:17,208Not one man —Not one woman has stayed behind —!

21401:46:57,833 --> 01:47:05,125Leave the machines —!Let them race to their death —!

21501:47:13,625 --> 01:47:16,458To the heart-machine —!

21601:47:26,833 --> 01:47:29,541Danger

21701:48:50,916 --> 01:48:53,208Open the gates!

21801:49:00,333 --> 01:49:04,208You have to open the gates!

21901:49:06,750 --> 01:49:09,458If the heart-machine perishes,

22001:49:09,583 --> 01:49:13,333nothing in the machine-districtwill be left standing — I!

22101:50:01,458 --> 01:50:05,000Have you lost your minds —??

22201:50:05,125 --> 01:50:10,583If the heart-machine perishes, the entireworkers' city will be laid to waste — I!

22301:56:01,166 --> 01:56:05,750Where are your fathers,your mothers?

22401:56:58,333 --> 01:57:03,250Do you have any idea that your sonis amongst the workers?!

22501:58:41,083 --> 01:58:46,000Yes — you! You're Maria —!

22601:58:56,833 --> 01:59:03,416To the air shafts — quickly! Quickly! Thereservoirs have burst! The city is drowning —!

22702:03:38,375 --> 02:03:43,291We'll take the childrento the sons' club!

22802:03:54,666 --> 02:03:59,625Why are all the lights out?

22902:04:22,458 --> 02:04:27,375I need to know —!Where is my son?!!!

23002:04:30,541 --> 02:04:34,250Tomorrow thousandswill ask in fury and desperation:

23102:04:34,375 --> 02:04:37,125Joh Fredersen,where is my son —?!

23202:05:21,958 --> 02:05:26,041Where are your children??!

23302:05:34,583 --> 02:05:41,166The city is drowned,the shafts are totally flooded — I!

23402:05:48,000 --> 02:05:56,000Who bade you attack the machines, withoutwhich you're finished, you idiots —??!

23502:06:03,333 --> 02:06:06,916It's the witch's fault —!

23602:06:16,958 --> 02:06:21,291We'll be looking onas the world goes to the devil —!

23702:07:02,458 --> 02:07:09,041Find the witch; This is all her fault —!Strike her dead — I!

23802:08:23,416 --> 02:08:28,333Now I'm going to take you home,my Hel —!

23902:09:41,708 --> 02:09:48,291The witch —! The witch —!There she is —! There she is —!

24002:09:51,500 --> 02:09:58,083Where are our children,you witch, you —??!

24102:10:03,666 --> 02:10:10,250Burn the witch. —To the stake with her!!!

24202:12:04,458 --> 02:12:07,708To the stake with her — I!

24302:14:33,541 --> 02:14:38,500Hel—! My Hel—!!

24402:18:27,000 --> 02:18:31,916Your children... saved —!!!

24502:22:34,291 --> 02:22:39,333Head and hands want to join together,but they don't have the heart to do it...

24602:22:39,500 --> 02:22:43,375Oh mediator,show them the way to one another...

24702:23:23,125 --> 02:23:31,125The mediator between head and handsmust be the heart!